Forever Lazy — A Marketing Review

What do you do when you’re cold and don’t want to turn up the thermostat?

  • A) Do you build a fire in the fireplace?
  • B) Do you wear extra layers of clothing like a sweater or sweatshirt?
  • C) Do you wrap yourself in a blanket?
  • D) Do you just go to bed and snuggle under the covers?
  • E) Get yourself a — which one is it? — a Snuggie . . . . no, a Hoodie-Footie . . . . no.  Oh, wait a sec.  This one is called a Forever Lazy.  Yeah, that’s it.  I’m positive of the name this time.  Forever Lazy.  WTF?  Forever Lazy?  Really?!? Whatever.

According to the TV commercial that may inspire people to smash their head against a brick wall, the correct answer of course is, E) Slip into a Forever Lazy and show people your new sense of style.

Forever Lazy website --- www.OrderForeverLazy.comForever Lazy website —

Believe it or not folks, but there is such a thing as an infant onesie for teenagers and adults.  The joy of walking around and being seen in public wearing a glorified infant bodysuit can be yours!

Forever Lazy – TV commercial — Note – This is an older version of the TV commercial as the current company website has a different final price and “free” bonus item.

Yes, folks, the Forever Lazy is a real product.  Having known absolutely nothing about it until seeing not one but two TV commercials for it today, I can safely say that this saddest and gloomiest days for me (first anniversary of a very tragic event) has been slightly improved by all the laughing I did at the commercial.

Let’s take a look at this TV commercial and see how the company does a ridiculous job marketing the Forever Lazy.

For starters, the name Forever Lazy is incredibly poor.

What the $@%& is a Forever Lazy?

Right off the bat we consumers have no idea what these people are trying to sell.  Is this a spa?  Is it a kitchen appliance?  Is it something for your car?  Is it an item for the bedroom?  Is it some kind of perfume?  The problem here is that a name like Forever Lazy gives absolutely no clue as to the actual product.  None whatsoever.

For the people who have the product and want to recommend it to a friend, with an unusual name like Forever Lazy, how many of them will actually remember the name of the product?  The product name itself is confusing enough let alone being hard to remember.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- Must . . . get . . . warm . . .Forever Lazy TV commercial — Must . . . get . . . warm . . .

At the start of the commercial we have a woman wearing a blanket, but apparently she’s still freezing.  Increasing the thermostat a degree or two is too expensive (that ultra fancy touch screen display on the thermostat looks expensive enough), and there’s no fireplace in the house.  Can’t the poor woman find some way to keep herself warm?  Perhaps using a small space heater is out of the question.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- F&#%ING BLANKET!!!Forever Lazy TV commercial — F&#%ING BLANKET!!!

Oh no!  The blanket just won’t stay in place!  No matter how many times you can tuck it behind your arms and shoulders it still comes free.  Oh, the humanity!  Can somebody out there please help that woman find a way to stay covered with her large blanket?

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- You mean that blankets CAN'T cover your back? <gasp!>Forever Lazy TV commercial — You mean that blankets CAN’T cover your back? 

Here in the commercial it’s stated that, “A blanket can’t cover it all.”

Oh, really?

The last time I checked, unless your body size rivals a walrus or you’re using a child’s blanket, chances are likely that a blanket will wrap around your ENTIRE body.  If you cannot figure out how to wrap a blanket around your back, you’ve got bigger problems at hand.  This example in the commercial is especially bad seeing how a skinny girl can’t wrap that great big blanket around her tiny frame.  Come on!  This is just dumb.

On a side note, it’s almost like this one example is pointing out a design flaw of a certain “blanket with sleeves” product that stormed the market a couple of years ago.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- All nice and warm ON TOP of the bed.Forever Lazy TV commercial — All nice and warm ON TOP of the bed.

Awwww.  Doesn’t she look all nice and warm and comfortable in her, what, a glorified athletic sweat suit?  Oh, that’s a one piece fleece blanket / jogging suit.  Um, yeah.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- Mr. Sophisticated in his Forever Lazy.Forever Lazy TV commercial — Mr. Sophisticated in his Forever Lazy.

