SafeLink Wireless & Assurance Wireless – A Marketing Review
That’s pretty much the message sent to us through those SafeLink Wireless and Assurance Wireless TV commercials. If you’re in the poor house because of one reason or another, or have a job but still fall below that magical poverty line (however much that is these days), the federal government will step up and make sure that you can have a FREE cell phone and FREE monthly minutes.
The programs vary slightly between the states and aren’t available everywhere just yet, but here in the great state of Georgia, if you qualify for the programs you’ll receive a FREE cell phone and 250 FREE monthly minutes.
Wow! Is that amazing or what?
Remember that we’re not talking about private companies stepping up and doing charity work. Both are being funded by U.S. taxpayers through the federal government.
- The Assurance Wireless website states, “Assurance Wireless is brought to you by Virgin Mobile USA and is a Lifeline Assistance program supported by the Universal Service Fund.” The Low Income program within the Universal Service Fund provides discounts to essentially make basic telephone service affordable for low-income customers.
- SafeLink Wireless’s website is more direct and states that the “. . . service is U.S. government supported program for Income eligible households provided by TracFone Wireless, Inc.”
So there we go. Apparently it’s a “right” these days for everybody to have access to a FREE cell phone and FREE monthly minutes. I mean, how could anybody even hope to survive without having a cell phone? It’s a necessity in today’s world, right?
Both programs by SafeLink Wireless and Assurance Wireless last for 12 months. You receive a FREE cell phone and 250 FREE monthly minutes, and after 12 months you have to basically renew the agreement and prove that you’re still poor enough to receive another 12 months of freebies. Of course, you’re supposed to call and cancel the program once you start making enough money, but we all know that people won’t exactly be eager to cut off the free phone service.
I’m not a huge talker on a cell phone myself, but when I see the 250 monthly minutes, that’s just insane. Phones like that are supposed to be used for emergencies and urgent phone calls, such as talking to a potential employer, not for just everyday chitchat. It’s not meant to be used to talk to grandchildren and other crap. I mean, we’re talking about over THREE HOURS of talk time EACH MONTH, for FREE! You just know that an offer like that is going to be abused. If a program like this was only meant for emergencies, then the amount of “free” minutes need to be cut back severely.
But it’s not and people who qualify for programs like this can just sit back and chat without paying for any of it. Great. Just great.
Let’s take a look at the TV commercials and see how the companies are practically encouraging you to be even more dependent on the federal government and carried on the backs of hard working U.S. taxpayers.
SafeLink commercial – Grandma
So here we have Grandma worried that she won’t be able to place a phone call during an emergency. At the end of the commercial she’s smiling because, as she states, “I can now call my family anytime.”
Okay, so why can’t your family chip in and get you a cheap, pay-as-you-go cell phone? Why do you HAVE to use a government program? I know for a fact that SafeLink Wireless’s parent company, TracFone Wireless, Inc., happens to carry extremely inexpensive cell phones and minute plans. I used it myself for a few months and it worked great. $20 for the phone (included the double minute plan), and the minute cards were dirt cheap. The network coverage was great and I never had any problems placing calls or adding minutes to the phone.
Apparently Grandma in the commercial isn’t worth the most basic of emergency phones to her own family. Sorry, Grandma, but apparently the sorry bunch of losers in your family could give a rip about your “poor” living conditions.
SafeLink commercial – Single Mom
Up next we have a single mom worried about getting by, especially since her phone was disconnected from her inability to pay the bills.
Okay, mom, why were you still trying to pay an expensive cell phone bill when you were running out of money? Why did you end up skipping payments, taking the hit on your credit report, and then getting your service disconnected when you could have stopped the service or switched to something significantly cheaper a while ago?
This single mom made some poor financial and budgeting decisions and now has to resort to the government and taxpayers for her cell phone use. Oh, but look how happy she is at the end of the commercial with that FREE cell phone and those FREE monthly minutes! She screwed up and becomes thrilled when somebody else picks up the bill in the end. Why can’t we all do that?
On a side note, if you’re a single parent, how does SafeLink help you stay connected to your child like the woman claims in the commercial? Does said child also carry a cell phone? Are you constantly calling the school or day care center to talk to the child? Can’t you just talk to the kid in person if you’re the only parent in the child’s life, since it’s assumed the child is living with you?
SafeLink commercial – Taking Pity
This last commercial reminds me of those sketchy diet commercials that tell you that it’s not your fault for not being able to lose weight.
Here, SafeLink Wireless appears to take pity on you and your financial hardships. Yes, the economy sucks. Yes, unemployment is high. And yes, I’m sure that if those people in need really wanted a cell phone, they’d find a way to make ends meet so they can have a cheap, pay-as-you-go cell phone instead of being on an expensive monthly phone plan.
Assurance Wireless TV commercial
The Assurance commercial has a few different scenarios showing people benefiting from the free cell phone program.
Up first we see a mother telling us proudly that she can now call her daughter’s doctor. I just wonder that if she cannot afford the most basic of cheap cell phones, can she also transport her daughter to the doctor in one way or another? Is she also on a government program to pay for her daughter’s medication?
