InstaHang (hanging device) – A Marketing Review


The dog starts barking, confirming the suspicion that somebody is at the door.  Looking out the window, you spy the delivery truck in the street.  “It’s here, it’s here!” you excitedly tell yourself while running to the front door.  You quickly pull open the front door, startling the deliveryman.  Before he can say a word, you yank the flat package from his hands and slam the door in his face.

“Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!”  You can hardly contain your excitement as you rip open the packaging material and open your long-awaited prize.  The dog gives you a puzzled look as you pull out the paperwork, as if he’s thinking, “What’s the big effing deal?”  Sure enough, it’s here.  After studying for three years and needing to take the examination four times, the General Educational Development certificate has finally arrived!  Yay!

The frame for this proud achievement was already purchased a week ago.  Using those skills you learned, you expertly slide the certificate into the frame and then secure it.  Luckily, it fits correctly.  If the frame was too small you were prepared to use those fourth-grade cutting skills to make the certificate fit correctly.  But that’s not needed.  Now you need to hang the certificate on the wall.  Easier said than done.

Selecting a finishing nail with a thin diameter, you approach a blank spot on the wall and carefully place the tip of the nail against the wall.  You hold the nail steady with your left hand, pull back the hammer your right hand, quietly say a prayer, try to ignore the dog’s sudden outbreak of flatulence, and then smash the hammer against the nail with a mighty blow!


You missed the nail completely and smashed a hole in the drywall.  The frame is going to have to cover that new hole.  You slide the nail up and two inches to the right.  Once again you steady the nail, pull back the hammer, and strike it again.


It takes three more tries before you successfully place a nail in the wall.  Unfortunately, the frame is not large enough to cover all of the gashes in the wall.  Standing back to admire your certificate, you can’t help but notice those two gashes in the wall sticking out underneath and next to your prized possession.  The neighbors will probably notice the holes, too, when you insist they come over and admire your latest academic achievement.

Oh, if only there was an easier way to hang pictures and other crap on the walls.  Using a hammer and small nails is just too challenging.

InstaHang website ---

InstaHang website —

What’s this?  The InstaHang?  Can it really make it easier to hang items on the wall?

InstaHang TV commercial

I don’t know about this “InstaHang” or whatever they call it.  Let’s take a closer look at the advertising and see if this is really a useful product.

InstaHang TV commercial - Where did I put that f#@&%$g hammer?

InstaHang TV commercial – Where did I put that f#@&%$g hammer?

We all know how complicated it is to hang something like a picture frame on the wall.  You have to find the hammer, the nails, the tape measure, the level and probably some aspirin for the upcoming moments of frustration.

Hell, finding all of that crap is just half the battle, right?  Who uses tool boxes these days when you can just randomly place items in drawers?  It’s much more fun playing that scavenger hunt game when you need to use tools.

InstaHang TV commercial - I . . . HATE . . . HAMMERING . . . NAILS!

InstaHang TV commercial – I . . . HATE . . . HAMMERING . . . NAILS! 

Why must hammering nails be so hard?

I mean, you can’t just gently tap the nails into drywall.  You have to give it a full swing and hope you hit the bloody head, or you’ll have a wall full of holes like this poor S.O.B.  Actually, if your hammering it this bad, you’d be better off hitting the nail with a brick.  Yes, a freaking brick.  At least then you’ll have a better chance at actually hitting the nail without damaging your wall.

 InstaHang TV commercial - It's the InstaHang!

InstaHang TV commercial – It’s the InstaHang!

Oh, look at that!  It’s the InstaHang!  It looks like, ummm, well, an InstaHang, I suppose.  Then again, I really don’t care what it looks like as long as it can take the pain and headaches of hammering a nail into the wall.

InstaHang TV commercial - Step 1 - Lock 'n load!

InstaHang TV commercial – Step 1 –  Lock ‘n load!

Step one involves loading the tacks that look suspiciously like smaller versions of push pins.

InstaHang TV commercial - Step 2 - PRESS it against the wall.

InstaHang TV commercial – Step 2 – PRESS it against the wall.

Step two involves using some coordination as you place the InstaHang on a blank spot on the wall.  Hold it against the wall.  Don’t let go of it just yet.  The next step is critical of you holding the InstaHang against the wall.

InstaHang TV commercial - Step 3 - And peg! Wait a moment! What about slapping the button?

