Hot Booties (microwaveable slippers) – A Marketing Review

You’ve spent all day on your feet.

Finally arriving back at home, you pull off your shoes and then peel back your socks.  After surviving the nearly overpowering stench from between your toes, you sit back on the couch.

But your feet are still aching.  Putting them up on a footrest isn’t working.  Neither is slipping into a warm pair of socks.

Time is ticking and your feet are still pulsing with agony.  Help!!!!

What’s this?

Hot Booties?  Really?  What the hell kind of name is that?

Hot Booties website ---

Hot Booties website —

Sure enough, there just may be an easy way to relieve your feet of their aches and pains.  According to the people behind the Hot Booties product, the answer is as simple as microwaving a pair of their slippers.

Hot Booties TV commercial

Now that you’ve seen the TV commercial, let’s take a closer look and see just what the people behind Hot Booties are trying to sell us.

Hot Booties TV commercial --- Starring Tim Goewey and Taylor Baldwin. <applause>

Hot Booties TV commercial — Starring Tim Goewey and Taylor Baldwin. 

You mean to tell me that Tim Goewey is starring in this commercial?  The very same Tim Goewey that sold us that wacky Fushigi Ball not too long ago?

Holy crap!

Now we know that this is an awesome product if Tim Goewey is one of the pitchmen.  Where should I send a check for the Hot Booties???

Hot Booties TV commercial --- Available in the always attractive pink and blue colors.

Hot Booties TV commercial — Available in the always attractive pink and blue colors.

According to Taylor, “. . . Hot Booties are the greatest solution to cold and achy feet ever discovered.”  That’s quite a claim there.  Since she’s so enthusiastic, I’m sure that Taylor personally uses Hot Booties every time her feet get cold or achy, right?

It’s interesting how Tim asks her, “Slippers?”  They way he says it, it almost sounds like he’s saying “schlippers” kinda like the way Vince Offer pronounces Schticky.  I’m sure it’s just a coincidence since the producers could have had Tim re-shoot that scene and say the word more clearly.

Hot Booties TV commercial --- Just press the "Hot Booties" button and not the one for popcorn.

Hot Booties TV commercial — Just press the “Hot Booties” button and not the one for popcorn.

And just how do you warm your Hot Booties slippers?

Just slip them into the special Bootie Bag (yes, that’s what it’s really called), close it, and microwave the slippers for sixty seconds.  That’s it.  Supposedly the bag helps contain the aroma of feet from contaminating your food, and the scent of your food from making your footwear smell delicious.

Hot Booties TV commercial --- A hot, steaming pile of . . . . slippers.

Hot Booties TV commercial — A hot, steaming pile of . . . . slippers.

The TV commercial claims that the Hot Booties can hold heat for up to an hour.  Keep in mind that this is just a generic claim as here the definition of “heat” could be something like “one degree above room temperature.”

This is as detailed as the TV commercial and website get when talking about the core of the Hot Booties product.  It doesn’t tell you how warm the product will get, or roughly how long to expect the special slippers to stay warm.  They just use a generic statement to try to sell the product.

A much better example would be to have a thermometer show us how warm the Hot Booties become after sixty seconds of heating.  They could then show us how well the slippers retain their heat over the next hour.  Then again, if people knew how well the product really worked . . .

Hot Booties TV commercial --- But what about preventing foot odor?

Hot Booties TV commercial — But what about preventing foot odor?

Apparently the combination of using the warm slippers AND moving your feet around in them can help improve your circulation.  Amazing!  What are these scientists going to teach us next?

On to the testimonials!

Hot Booties TV commercial --- They feel warm AND good! Imagine!

Hot Booties TV commercial — They feel warm AND good!  Imagine!

This first shocking example has a woman acting surprised that some Hot Booties right out of the microwave feel both warm AND good.  For some reason, whenever I try on or wear slippers, they pretty much always feel good on my feet.  Weird.

I wonder how well ice cold slippers would feel during the summertime.  Would it be just as relaxing to pull some slippers out of the freezer instead of heating them in the microwave?

