Movie Review – Bloodsport (1988)
Some people fight for honor. Some do it to prove something about themselves. Others do it for glory.
The stakes for fighting are even higher when it involves a secret, full-contact tournament that puts the world’s best fighters against each other once every five years. That tournament is called the Kumite.
Today we’re taking a look at one of my all-time favorite films, Bloodsport.
Released in February of 1988, Bloodsport tells the legendary tale of Frank Dux, the first American to win in the Kumite. We have a flashback to his intense training and then follow along the three brutal days of combat at the Kumite, a secret, full-contact tournament held in Hong Kong. It’s not all fun and games as Frank Dux witnesses his friend fall to the hands of a brutal fighter, and he has to constantly elude two government agents who want to return Dux back to America.
Directed by Newt Arnold and with music by Paul Hertzog, Bloodsport stars Jean-Claude Van Damme in the starring role of Frank Dux. This was the film that launched Van Damme’s career as a martial arts action star.
Supporting him in this film are Donald Gibb as Ray Jackson, another American fighter, Bolo Yeung as Chong Li, a brutal South Korean fighter who was champion at the previous Kumite, Roy Chiao as Senzo Tanaka, Frank Dux’s mentor and sensai, and Norman Burton and Forest Whitaker as Helmer and Rawlins, two Army Criminal Investigation Division officers who try to stop Frank Dux and return him to America.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
Bloodsport begins with a segment of shots showing a team of people in Hong Kong cleaning and preparing the area for what will be the Kumite, a full-contact martial arts tournament that pits the best fighters in the world against each other. Mixed into the shots of the arena’s preparation we see a variety of fighters continue their training and final preparations before leaving for the Kumite. Amongst them are a South Korean master fighter named Chong Li (Bolo Yeung) and an American tough guy named Ray Jackson (Donald Gibb).
At the ending of the opening segment we’re introduced to Captain Frank Dux (Jean-Claude Van Damme) of the U.S. Army. He’s performing spinning kicks and working out at the base’s gym when a lieutenant informs him that the base commander needs to speak with him. Apparently word is out on the base that Frank Dux intends on spending a few days in Hong Kong to compete in the Kumite. Unfortunately, the U.S. Army does not want to have one of its officers be badly injured or possibly killed in the tournament.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
Frank Dux slips out of the base and heads to the home of Senzo Tanaka (Roy Chiao). He’s there to pay his respects to his mentor and trainer before heading to Hong Kong. Mrs. Tanaka (Lily Leung) warmly greets Frank and then heads to the bedroom to inform Senzo that Frank has arrived. While she’s out of the room, Frank notices a katana sword on display in the room. Seeing the sword triggers a flashback and Frank recalls the events that trained him into a warrior.
When he was a young teenager, Frank Dux (young version played by Pierre Rafini) hung out with the wrong crowd. His small gang broke into Senzo Tanaka’s house and tried to steal the katana sword. They hear somebody coming and the gang splits. Frank stays behind and tries to put the sword back on display when Shingo (Sean Ward), Senzo’s young son, kicks Frank and knocks him down. Senzo accuses Frank of trying to steal the katana, but when he swings the sword and cuts the front of Frank’s hat, he’s pleased that Frank didn’t flinch. He has a strong fighting spirit.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
Instead of calling the police, Senzo sits down with Frank and his parents and explains how Frank needs proper training in martial arts. It’ll make him a much better person as a whole. Everybody agrees and the training begins. Unfortunately for Frank, the training is more like being a human punching bag as Senzo instead trains Shingo and not Frank. Shingo’s attitude towards Frank changes one day when Frank rescues Shingo from being beat up by a gang at school. The two of them become friends as Shingo vows to fight in the Kumite one day and make his father proud.
Years later Shingo Tanaka dies. As Senzo and Frank honor him at a memorial, Senzo reveals that the training will stop. Senzo reveals that he lost his first family in Hiroshima during World War 2. He moved to the U.S. to get away from Japan and to start a new family. Now that his only child is dead Senzo feels failed since he cannot continue the thousand year old tradition of passing down knowledge and training from father to son. Frank convinces Senzo to teach him and continue the training. It takes some convincing but Senzo agrees allow Frank into the Tanaka Clan and to train him as he would to Shingo.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
Frank begins his training and we see a lengthy montage as his skills grow and he slowly becomes not only a physical but also a mental warrior as well. It’s an intense training program but the efforts pay off tremendously. Frank Dux becomes fully connected with his mind, and with the help of his strength and agility, he finds that he can literally do anything. At the end of the training program Senzo awards Frank with a katana sword.
