Too Many Scripts and HostGator
The other day I received an e-mail from HostGator, my website hosting company, informing me that my account was suspended because “multiple scripts were causing high loading issues on the server.” My public_html directory was temporarily locked, not only taking down my websites, but also preventing me from using FTP software to access my files.
I have a shared hosting account with HostGator, and apparently one of my websites had an issue that was causing unnecessary strain on the overall system. Those issues have since been addressed, and now my account is in good standing and things are running better than ever.
So am I upset that HostGator suspended my account without asking me first?
Nope. Not in the least.
I wasn’t happy with the problem, but dealing with HostGator’s technical support went well and I was back up and running relatively quickly. That is, after I spent hours (before e-mailing tech support) researching solutions and getting a checklist ready for changes to make to my software.
It turns out that the process of repairing the software for my websites was easier than expected.
You have to e-mail tech support with your current IP address when asking them to re-activate your public_html directory. They’ll activate it for your IP address, giving you complete access to the files and websites once again. After taking the time to repair and test the software, you have to then e-mail tech support to tell them that you’re finished. Tech support will check out your account, and as long as it meets the standards for their server, then everything will be fully activated again.
One of the things that I like about HostGator is that on top of their incredibly low rates (less than $10 a month for hosting an unlimited number of domains and unlimited bandwidth), they aim to protect their fellow customers. There’s little fear of other customers using all of the servers’ processing power and causing your own websites to load slowly.
Another great part of HostGator is their technical support team. They generally respond to e-mails within minutes of receiving them, and they’re quick to offer suggestions and advice. All of my e-mails were answered within minutes of them being sent. On top of that, the HostGator website offers tips on how to run popular website software such as WordPress and Joomla and how to help it run better on their servers.
It’s these reasons and more that I will continue to remain a dedicated HostGator customer.