Here we have Mr. Sophisticated reading the newspaper in his study while wearing a ridiculous-looking body suit.  Yeah, I can totally see guys wearing such a garment.  /s

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- Keeps your hands and feet free!Forever Lazy TV commercial — Keeps your hands and feet free!

It’s interesting how there’s no elastic around the wrists or ankles, intentionally keeping the material loose around your hands and feet.  Loose around the feet, no big deal.  But that’s weird how the material is intentionally loose around the wrists, and the TV commercial is actually promoting it, too!  I don’t know about you, but I hate it when the wrist cuffs on my sweatshirts lose the elasticity and keep sliding back and forth whenever I move or lift my arms.  It’s very irritating.

On a side note, I hope that the person’s hands don’t get chilly in cold environments.  Sometimes it’s hard to write with a pen or even type on a keyboard when sitting in a cold room.  That is, cold enough to require wearing something like a Forever Lazy.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- All warm and happy.Forever Lazy TV commercial — All warm and happy.

Here we are again all nice and warm and comfortable with the Forever Lazy doing things that no blanket or sweater or winter clothes could ever possibly do.  And that massive amount of pink color—-wow!  You’re not going to lose her in a crowd.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- Guys wearing the Forever Lazy while cheering for the big game!Forever Lazy TV commercial — Guys wearing the Forever Lazy while cheering for the big game!

Oh yeah, I can see it now.  Gather the guys and have them all wear Forever Lazies while watching and getting all excited for the game on TV.

Yeah, right.  This scene is a steaming pile of B.S.

First of all, that guy in the middle looks like he’s about to kill somebody with his bare hands.  Second, when you jump around and get all excited, won’t that increase your body temperature and make it really uncomfortable wearing something like a Forever Lazy?  Third, guys just don’t wear stuff like that especially when around other guys.  Period.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- Getting dog hair all over the clothes.Forever Lazy TV commercial — Getting dog hair all over the clothes.

Even the family dog can join in the fun when the kids wear their Forever Lazy clothes.  This scene with them wearing glorified pajamas would be better if we knew it was the evening and they were wearing that to bed.  Otherwise, once again we’re seeing another unrealistic example in this TV commercial.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- Can't dad stay awake? Geez!Forever Lazy TV commercial — Can’t dad stay awake?  Geez!

It’s kind of ironic that the dad is the one asleep while the mom and kids are apparently very entertained by “. . . the big game.”  Then again, the man is white so it’s okay for commercials to poke fun at him.  Showing the mom and her daughter not being interested in sports might offend too many people.

So why did the commercial say that these people are watching a sports game of all things?

It doesn’t even look realistic.  Between the dark room, mom and kids snacking, the three of them very attentive and having a good time, the dad sleeping, doesn’t it seem more likely that they’re watching a movie or TV show instead of a “big” sports game?  Wouldn’t dad want to see the big game, too?

This just gets annoying when commercials show confusing or just unrealistic scenarios.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- Mr. Plumber raiding the fridge.Forever Lazy TV commercial — Mr. Plumber raiding the fridge.

Hey!  The plumber is stealing the food!  CALL THE COPS!!!

Oh, wait a minute.  That’s just Uncle Joe getting a snack.  Whew.  Had me worried there for a moment.  That blue Forever Lazy outfit looked just like a coverall uniform that a plumber or handyman would wear.  At least it’s better than him just walking around in his grimy wife-beater and stained boxers. 

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- Highlights of college life.Forever Lazy TV commercial — Highlights of college life.

Ah, yes.  The highlights of college — lying on an old couch with the leg raised in preparation to release a “one cheek sneak” (or “air biscuit” if you prefer) while playing video games.  How stereotypical can you get?  I’m surprised there aren’t any crumbs on him or empty beer cans on the couch.  At least this slacker’s roommate (a politically correct, minority female) is busy studying and doing something productive.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- Mom and dad spending time at the lake.Forever Lazy TV commercial — Mom and dad spending time at the lake.

Here we see mom and dad set an incredible fashion statement while spending time out on a nice patio by the lake.  Notice the fashionable “poop hatch” on the back of dad’s Forever Lazy.  Yeah, I can just see people not bothering with sweaters and light jackets and instead choosing to go out in public while wearing their Forever Lazy.  Right.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- Showing up at the tailgate wearing what? That?!?