After the flashback Frank visits the now elder Senzo as he’s resting in bed. Senzo makes sure that Frank knows what he’s doing before going to fight in Hong Kong at the Kumite. He seems pleased when Frank tells him that he’ll be fighting there to honor him.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
Frank Dux arrives in Hong Kong and makes his way to the East Lake Hotel. There in the lobby he sees Ray Jackson playing a combat video game. He’s curious about the game and Jackson challenges him to play it. They fight for three rounds and Frank wins each time, much to the frustration of Jackson. Jackson reveals that he’s there in Hong Kong to fight in the Kumite, and Frank says that he’s also there for the tournament. The two of them quickly become friends and look out for each other in the busy Asian city.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
When checking into their hotel, Jackson and Dux meet Victor Lin (Ken Siu), a small Asian man who escorts them around town and keeps them out of trouble. Lin takes Jackson and Dux into the city and shows them the secret access point to the Kumite. At the arena they show the officials their invitations, but they don’t believe that Frank Dux is part of the Tanaka clan. They make him prove his abilities by performing the Dim Mak (Touch of Death) against a stack of bricks. Frank shows his skills by destroying only the bottom brick in a stack, leaving the others unharmed. The officials accept Frank’s invitation and welcome him to the Kumite.
But Frank’s skills also caught the attention of Chong Li, the previous champion of the Kumite. Chong Li taunts Frank, warning him that “. . . bricks don’t hit back.”
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
The guys return to their hotel where they find Janice Kent (Leah Ayres), an American reporter, being harassed by an Arabian fighter named Sadiq Hossein. Frank and Jackson step in and interfere, but Hossein stands firm that he has control of the reporter. If any of the Kumite fighters are caught fighting outside of the arena, then they’ll automatically be disqualified from the tournament. Instead of fighting Frank challenges Hossein to a bet. If Hossein can close his hand onto a coin before Frank can snatch it, then the girl is his. Hossein accepts the bet and the challenge commences. Hossein thinks that he won until he opens his hand and discovers that Frank not only grabbed the hand but he switched the coin.
After saving her in the hotel, Frank takes a walk with Janice and learns that she’s there to write a story about the Kumite. Unfortunately, the Kumite forbids reporters from witnessing the tournament. It’s a sacred tradition and they wish to keep it a secret.
Meanwhile, Helmer (Norman Burton) and Rawlins (Forest Whitaker), two Army Criminal Investigation Division officers assigned to return Frank Dux to America, are hot on his trail. They visit with Mrs. Tanaka and learn that Frank had already left for Hong Kong. After arriving in Hong Kong they meet with Captain Chen (Philip Chan) and begin searching the city for the missing soldier. Hong Kong is a very busy city but Captain Chen has reliable informants who can find just about anybody.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
Morning arrives on the first day of the tournament. Ray Jackson finds Frank Dux meditating in his room while using two chairs to support him during a Chinese split. Ray is concerned about his friend until Frank ends his meditation and claims that he’s ready for the Kumite.
The audience and fighters gather inside of the arena and the officials welcome the warriors to the Kumite. We learn that the Kumite was first used hundreds of years ago by the Black Dragon Society to measure the fighting skills of its members. The fighters would all assemble once every five years and face each other in full-contact battles. Now the Kumite has expanded to include the International Fighting Arts Association to expand the number of fighters. After three days of combat one fighter will emerge as the best.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
The first match begins and audience members begin placing bets on who will win the fight. Victor Lin informs Ray Jackson and Frank Dux that there are three ways to win the fight. You can knock out your opponent, you can throw them off the fighting platform, or you can make the opponent say matté (saying uncle and quitting).
Soon we see Ray Jackson’s first fight. His opponent manages to hit him a few times in the face, making Jackson’s nose start bleeding. Jackson notices this and becomes furious. He pounds his fist in a hammerfist attack again his opponent’s face, smashing his nose and knocking him unconscious. During his victory celebration Jackson points to Chong Li and taunts him, claiming that he’ll kill him. This action only amuses Chong Li.
After Jackson’s match we get to see Chong Li in action. He’s the current champion of the Kumite and the crowd favorite. In last year’s Kumite Chong Li killed an opponent. He kicked his opponent in the throat and then stood there and watched him die. As we see, Chong Li is a strong and brutal warrior. He easily defeats his opponent and sets a new Kumite record for the fastest knockout.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
Frank Dux’s first match is against Sadiq Hossein, the guy who tried to take control of Janice Kent. Hossein tries taunting Dux but that fails miserably when Dux easily defeats Hossein. Just when you thought the match was finished Hossein rises and tries to make a sneak attack. Dux is expecting it and knocks out Hossein for real. He also knocks Hossein’s gold tooth out of his mouth. Not only did Frank Dux easily win his first Kumite match, but he also broke Chong Li’s record for the fastest knockout.