InstaHang TV commercial – Step 3 – And peg!  Wait a moment!  What about slapping the button?

After slapping the button like you would on Family Feud, now you have a peg on the wall.  Wasn’t that so simple?  Who needs hammer skills now when you have something like the InstaHang?  PEG!

InstaHang TV commercial - OMG, I can, like, show off this horrendous wall clock. Yay!

InstaHang TV commercial – OMG, I can, like, show off this horrendous wall clock.  Yay!

That’s right.  Thanks to something like the InstaHang, now anybody can easily show off their interior decorating skills.  There’s no need to use a hammer & nails, or even duct tape to hold clocks, shelves or prestigious awards on the wall.  Whew!

InstaHang TV commercial - The secret lies with the angled peg.

InstaHang TV commercial – The secret lies with the angled peg.

You mean that you have to use an upward angle to hold things against the wall?!?

That explains why my painting keeps falling off the wall.  I assumed that as long as the nail was in the wall (a nearly impossible feat right there), then you were good for hanging items.  What a dolt I was!  Now I know to use an upward angle for extra strength and support.

InstaHang TV commercial - Careful . . . almost there . . . stay on target . . .

InstaHang TV commercial – Careful . . . almost there . . . stay on target . . .

And just how many InstaHang “pegs” did it take to support this massive framed mirror?  You can see one of the guys breath a sigh of relief when the mirror is steady on the wall.

According to the InstaHang website, each peg can hold about ten pounds against the wall.  You know that this framed mirror weighs more than twenty pounds.  So how many of the pegs did the people use to hang an item like that?  Maybe there’s a good reason why we didn’t see them placing the pegs before hanging the mirror.

Remember, just because something supposedly can do the job does NOT mean that it’s the BEST tool for completing the job.

InstaHang TV commercial - Showing off that decorating skill in the office.

InstaHang TV commercial – Showing off that decorating skill in the office.

When your co-workers ask about that slapping sound they heard, just point to your neatly displayed certificates and smile.  They’ll probably ask to borrow your InstaHang when they see just how easy it is to hang their certifications on their own office walls.

 InstaHang TV commercial - Great job, team! Go, team, go!

InstaHang TV commercial – Great job, team!  Go, team, go!

High-fives all around as the boy and his older sister celebrate finishing the nearly unattainable challenge of hanging a few incredibly small shelves.  Is that bottom shelf even level?

InstaHang TV commercial - Holy crap! It also works outside!

InstaHang TV commercial – Holy crap!  It also works outside!

Yes, folks, according to the InstaHang TV commercial, you can even use it on wooden surfaces outdoors.  Oddly enough, just like you could with a hammer and nails.

InstaHang TV commercial - You can also use . . . the hook!

InstaHang TV commercial – You can also use . . . the hook!

Does your painting or picture frame need something a little more secure than an ordinary peg from the InstaHang?  Not anything that can handle more weight, but something that can just hold your item a little more secure.

Just like using some hanging hooks like you can find at any store that carries decorating and/or hardware material, you can do the same with the InstaHang.  Just slap a peg into the wall and slip a hanging hook over the peg.  It’s that easy.  The standard InstaHang package on the website even comes with six of the special hanging hooks for your decorating needs.  Just remember that each peg/hook combo only holds about ten pounds of weight per peg/hook.

InstaHang TV commercial - It all stores neatly inside the InstaHang.

InstaHang TV commercial – It all stores neatly inside the InstaHang.

Believe it or not, but we actually stumbled across a valid selling point at this stage of the commercial.  It’s common for many people to lose nails and other decorating tools in their home.  The InstaHang’s design eliminates that problem by storing all of the accessories inside of the InstaHang.  Just be sure NOT to lose any of the extra hooks and pegs that you purchase.

InstaHang TV commercial - And it even has a built-in level.

InstaHang TV commercial – And it even has a built-in level.

Is the level really necessary?

No.  As long as you can hold the InstaHang in an upright position, the exact angle of the peg (or hook) really doesn’t matter.

Many picture frames only need a single peg to hold it against a wall.  It’s more important to level the picture after it’s hanged on the wall, or keeping it level with other pictures.  Doing so requires additional tools such as a pencil, tape measure, and another level.  Luckily, two of those three items are included as part of the “bonus” package through the promotion on the InstaHang website.  But when it comes to holding the InstaHang upright and keeping it perfectly vertical, that’s not really necessary for most items being hanged.