Next we see some grandparents telling us proudly that they can now “. . . keep in touch with their grandchildren.”
A) How is keeping in touch with grandchildren an emergency? Why do taxpayers have to pay for you to have that privilege? Can’t you write them a letter or e-mail?
B) These grandparents dress nicely and it looks like they live in a decent house. How in the hell can they not afford the most basic of cheap cell phones?
Up next a young lady tells us that, “Now that I have Assurance, I can send a quick text.” Because being able to text is soooooooo important these days, right?
It’s interesting that this was included because the Assurance Wireless website states that texts cost ten cents each and REQUIRE some money to be deposited into your account through a credit/debit card, PayPal, or Virgin Mobile Top-Up card. If you have money to splurge for texting and other crap, then you can afford your own cheap cell phone.
The last, and worst, example shows a gentleman telling us that, “Now that I have Assurance, I can let work know I’m running late.”
Hang on a minute. If this person has a car AND a job, why in the hell is he using a government supported cell phone program? Does he enjoy leeching off the system and looking like a complete fool in the process? Can he look in the mirror and find any pride in himself?
But that’s just me and I know that today’s society is vastly different than when I was growing up in the world. What emergency handouts used to embarrass people back then are proudly accepted today, even for things like free cell phones and other crap.

TracFone – One of several dirt cheap and very affordable cell phone companies.
The TV commercials for the “free” programs make me wanna vomit. I know that there are legitimate cases where people are in dire need of some help, but the scenarios presented by both companies are just insane.
Teach people about budget phone plans and watch them find a way to make it work. But, alas, today’s society doesn’t seem to want to be as responsible as it once was years ago. Teach people today how to get crap for free and they’ll flock right to it, not caring about shame or looking like a leech or a complete fool.
Assurance Wireless, SafeLink Wireless, and TracFone Wireless, Inc. are trademarks and were used without permission in this article.
I am homeless in Olympia, WA awaiting judgement for an SSI Federal Disability claim, but currently on a program called G.A.X. (the state disability aid program). When I first called in it was because the website enrollment process wouldn’t accept my address. It is a “PMB” address or “Personal Mail Box”. So I called customer service and was instructed by the rep to enter a physical address. I explained to him that I am homeless and don’t have one so he suggested I use a close friend’s or relative’s. I gave him a physical address to my mother, and was approved immediately.
It’s been about a week now and I decided to call in and try and get a tracking number. The entire length of the call was 2 hours, 4 minutes and 37 seconds, and here’s why;
I requested the tracking number and the operator (while verifying info) was asking me questions, one of them being “Are you the head of the household?” I answered honestly, no … it’s my mother’s home but I was prompted by one of your cs reps to use her address because I don’t have an address to the tent that I sleep in. That was a BIG mistake!!
Suddenly the call turned from an innocent inquiry into my tracking number into a shakedown about the FCC’s right to charge me with perjury. I went round and round with the [censored] cs, but never resolved [censored]. I escalated to a supervisor who could also not provide me with a tracking number, but had no problem threatening me with perjury some more. I explained over and over AND OVER that never ONCE did I LIE to get the service, that I am merely HOMELESS without a line to stay in touch with family and doctors, and that her OWN [censored] REP suggested I use the physical address of my mother in order to seek approval.
Overall opinion of this company … pathetic. These people are obviously another company’s method of outsourcing to people without any concern for their customer’s welfare. Not once did I feel that either of the last 2 people I spoke with showed any non-scripted compassion for my situation. They were like civil vultures just looking for any excuse to keep me off their system.
The first guy I dealt with was not only TOTALLY professional, but he was problem solving, and compassionate for my situation. Unfortunately, I had no idea he might have begun the process of convicting me with perjury. *shrugs*
[censored] this company!!
WOW You are severely overreacting to this cell phone offer. Chill out! It’s ONLY 250 minutes! I paid INTO TAXES from the time I was 17 till I was hit by a guy not paying attention (I was 36) and nearly killed! I cannot work and have many many doctor appointments each month. Medicine ALONE costs over a thousand dollars a month! I NEED this phone for when I travel to & from doctor apointments. I’m not a druggie,nor do I use this cell for personal conversations.
If I could work I would. You try working without an arm & a leg and extreme anxiety and the 14 other health problems I have and then you can come back and tell me how to do it.
I don’t think you can!
You completely missed the point of the article.
This was criticizing the marketing of the phones and situations with people A) using the phones for personal chit-chat, and/or B) those who appeared to be able to afford cheap phone service. The marketing style by both companies is a slap in the face to those who actually pay for their own cell phone service honestly.
Yes, people in honest need of help should be able to use have limited access to programs like this one and Medicare. It’s when people abuse the system, or when the system reaches out unnecessarily to consumers (such as in these commercials), that’s where I draw the line.
And yes, 250 minutes each month is a very generous amount of time considering that the phones are meant to be used as emergencies only.
