Movie Review – Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Over thirty years ago a new action-adventure hero was born.

This wasn’t a super hero created by a radioactive experiment, a war hero out to avenge his slain friends, or even an outer space fighter pilot hero.

This new hero is an archaeologist of all people.  He’s part treasure hunter, part professor of ancient people and the occult.  Armed with his revolver, his fists, his wits, and his trademark bullwhip, he’s a formidable opponent to his enemies and a powerful ally to his friends.  He’s known as Indiana Jones.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) movie poster

Released in 1981, Raiders of the Lost Ark is an action-adventure story that pits Indiana Jones against a rival French archaeologist and the evil menace of Nazi Germany.

The year is 1936, and fresh from a death-defying trip to South America in search of an ancient Peruvian idol, Professor Henry “Indiana” Jones, Junior (Harrison Ford), is recruited by the U.S. government to see what the Nazis are after in Egypt.  Adolf Hitler has been trying to seize religious artifacts around the world, and recent development in the sands of Egypt has come to the U.S. government’s attention.

Dr. Jones studies the clues given by the government agents and determines that the Nazis are after the Ark of the Covenant.  The Ark, as Indy explains, is believed to be within the ancient city of Tanis and stored in a secret chamber known as the Well of Souls.  The only problem is that the exact location of both Tanis and the Well of Souls is a bit of a mystery as the city was consumed by the desert during a year-long sand storm.  But as the agents reveal, the Nazis are closing in on the lost city and the tool used for finding the Well of Souls, the Staff of Ra.  The Staff of Ra’s special headpiece is believed to be in the possession of Indy’s old mentor, Abner Ravenwood.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - Indy stealing a Peruvian idol.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) – (c) Paramount Pictures

Indiana Jones begins his quest by trekking west to the snowy mountains of Nepal, in southern Asia.  There he meets up with Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen), his former lover and daughter of mentor, Abner Ravenwood.  He learns that Abner died some time ago, but Marion is still believed to be in possession of the headpiece.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - Indy meeting Marion in her bar.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) – (c) Paramount Pictures

It’s in Marion’s bar in Nepal where Indy has his first encounter with Nazi thugs.  After Marion kicks him out for the night, Nazi agent Major Toht tries to use local hitmen to aggressively convince Marion to give him the headpiece.  She refuses, and right before being tortured, Indiana Jones surprises Major Toht and a massive bar fight ensues.  Guns fire, fists pound flesh, and several hitmen are killed as Indy fights off Major Toht and rescues Marion, all while her bar catches fire and burns to the ground.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - Indy using discovering the location of the Well of Souls.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) – (c) Paramount Pictures

After the fight in Nepal, Indy and Marion travel to Cairo, Egypt, when they meet up with Indy’s friend and local digger, Sallah (John Rhys-Davies).  Not long after their arrival, Nazis kidnap Marion and she’s believed to be killed during Indy’s pursuit and attempted rescue.  Devastated, Indy and Sallah continue to find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis find it.  They sneak into the recently discovered map room, and using a staff and the special headpiece, Indy learns the true location of the Well of Souls.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - Indy and Sallah carefully lifting the Ark of the Covenant in the Well of Souls.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) – (c) Paramount Pictures

After using the map room, Indy discovers that Marion is still alive and being held captive.  He’s forced to leave her captive as her escape would prompt the Nazis to practically destroy the town in search of Indy and Marion.  Leaving her behind, Indy and Sallah, along with hired diggers, dig and reach the Well of Souls.  Indy and Sallah descend into the Well of Souls, and there they discover the Ark of the Covenant.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - Indy fighting a German mechanic at an airfield.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) – (c) Paramount Pictures

But that’s just part of the incredible tale of action and adventure in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - Nazis stealing back the Ark.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) – (c) Paramount Pictures

The remainder of the movie has Indy battling and outwitting the Nazis, and fighting back possession of the Ark on several occasions.  From fighting a giant Nazi mechanic at a German airfield, to stealing a truck carrying the Ark in an armed convoy, to sneaking onto a Nazi-occupied island in the Mediterranean, to the ultimate powers of the Ark itself, Raiders of the Lost Ark is one thrill after another.  And the giant boulder that chases Indy out of the temple in Peru?  That’s sheer genius!

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - Indy threatening to destroy the Ark.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) – (c) Paramount Pictures

To me, Raiders of the Lost Ark is the best movie of the Indiana Jones series, and one of my favorite movies of all time.  From the outstanding music to the fantastic movie locations to the kick-ass action scenes, Indiana Jones delivers as a movie hero.  Indy has the guts to take on the biggest and toughest of opponents, and he finds a way to win.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - Indy and Marion watching as Belloq and the Nazis open the Ark of the Covenant.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) – (c) Paramount Pictures

Raiders of the Lost Ark is easily one of those movies you can sit back and enjoy over and over again.  It’s just that good.  This isn’t one of those modern day movies that over-relies on special effects or CGI or some warped way to twist your mind.  Raiders of the Lost Ark is just a good solid movie.  It came out of nowhere, gave the audience an instant classic movie hero, and has spawned three sequels, a TV series, video games, and even theme park rides.  John Williams’s famous Raiders March is one of the most recognized tunes in the history of Hollywood.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) – movie trailer

four-and-a-half stars

Marcus Brody:  “The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions.  An army that carries the Ark before it . . . is invincible.


This article was originally published on April 13, 2012.