The first day of combat proceeds and Frank Dux, Ray Jackson and Chong Li (amongst other fighters) easily win their matches and advance to the second day.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
As Frank Dux and Ray Jackson are celebrating their success back at the East Lake Hotel, Helmer and Rawlins, acting on a tip from Captain Chen, arrive and try to apprehend Dux. Jackson distracts the men and gives Frank a chance to escape. He uses his superior speed and agility to run through the streets of Hong Kong, always staying a step ahead of Helmer and Rawlins. Frank toys with them during the comical chase. The chase ends when Helmer and Rawlins are trying to cross a bridge of small boats and they fall into the water.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
That evening Frank Dux takes Janice Kent out for a nice dinner, but Janice keeps pressuring Frank to provide information about the Kumite. She desperately wants to get into the arena so she can see it herself. Janice goes as far as using Frank and spending the night with him, anything to get into the Kumite. The next morning Frank tells her again that he cannot help her, but Janice doesn’t seem too upset about it. He agrees to meet with her again for dinner that night.
Victor Lin is upset with Frank when he arrives at the Kumite. Apparently the fighters aren’t supposed to suddenly disappear from their managers during the tournament. One of the Asian audience members then gives Frank a quick pep talk, which he finds a little bit suspicious. It turns out that Janice Kent is dressed up and being an escort for that man. She tells Frank that it’s not her first time going undercover to get a story.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
The second day of fighting begins and this time the matches are a little bit tougher. Frank finds himself being tested harder and harder when facing his new opponents. But he finds a way to win and continues to advance. The same goes for Ray Jackson’s and Chong Li’s matches.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
One of the more memorable matches during the second day is when Frank Dux has to fight Pumola (David Ho), a massive man. Pumola’s size is a very strong defense and it seems like Frank Dux has finally met his match. All of his powerful strikes are just absorbed by Pumola’s large body. In one of the greatest finishing moves ever, Frank Dux performs a Chinese split and rams his fist up into Pumola’s nuts. Pumola is defeated and Frank wins his most challenging fight yet in the Kumite.
The final match of the second day pits Ray Jackson against Chong Li. Frank tries to give Jackson some advice on how to beat Chong Li, but Jackson shrugs it off. He claims to know what he’s doing. The match begins and Jackson is able to gain the upper hand. He beats Chong Li and knocks him down to the mat. Instead of finishing him Jackson parades around the mat and tries to get the audience to chant his name. This gives Chong Li a chance to recover. Chong Li beats Jackson and smashes his heel into Jackson’s head, putting the man into a coma. He then removes Jackson’s bandana and uses it to taunt Frank Dux.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
Ray Jackson is recovering in a hospital and Frank Dux promises to get his revenge against Chong Li. Janice is horrified by this talk and tries to convince Frank not to continue. She’s afraid that Frank will also be hospitalized or possibly killed in the arena. The two of them argue about the Kumite and Janice runs to the police, telling Captain Chen everything she knows about Frank and the Kumite.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
That night Frank spends time by himself. He hallucinates and sees visions of Chong Li. In his mind he’s also seeing replays of Chong Li stomping on Ray Jackson. Frank spends the next morning meditating on top of a hotel that overlooks Hong Kong.
When Frank Dux arrives at the Kumite on the third day of the tournament, Helmer and Rawlins are waiting for him. So is Captain Chen and a few of his police officers. Frank makes his way down the alley and easily defeats Captain Chen’s men. Then he grabs a garbage can lid and deflects the bolts from Helmer and Rawlins’ tasers. Frank has the upper hand and the men are forced to allow him to enter the arena and compete.
In the first match Frank Dux battles a fighter named Paco. Paco uses a cheap trick in the beginning and seems to have the upper hand, but Frank finds his rhythm and seems to have fun beating up Paco. Frank defeats Paco with a spinning roundhouse kick to the head. After the fight the audience is chanting Dux’s name.