 InstaHang TV commercial - You can even do rapid fire mode!

InstaHang TV commercial – You can even do rapid fire mode!

When you want to really impress your friends, show them how you can slap like a dozen pegs into the wall in less than ten seconds.  Trust me, they’ll want to borrow your InstaHang and try it for themselves.  Of course, it helps to mark all of your planned pegs ahead of time unless you just enjoy hanging pictures or other items randomly on your walls.

InstaHang TV commercial - Amaze your roommates as you easily hang items in your dorm.

InstaHang TV commercial – Amaze your roommates as you easily hang items in your dorm.

Thanks to the InstaHang, now you can hang items without leaving behind a large hole.  According to the TV commercial, the hole is about as big as one left by an ordinary push pin.  This means that now you can still hang lightweight items in places fussy about room decorations, like college dormitories or rule-happy apartments.

Then again, some tiny finishing nails have diameters that rival those of push pins and InstaHang pegs.

InstaHang TV commercial - Dad can now hang all of his handyman tools like a champion!

InstaHang TV commercial – Dad can now hang all of his handyman tools like a champion!

Doesn’t dad’s garage look nice and neat now that he finally found a way to organize his tools and accessories?  And how many pegs did that little project require?

I wonder how easy it’ll be for “dad” to remove and reposition those pegs.  Would it be any quicker if he instead used a perforated hardboard (a peg board) and a bunch of easily removable hooks?

InstaHang TV commercial - The InstaHang hangs them all!

InstaHang TV commercial – The InstaHang hangs them all!

Notice how all of the items on the wall have something in common.  No, it’s not that they all have pegs from InstaHang.  The common element is that all of the items are lightweight.  That’s not a flat screen TV above the bed, it’s a lightweight picture frame.

Remember that each of the InstaHang pegs only holds up to ten pounds of weight.  It’s not like you’re driving nails or screws into studs here.

This ends the InstaHang TV commercial available on YouTube.  The TV commercial on the InstaHang website is similar to this except that it offers the sales pitch and bonus items at the end of the commercial.  Apart from the sales pitch, the scenes are identical between the two commercials.

InstaHang website ordering page ---

InstaHang website ordering page —

The website’s promotion includes the InstaHang along with a set of 50 hanging accessories PLUS a second 50-piece accessory kit PLUS a laser level tape measure.  When you take advantage of the promotion on the InstaHang website, take note that you’re also paying a separate $7.95 processing & handling fee for the bonus items.

The GRAND TOTAL for the InstaHang promotion is $30.89 ($14.99 + $7.95 P&H + $7.95 P&H for the bonus items).  This price is specifically mentioned in the fine print at the bottom of the ordering page on the InstaHang website.

The fine print also warns that by clicking the “PROCESS ORDER” button you’ll be placing a live order.  In other words, if you enter your credit card & billing information, YOUR ORDER WILL BE LIVE WHEN YOU PRESS THE “PROCESS ORDER” BUTTON!  At least the website actually lists this warning and the total cost in the fine print.  Lots of other as-seen-on-TV websites don’t even go that far.


The InstaHang is obviously being marketed to those people who have problems hanging items with a hammer and nails.  Not everybody has the coordination, or patience, to hang items with a hammer and nails, and in some situations the InstaHang is a viable option.

While several of the scenes are ridiculous in the usage of the InstaHang, the TV commercial does establish a few good selling points, such as the ability to place pegs quickly and being able to store the accessories inside of the device.

The most important thing to remember is that the InstaHang is primarily for hanging relatively lightweight items on a wall.  It’s stated on the website that each peg can only hold about ten pounds of weight.  You’re NOT driving nails or screws into studs here.  Almost all of the scenes in the commercial had people hanging items on drywall.

Those people looking for cheaper places to acquire the InstaHang, Walmart’s website lists the item for $14.88 with free shipping to your local store through the “site to store” option.  The InstaHang accessory pack is listed for $5.88.  Together, you’re looking at spending $20.76 plus local sales tax with the Walmart option.


All of the InstaHang commercial images were screenshots of a TV commercial currently available on Youtube.  For more product information, please visit the company’s website at

InstaHang is a registered trademark. is not affiliated with InstaHang.