Hot Booties TV commercial --- The SECRET behind the Hot Booties!

Hot Booties TV commercial — The SECRET behind the Hot Booties!

Here the TV commercial is proud to tell us that it’s the linseed that helps hold in the heat in Hot Booties.

Well, what exactly is linseed and what makes it so special?

Unfortunately, the TV commercial and company website do not offer any information about linseed.  It’s just being used as a buzz word to try to help sell the product.  Good luck searching for linseed on your own.  What searching I did didn’t really reveal any Earth shattering information about why it’s so awesome or worth advertising for that matter.

What is interesting is that linseed is more commonly known as flax.  Tell me, which term would you rather use to advertise your product’s “secret” and make it look really sophisticated:  flax or linseed?

Hot Booties TV commercial --- Battle of annoying people.

Hot Booties TV commercial — Battle of annoying people.

Just when you thought that the Hot Booties TV commercial might have been doing an okay job selling the product, along comes this battle of idiots.  The commercial takes a serious turn for the negative as Tim Goewey has an annoying banter with this woman trying out the product.

Hot Booties TV commercial --- Tim Goewey and Taylor Baldwin modeling their trendy slippers.

Hot Booties TV commercial — Tim Goewey and Taylor Baldwin modeling their trendy slippers.

Here we have Tim and Taylor playing footsies while wearing their Hot Booties slippers.


Doesn’t that look so cute?

Notice how they are both relaxed and comfortable in those leather recliners.  Combine that with their microphones and look-at-me attitude, it’s almost like these two would be more appropriate as TV commentators for one of those idiotic daytime TV shows instead of this commercial.  Just give them cups of coffee and they’ll be set.

Hot Booties TV commercial --- Tim Goewey telling us all about feet. Great.

Hot Booties TV commercial — Tim Goewey telling us all about feet.  Great.

Here we have pitchman Tim Goewey telling us about all kinds of feet.  By the time he finishes his mini-rant, he and Taylor are both laughing while trying to finish this part of the sales pitch.

So how much does do the Hot Booties cost?

According to the website, you should expect to pay $30.89 ($14.99 + $7.95 P&H + $7.95 (P&H for “free” pair of Hot Booties)).  Over thirty bucks for some slippers.

The question is, can the “free” pair of Hot Booties slippers be in a different size or color?

Hot Booties website --- ordering page

Hot Booties website — ordering page

The website isn’t exactly clear.

Step 3 in the ordering process lets you select a single size / color, and then how many buy-one-get-one sets that you’d like to order.  There’s no indication of being able to order multiple sizes or colors unless you try to call the company.  Perhaps that confusing ordering page is intentional.

WARNING – Be careful if you enter your credit card company and press the “Click Here To Order” button.  Many of these as-seen-on-TV company websites do NOT give you a final confirmation screen before accepting your CC number.


It’s hard to take a product like Hot Booties seriously, from the ridiculous name to the product itself.

For starters, Tim Goewey and Taylor Baldwin don’t appear to take the product seriously themselves.  Their attitude is clearly laid back and casual.  They’re even laughing so much at the end that it’s hard for Taylor to finish her spiel.

When it comes to purchasing a product, would you rather have informative people telling you about its features, or two nitwits playing footsie while sitting in recliners?

Apart from being microwaveable, is there anything else that makes the Hot Booties so special?  Anything at all?

When it comes to the joy of wearing warm clothes, “The Calzone” episode of Seinfeld comes to mind.

Kramer’s plot in the episode deals with his obsession of wearing clothes fresh out of the clothes dryer.  When he runs out of change he switches to Jerry’s oven.  Later in the episode it’s cold and raining, and Kramer asks the workers at an Italian restaurant to bake his clothes in their pizza oven.  This ultimately backfires, of course, but the actions are still hilarious as always.


All of the Hot Booties commercial images were screenshots of a TV commercial currently available on YouTube.  For more product information, please visit the company’s website at

Hot Booties is a registered trademark. is not affiliated with Hot Booties.