The next match has Chong Li versus Chaun Ip Mung. Chaun has a strong fighting spirit and continues attacking Chong Li over and over, making Chong Li angry. Chong Li gains the upper hand and disables Chaun. He finishes the fight with a powerful fight to Chaun’s head. Chaun Ip Mung is killed from the punch. The officials rise and pray to the shrine, a move that makes them turn their back to Chong Li and disrespect him. The audience also rises and faces the shrine, but Chong Li doesn’t care. He’s more interested in taunting Frank Dux.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
It’s time for the final battle of the Kumite, Frank Dux versus Chong Li. The arena’s platform is altered so that it’s low in the middle and high at each end. As the two fighters approach the platform we see that Chong Li is wearing Jackson’s bandana around his leg. The first part of the match goes back and for as each fighter gains the advantage. Then Frank Dux finds an edge and gives Chong Li a beating, threatening to end the match.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
Just as Chong Li is about to lose he reaches into his shorts and crushes a powdery pill, making it into a dust. He then throws the dust into Frank Dux’s eyes, temporarily blinding him. Chong Li then goes on a rampage and gives Frank a beating. Frank appears to be helpless as he kneels in the middle of the platform, unable to see his opponent.
There’s a short break in the fighting as Chong Li continues to toy with Frank Dux, making him suffer for a little bit longer before delivering a finishing blow. This pause allows Frank to relax himself and recall his teachings from Senzo Tanaka. He remembers how to move while blindfolded and use his other senses. This works and Frank Dux dominates the remainder of the fight. He grapples Chong Li and makes him say matté. The fight ends and Frank claims Ray Jackson’s bandana from Chong Li’s leg.
Bloodsport (1988) – (c) The Cannon Group
Frank Dux wins the fight, claims his revenge against Chong Li, and honors Senzo Tanaka. In a formal ceremony Frank is awarded a katana as a trophy. Back at the hospital, Ray Jackson is thrilled to hear of Frank’s victory over Chong Li. He’s then honored when Frank returns his bandana. Jackson makes a pledge to always be there for his friend.
Bloodsport ends with Helmer and Rawlins waiting for Frank Dux at the airport. They think that he’s given the slip to them when it’s revealed that he’s already waiting for them on the airplane. Just as he’s about to board the plane again Janice Kent arrives at the airport. She salutes Frank and then we see some Frank Dux’s real life Kumite statistics including number of consecutive knockouts and times and speeds for the world’s fastest knockouts.
So is Bloodsport any good?
Hell yes!
Then again I’m heavily biased towards this film. I’ve been a fan of Bloodsport since owning a copy of the movie on VHS back in 1990. Back in those days I was heavily involved in tae-kwon-do and this film was my Holy Grail.
One of the better things about Bloodsport is its simplicity. This is basically a mindless action film with plenty of martial arts action. You don’t have to worry about character development or any deep meanings within the film. We learn a little bit about Frank Dux’s history and then it’s off to Hong Kong for three days of combat. Throw in some humor, a tiny bit of romance, and some good old fashioned revenge, and there you go.
Sure, some of the dialogue is pretty lame. So are the few moments where it looks like the voices were dubbed and added later in the film’s production. Some of the people could have used some acting lessons as well.
But that’s not enough to bring down a film of this magnitude. This is Bloodsport for cryin’ out loud! We’re here for the fight scenes, and when it comes to that aspect this film delivers. This is a perfect film to watch with a group of guys and a lot of beer. And maybe some hot wings too. Yeah, you definitely need some good snack food thrown into that mix.
Bloodsport (1988) – movie trailer
If you love action movies and martial arts films, then you absolutely must see Bloodsport. This is definitely a kick ass film!
Boxer – “Jackson, you going to go to Hong Kong?”
Jackson – “I love anything full contact. I need a few more scars on my face.”
Boxer – “But I heard you can get killed at that Kumite.”
Jackson – “Only if you fuck up!”
Frank Dux – “Teach me. I can do it.”
Tanaka – “You are not Japanese! You are not a Tanaka!”
Frank Dux – “You told me to use any tactic that works, never to commit yourself to one style, to keep an open mind!”
Tanaka – “Why?”
Frank Dux – “To honor you, shidoshi.”
Ray Jackson – [turns to Frank] “What the hell is a Dim Mack?”
Official – “Death touch.”
[Frank is meditating while doing a Chinese split between two chairs]
Jackson – “That hurts me just lookin’ at it.”
[before fighting against Frank Dux] Hossein – “Now I show you some trick or two!”
[Jackson is matched against Chong Li] Jackson – “Time to separate the men from the boys.”
Victor – “Just be sure Chong Li doesn’t separate your head from your body.”
[speaking to Frank Dux before the final match] Chong Li – “You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend.”