Tummy Stuffers (stuffed animal storage bag) – A Marketing Review
Little Sally’s bedroom looks atrocious as her toys and clean clothes are scattered across the bed and on the floor.
It’s obvious that she refuses to listen and instead chooses to “decorate” her room as she pleases, despite knowing your objections to the clutter. Perhaps if there was a more creative way for the girl to clean her room and store her stuff, then the child’s bedroom might be closer to what one would refer to as “liveable” or perhaps even orderly.
Should the child stuff everything into a dresser or even the closet? No, that solution would probably work fine if said child was organized, but remember we’re also looking for a solution that’s fun. Most kids will tell you that being organized is not nearly as fun as their parents tell them. It ranks up there with homework and other chores.
How about cramming a bunch of crap into stuffed animals (or rather “unstuffed” animals) and calling that a storage container?
Wait. What?
Tummy Stuffers website — www.BuyTummyStuffers.com
According to something called the Tummy Stuffer, that’s exactly what kids can do these days. They can literally stuff a bunch of items, preferably soft items, into a plush animal, and use that as a storage device.
As disturbing as it sounds, that’s exactly how the Tummy Stuffers stuffed animals work. The incredibly simple TV commercial explains it all.
Tummy Stuffers TV commercial
Let’s take a closer look at the TV commercial for Tummy Stuffers and see how the product is being advertised to the public.
Tummy Stuffers TV commercial – Watch as the monkey eats the cow!
The Tummy Stuffers commercial begins with a quick animation showing something resembling a monkey eating the product’s logo. After that we see a girl putting several small stuffed animals, and even a plush cow, into her monkey Tummy Stuffer.
That’s right. She’s stuffing animals into the “stomach” of a monkey. Maybe next week she’ll try stuffing a toy into a younger sibling’s stomach and seeing if that works too.
Tummy Stuffers TV commercial – The unicorn is hungry for clothes.
Next we see how a skimpy unicorn “eats” a bunch of soft stuff and becomes a large, round and now soft unicorn. One would assume that the unicorn won’t be as soft or cuddly if the child were to shove books, action figures, toy cars or anything else hard into said unicorn’s stomach (a.k.a. “tummy”).
Tummy Stuffers TV commercial – Shoving a remote down a monkey’s throat.
The next example shows a boy stuffing a television remote control into an already stuffed monkey Tummy Stuffer. That may not be the best of ideas as, A) the constant pressure on buttons can drain the batteries inside the remote control, and B) playing around like that with a remote can break it, causing severe problems when it’s time to change channels.
On a side note, this example doesn’t make any sense as people these days are constantly using the remote control, whether you’re changing channels or setting up reminders for shows later that day. Why put the remote control into a container like the Tummy Stuffer when you’ll just be pulling it out and using it again in a few minutes?
The Tummy Stuffers commercial shows a few more examples with kids stuffing everything from blankets to shoes into those wacky stuffed animals. After that we see a girl putting clean clothes right from the dryer into a ladybug Tummy Stuffer. Ummm, okay. I guess. So the Tummy Stuffer can be a makeshift clothes hamper that can carry a few clothes. Mom will have to carry the rest of the girl’s clothes out of the laundry room. Of course, this is assuming that the inside of the Tummy Stuffer is still clean and won’t get her clean clothes dirty.
Tummy Stuffers TV commercial – Apparently that massive pile of dryer lint is ‘not yummy.’
When it comes to the dryer lint, apparently that is “not yummy.” Whew! I was worried about that part for a moment, wondering if the kid was going to shove the lint along with dirt and cobwebs into her ladybug Tummy Stuffer. Apparently she knows that it’s not a good idea to shove “not yummy” items into the toy. Hopefully there’s a listing of “yummy” and “not yummy” items to go along with the Tummy Stuffers.
This part of the TV commercial is ridiculous.
So tell me, what else is “not yummy” for the Tummy Stuffers? Are scissors and knives “yummy”? How about apple slices or pudding? A lot of kids think of those as being yummy in their tummy, but they probably do not belong inside of a Tummy Stuffer unless you want a mess. Speaking of pudding, how about floaters in the toilet or Rover’s big pile of fertilizer in the backyard? Some animals in reality eat that stuff. My dog will eat the cat’s droppings, and let me tell you, it’s disgusting as hell. Since my dog does that in real life, is it okay to stuff poop into the dog Tummy Stuffer?
Tummy Stuffers TV commercial – The dog looks like it’s choking on balls.
Speaking of the dog Tummy Stuffer, later we see a kid with an afro shove about a dozen plastic balls into the Tan Dog Tummy Stuffer. While this attempts to show the volume available inside of a Tummy Stuffer, something else is accidentally revealed in this segment. Notice how the kid has to press onto the dog’s mouth to keep it closed, but it still opens anyway. This shows that the Tummy Stuffers’ mouths do NOT have a latching mechanism to stay closed. No buttons, zippers or pieces of Velcro here.
IF these critters had an ability to have a secure mouth without anything falling out, then it would be a great selling point. But we don’t hear anything about it in the television commercial, nor is it mentioned on the company’s website.
Tummy Stuffers TV commercial – The promotion includes a free mini Tummy Stuffer.
Up next is the sales pitch which includes a free promotion. In this case the actual freebie is really free (no extra shipping and handling charges), but it’s not a true buy-one-get-one free deal. The free Tummy Stuffer is actually an 8″ tall mini Tummy Stuffer versus the 13″ regular size Tummy Stuffer that you’re purchasing.
Tummy Stuffers TV commercial – Behold! It’s the GIANT Tummy Stuffer!
