Forever Comfy (butt pillow) – A Marketing Review
The hours slowly tick by as you sit at your writing desk and personally write nearly a dozen thank you letters.
Last week you received excellent customer service when the car repair company down the street rotated your tires, and you felt the need to thank them with a nice letter. That’s just how you were raised. Companies that don’t provide good customer service also receive a hand-written letter, although those notes are filled with vulgarity, personal insults, and even the occasional threat to carry out an act of violence.
You finish writing your last letter and seal the envelope with a large glob of saliva from your tongue. Yuck. The glue on the envelope tastes a little old this time.
Once the envelopes are sealed, you lean back in your chair and stretch. Muscle aches and pains send off a series of alarms up and down your spine. Every part of your back and neck aches from the tailbone to the skull. How can I be so sore? you ask yourself. I was only sitting here for five hours. Am I sore because the chair lacks a proper cushion?
Forever Comfy TV commercial
Just then, one of those as-seen-on-TV commercials flashes on the screen. You’re prepared to sit back and laugh at it like you normally do, but there’s something different about this commercial. There’s a product called Forever Comfy, and it looks like it may solve your back problem.
Forever Comfy website —
Let’s take a closer look at the TV commercial for the Forever Comfy butt pillow, errr, cushion, and see how it’s being sold to the general public.
Forever Comfy TV commercial – This hard chair is a real pain in my a$$!
First we see a woman going through paperwork while sitting at what we presume to be her dining room table. The table and chairs look fancy enough, but as we see, apparently the woman is quite uncomfortable. Can it be that sitting in that hard chair is giving her back problems? Or is it that she probably needs to hit the gym and tone the ol’ gluteus maximus, you know, giving her a natural cushion to support her body?
Forever Comfy TV commercial – The pains of spending all day playing solitare.
Here we have Mr. Office Worker and his back pains. Unlike the previous scenario, the chair here looks fairly comfortable. His office chair even has padding on the arm rests. What a luxury! My office chair has hard arm rests, and believe me, there are many days where my elbows are aching and sore to the touch.
We can only assume that tubby has kept his butt in the chair for too long, and what little cushion was supporting his 300 pounds is now flatter than a pancake. As a result he has back pains whenever he sits and plays a harrowing game of Minesweeper, chats online with college girls, or gives his personal information to the Bank of Nigeria in hopes of gaining a larger percentage of the $385 million that needs to be secretly transferred out of the country.
Forever Comfy TV commercial – It’s a butt pillow!
And just what product out there can supposedly help these people with hard chairs or flabby cushions? Why, it’s the Forever Comfy! Just look at how happy (and much higher) the woman is sitting at her table.
Forever Comfy TV commercial – Take that, Minesweeper! I beat you!
With the Forever Comfy, you’ll be pointing at and taking advantage of your computer in no time. Just look at how happy Mr. Office Worker is now that he’s using a Forever Comfy. On a side note, now that he’s sitting higher, look how he’s slouching when playing games on his computer. I wonder if that slouching will lead to any long-term back and/or neck problems.
Forever Comfy TV commercial – Like a jelly donut, the secret lies with the layer of gel between the foam padding.
And just what is a “Forever Comfy”? Is it any relation to the highly fashionable Forever Lazy?
As we can clearly see in the advertisement, the Forever Comfy is merely two foam pads with a layer of gel between them. Close it like a sandwich and throw a cover over the foam padding, and there you go. Voilà!
Forever Comfy TV commercial – It makes up for your flabby butt.
In case there was any confusion about how cushions worked, this animation clears away any remaining doubt. As you can see, a cushion is designed to support your body in a comfortable manner. Any questions? Up next we’ll be learning how to twist a doorknob to gain access into a room.
Forever Comfy TV commercial – It’s compatible with most rooms and chairs.
As if we couldn’t figure it out on our own, apparently the Forever Comfy can be used in a variety of rooms and chairs.
It’s a little bit confusing seeing an example of the Forever Comfy being used with an easy chair such as the one in this example. Those chairs are designed with a very large support pillow under your butt. When that cushion finally gives way from the endless amount of sitting, you tend to get that sinking feeling when using the chair. So if you were to merely put another cushion on top of a bad cushion, wouldn’t you still get that sinking and uncomfortable feeling? Wouldn’t you have to use something like Furniture Fix first so the new cushion (Forever Comfy) would have something hard to support it?
How about if the makers of Forever Comfy make a version of it with a hole in the middle?
Doesn’t your butt and back get sore when sitting on this seat? Why not have a version of the Forever Comfy that works with the most popular seat in the house?