This is very poor taste in writing. Some people are unable to work, truly and literally unable to work and have to rely on the government for basic living expenses (I am one of them)
I did work for years until I was in a car wreck and now I am unable to work- Period. Yes, I draw disability – and while I do not use this cell phone, I have been without a cell phone for quite some time before I got approved for my disability. People without a phone at least need the ability to call 911.
You can’t sit on your high republican “screw the poor” attitude and expect people to readily bow to it. This is why republicans don’t get elected anymore (THANK GOD!) If it were up to the republicans, anyone who was on hard time and unfortunate or even unable to work entirely, would be sentenced to basically crawl under a rock and die —
Ideally, the church (in general) should provide things for the poor, but they don’t so that leaves the government holding the bag. While it can never be said the govt is able to take the place of the church – they still help.
You can’t judge unless you have been in that person’s shoes. Maybe you are a hot shot, six figure job- Congrats. You should be willing to help the poor and those less fortunate.
Additionally, who are you to judge whether or not someone can or can’t work. I believe that requires a medical degree to diagnose disease and illness. Unless you have somehow magically graduated medical school and are currently licensed in every 50 of the United States, you have no right to know whether or not one is “healthy” and “well” enough to work.
Isn’t this merely a replacement of the “Lifeline” land phone service provided through state fund programs that has been around since the 70’s? It provided basic phone service for emergencies at $9 a month if you qualified.
Nebula –
Like a previous poster, you completely missed the point of this so-called “very poor taste in writing.”
This article is not about poor people, throwing them under the bus, or even pushing them into active volcanoes. It’s against the distasteful advertising used by the companies as they look for new clients. Period.
Save your obviously biased political views and Republican bashing for other places.
Kayla –
Yeah, Lifeline Assistance has been around for quite some time. I haven’t found anything online about it providing phone rates super cheap, but rather a slight to moderate discount on your phone service depending where you live. Not sure how well of “business” it’s doing in comparison to these other companies that offer completely free phone service.
When it comes to going between a small discount or completely free (but limited) phone service, the choice seems fairly obvious. It’s mainly a matter of knowing how much of a discount your state offers with Lifeline Assistance.
People are reacting to the article this way, because even if you say the article is bashing the company, the writer certainly makes his disdain for the poor or needy known. And do you really think 250 minutes a month is a lot? If you do, you’re an idiot. Not to mention that on prepaid phones say I dial someone, and I get there voicemail, that takes an entire minute. You don’t ever get the full amount of talking time since many of your minutes are rounded to the next and taken away. And I can’t stand when people say WAHHH WAHHH our taxpayer money is being spent on this. THE PEOPLE RECEIVING THE PHONES PAID TAXES, TOO! Who cares how they are marketing the phones? Oh, that’s right, people like you. If you have a lifeline landline, you don’t qualify the for the cell phone. They are not saying a cell phone is the necessity, but having some sort of phone, whether it be land or cellular, is a necessity. Where I live, you can’t even find a payphone that works. If that old woman in the commercial wants to use the phone to keep a hold of her family, why do you care? She has paid into the system for many years, let her use her 250 minutes as she pleases. I just can’t believe this upset you so much that you felt it necessary to write this.
I am sick and tired of people not taking responsibility for their actions. I have a niece who was addicted to heroin and pregnant. Lost custody of her child for over a year, has a subsidised apartment, food stamps, Care for Kids (paid daycare), including the grandmother being paid to watch her grandson. She has her own personal cell phone AND the free one from the government. She does work at a minimum wage job, but smokes over 1 pack of cigarettes a day. Come on!!! What is wrong with this picture? Lets see – have a child out of wedlock, have an addicted child, no education other than highschool. A house phone, a personal cell and a free cell? Explain this one to me please.
I see there are the believers and the nots, but I too was married, worked and paid taxes my whole life, (hard labor jobs) had my own car, but life changes unexpectedly, it got to the point that I either was no longer hired or kept because I needed two surgeries on my skeletal system, which I have finally had, but I couldn’t afford a cell phone, I sometimes cannot get essentials, I beg rides for dr. appts. (and there are many) I can’t get approved for the ride, although I should be using power chair now. I asked and my sons wives will not put me on their plans or get me a phone. I got a polite NO, so yes, I need a phone if I’m out and can’t get back, I can’t walk very far,I AM stuck…after the rent at the beginning of the month if I don’t plan on doing any laundry or washing my hair, (buying taxables) I will have a few dollars left for rides. but not for a phone… I haven’t bought myself a new piece of clothing since 2003,, so if it weren’t for my “phone” I don’t know how I’d get home sometimes. I is hard asking people to help you so often, I know they get tired of it. Yes, there are some that take advantage, but please keep in mind there are some of us who can’t and if you are wondering why or how I am writing this computer message, I’m at a doctors appt. waiting and my “ride” let me use her laptop to look for a “phone” she said I need one.
Thanks for the writeup. I definitely agree with what you are saying. I have been talking about this subject a lot lately with my mother so hopefully this will get him to see my point of view. Fingers crossed!