Forever Lazy TV commercial — Showing up at the tailgate wearing what?  That?!?

Taking another giant step away from reality, here in this example we see what appears to be some college students tailgating before a football game.  Naturally, they all showed up wearing their Forever Lazy outfits and yet none of them appear to be wearing any SCHOOL COLORS.  You know, the colors that should matter the most at a time like that.

Then again, these people are also wearing ridiculous outfits not associated with the school or mascot, so that shows a clear lack of judgment on their part.  We all should know at this point that unless they’re doing so as a joke, pretty much no college student or adult would dare tailgate or attend a college-level or professional football game wearing such an outfit.

We’ve reached the pinnacle of unrealistic scenarios here.  It’s scenes like this where the credibility drops to zero and you can only wonder just how desperate the marketing people are trying to show the features of the product.  It’s one thing to wear an outfit like this in the privacy of your own home, but showing college students and adults wearing it in public, especially at places like football games?  Yeah, right.

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- Gotta go! Gotta go! Stomach cramps! IBS! GOTTA GO RIGHT F%@#ING NOW!!!Forever Lazy TV commercial — Gotta go!  Gotta go!  Stomach cramps!  IBS!  GOTTA GO RIGHT F%@#ING NOW!!!

Oh now!  Running to the bathroom while clutching his lower abdomen.  There’s no time!  Can this poor guy make it to an empty stall and remove his Forever Lazy in time?  Can he save a moment of time and just open part of it?  Is there any hope for him at all?

Forever Lazy TV commercial --- IT HAS A POOP HATCH!!!Forever Lazy TV commercial — IT HAS A POOP HATCH!!!

Believe it or not, but thanks to a special “poop hatch” on the rear of the Forever Lazy, you can keep wearing it while taking a porcelain cruise.  Just be warned that placing your butt cheeks on a metal or stainless steel toilet may be a bit shocking after walking around in fleece, especially if you’re running to the can because of an imminent digestive emergency.

I’m a little bit surprised that the TV commercial didn’t show a man and woman kissing and lightly shocking each other on the lips, implying that wearing the fleece outfit and moving around can help “spark” a relationship.

After all of this we’re finally hit with the sales pitch.  Assuming that one has stopped laughing by now, you’ll see that on the company’s website the product costs a grand total of $45.85 ($29.95 + $7.95 P&H + $7.95 P&H for “free” item).  This includes two sets of Forever Lazy outfits and two pairs of matching socks.


At first I thought this was a joke commercial.  I mean, how hard is it to wrap a blanket around you or wear cold weather clothes when you’re chilly?

But surprisingly this is a real product complete with really bad examples throughout the commercial.  It’s a perfect follow-up to those blankets with sleeves with equally bad commercials.

Personally, I think that this thing looks ridiculous.  The pink Forever Lazy in particular looks one step away from being a giant pink bunny suit.

Pink bunny suit --- 'A Christmas Story'Pink bunny suit — ‘A Christmas Story’

But then again, this past Christmas I remember seeing TV commercials for a very similar product from The Pajamagram Company.  While looking equally ridiculous, at least the commercial for the Hoodie-Footie didn’t resort to fantasy and ludicrous scenarios to try to sell the product.  They tried to take it a little more seriously.

Hoodie-Footie TV commercial

 So there we go.

Thanks to products like these adults can walk around in giant pieces of fleece without a care in the world.  Bright colors, dull colors, it doesn’t matter.  The Forever Lazy is big and will get people’s attention, especially walking around in bright colors and looking out of place.  We’re approaching the fall season, and I can’t wait to see if anybody dares to wear one of those Forever Lazy outfits in public.

That still doesn’t excuse Forever Lazy from having an absolutely horrible product name.

Nor does it help that the Forever Lazy website shows a woman using an inflatable neck pillow, an item previously offered for free with an older version of the TV commercial.  If you’re going to update the TV commercial with a different promotion, you may want to update ALL of the website, too.


All of the images were screenshots of the TV promotion available on YouTube and the company’s website,

Forever Lazy, Snuggie, and Hoodie-Footie are all registered trademarks. is not affiliated with Forever Lazy.