Forever Comfy TV commercial – Fond memories of her favorite dinosaur (check the tall picture frame) are still in her head as Janet plays a recital for her friends.
Believe it or not, but you can even use the Forever Comfy with a piano bench. Just take note that you’ll be sitting a few inches taller and it may take a few moments to readjust to this height. Just imagine how sophisticated you’ll look when sitting on your Forever Comfy while playing a recital in front of an audience!
Forever Comfy TV commercial – This is where I sat when running over three hookers at the truck stop outside of Macon.
It’s Kevin M., a truck driver from Atlanta, GA! Why hell, if this truck driver tough guy uses a Forever Comfy during his routes, then it much be macho enough of a cushion for me. None of my friends would dare poke fun of me for using a butt pillow if they knew that Truck Driver Kevin also used one as well. Thanks, Kevin, for sharing your secret with us!
Forever Comfy TV commercial – It works outdoors, too!
It had to be seen to be believed!
Not only is the Forever Comfy lightweight and portable, but it also works on your crappy outdoor furniture as well! Now you don’t need to sit outside in discomfort and pure misery on those pleasant days. Nor do you have to spend money on designer outdoor cushions to give your patio set at least a little bit of style. Just take your ultra-stylish Forever Comfy butt pillows outside and enjoy the BBQ. Be careful though as your neighbors may be so overwhelm with jealousy that they may try to steal your Forever Comfy pillows when you’re not paying attention.
Forever Comfy TV commercial – Your butt is far too proud to sit on mere aluminium bleachers.
Make those other soccer parents green with envy as they spy your class and comfort with the Forever Comfy cushion. Combine the Forever Comfy with the Forever Lazy during those chilly days and you’ll be the most comfortable person in the stadium. Remember that those people pointing at you are most likely wondering where they can find their own Forever Comfy cushion like yours.
Forever Comfy TV commercial – This Forever Comfy will smell fantastic after I drink some prune juice!
It’s comfortable.
It’s stylish.
It’ll give you a great excuse for not seeking decent furniture or working out at the gym.
And with it’s size and design, there’s no doubt that your friends will also see your booster seat, errr, butt pillow, errr, cushion, and they will be talking about it.
Forever Comfy TV commercial – Those ‘other’ cushions cost how much money?!?
You mean to say that some people actually spend big bucks when it comes to their comfort when sitting? What fools! Don’t they know about the Forever Comfy cushion? Wow, they must be kicking themselves for spending so much money when there’s a significantly cheaper solution.
Forever Comfy TV commercial – You mean to tell me that I can get TWO of those cushions for such a low price?!?
Yes, Virginia, you can purchase two of the Forever Comfy butt pillows for only $19.95. Plus postage and handling. That’s only, let’s see, an extra $19.90 in fees. But we’re talking about your personal comfort here no matter how many people stop and stare at you. Remember that they are jealous because of your happiness.
The TOTAL COST of the Forever Comfy promotion comes to $39.85 ($19.95 + $9.95 P&H + $9.95 P&H). There is a 30-day satisfaction money-back guarantee, but that DOES NOT INCLUDE THE $19.90 IN P&H FEES!
WARNING – Be careful if you enter your credit card company and press the “Order Now” button. Many of these as-seen-on-TV company websites do NOT give you a final confirmation screen before accepting your CC number.
It’s not a surprise when pillows and cushions start sagging and losing their ability to support your body over time. A favorite or frequent chair will face this problem sooner the longer you keep sitting on it. This isn’t exactly rocket science, people.
When you combine bad cushions with bad posture / weak butt muscles, then of course you’ll start having back problems. Our bodies have a natural cushion when we’re sitting, but through time and lack of exercise, this cushion weakens and needs further support. It’s just a matter of how YOU choose to handle YOUR sitting problem.
The Forever Comfy appears to be a solution to people with sitting problems. It may look rather childish and cheezy, and the TV “promotion” may be a bit of a rip-off, but if it helps you and your problem, then so be it. Keep in mind that this cushion will most likely sag over time, especially if you keep using it every time you plant your butt in a seat, whether it’s in the dining room, in the car, or in a fancy restaurant.
I’m surprised that the Forever Comfy isn’t (at the time of this publishing) available in a variety of colors or sizes. Some people don’t want to show off a bright white cushion that tells the world that they have a sitting problem, or that they’re too good to sit on a mildly uncomfortable seat.
All of the Forever Comfy commercial images were screenshots of a TV commercial currently available on Youtube. For more product information, please visit the company’s website at
Forever Comfy is a registered trademark. is not affiliated with Forever Comfy.