The ending of the Tummy Stuffers TV commercial has a teaser for a giant Tummy Stuffer critter. The thing looks almost large enough to “eat” a small kid. Of course, there’s absolutely no information about the giant Tummy Stuffer on the Tummy Stuffers website, so talking about such an item is only a tease at this point. Maybe it’ll be included on the website in the future.
The TOTAL COST of the Tummy Stuffers promotion (one 13″ Tummy Stuffer plus an 8″ mini Tummy Stuffer) comes to a total of $28.98 ($19.99 + $8.99 shipping & handling). As it was previously stated, it looks like there are no additional shipping and handling charges for the 8″ mini Tummy Stuffer in the promotion, making it a 100% free item with purchase of a regular, 13″ Tummy Stuffer.
The Tummy Stuffers commercial was one of those advertisements where you ask yourself, “What in the hell was that?”
It’s a commercial so cheesy and ridiculous that you also question if you really saw such a commercial on TV. Yes, such a commercial is very much real and that product does exist.
I understand that the Tummy Stuffer is designed to be a cute and fun way for kids to store some small stuff in their room. You can hide a few items inside of it and if you fill it with enough soft stuff, then the Tummy Stuffer can become a cuddly plush animal. Of course, if one were to desire a large and cuddly stuffed animal, then all one has to do is simply walk into a toy store (or Walmart for the rest of you) and simply select one from an endless selection.
I believe what’s most disturbing about the Tummy Stuffer is the way that it shows kids shoving items down the throats of the stuffed animals along with the “yummy” and “not yummy” terminology. Really? I mean, is it really necessary for that behavior along with the terminology, especially with little kids? What kinds of doors can that open as the kids begin to experiment that way with items besides the Tummy Stuffers toys?
What’s also interesting is that at no point do you hear IF the Tummy Stuffer is easy to clean. You know that kids will take the “yummy” and “not yummy” a step further and begin putting food items into the Tummy Stuffer animals, whether they think that they’re really feeding the animals or just using it for storage. Those toys will get dirty and messy. That’s just a fact of children’s toys, especially if it’s designed to store items.
Something that annoys me with the Tummy Stuffers’ website is its incredibly simplistic language when talking about the Tummy Stuffers’ features and benefits.
- “Have Fun”
- “Clean Up Stuff”
- “Store Stuff”
- “Organize Stuff”
- “Hide Stuff”
- “Hug A Tummy Stuffer”
Apparently being able to have fun is a benefit along with hugging a Tummy Stuffer. I would have never guessed it. Then again, I wouldn’t have wasted the space and the customers’ intelligence by actually listing those things under the “Features & Benefits” section of the website.
Also notice how the four middle bullet points all use the word “stuff” instead of changing and using a more interesting vocabulary. Is it really necessary to keep repeating “stuff” over and over again? Maybe so if the customers have an intelligence rating lower than room temperature.
When I see the Tummy Stuffer, I see a mediocre idea gone horribly wrong. The mere concept of shoving “stuff” down an animal’s throat, even though it’s a toy animal, is just plain wrong and bound to lead to trouble later down the road. Perhaps the best description of this toy is just disturbing.
All of the Tummy Stuffers commercial images were screenshots of a TV commercial currently available on YouTube and the product’s website. For more product information, please visit the company’s website at www.BuyTummyStuffers.com.
Tummy Stuffers is a registered trademark.
RellimZone.com is not affiliated with Tummy Stuffers.
This article was originally published at www.chamberofreviews.com on March 20, 2013. The comments are as they originally appeared.
I.m looking to purchase a Giant tummy stuffer. Can you tell me when they will be available?
We ordered a giant over the phone. Received a confirmation number, a month ago. No giant tummy, no response, no charges yet but they took my visa info for $65.
>sandi perlman – im pretty sure you have to call… if they even exsist… none of the GIANT tummy stuffers info is on their website… 🙁
The offer for the giant tummy stuffer comes after you purchase the regular 13″ tummy stuffer.
You chose your 13″ tummy stuffer – enter credit card info – then another screen comes up asking if you wanted to double your offer for another 13″ tummy stuffer Buy one, get one (I forget the pitch it was either buy another 13″ get a 13″ free or get free shipping on the third one) Then another window comes up asking if you wanted to buy an additional 13″ tummy stuffer for a discounted price of $14.95. Then another window opens up asking if you want to buy the giant tummy stuffer. I wish the site would just let you choose what you want and buy that. I might be more likely to order a second or third if I knew all the deals available instead of having to commit to one deal before knowing what the next screen will say. Super annoying. I stuck with just getting the initial offer one 13″ and one free 8″ Good grief.
I would love the Giant one as a single mother with 50/50 split custody my children go back and forth between their fathers and my home so our 8 year old takes her special blanket and several stuffed animals back and forth between the two houses. The Giant one would be a great way for her to pack up those things for when she goes back and forth… I can see if using these for hiding stuff in the room can be a bad thing but something like the giant one to take to do sleep overs and family visits could really be a great thing.. instead of a backpack or suitcase they can put an outfit favorite stuffed animal blanket and pillow in it and its a cute way to pack for the night.
To whom it may concern,
Please let the consumer know when it will be easier to buy the giant ones bc i need four and I will jot go thru a bunch of bs and have to buy little ones when I will already be spending a decent amout hince the four kids begging for this toy I cant get them because your website is not properly set up and in that case u should prob be looking into finding a new web designer because the one that has set the current website up obviously needs more training and is doing your company absolutely nothing. Also how can u possibly be making any money if not one customer is able to order what he and/or she is trying to obtain.
Candice E. Pierce
how do I order these I want two sets
If your child wants the GIANT tummy stuffer like they show you on the commercial…. it’s going to cost you $78 to buy a regular 13″ one, that comes with a “free” (ha!) 8″ one, then you decline to buy the additional one for $19.99, then decline to buy another one for $14.99… then they will offer to sell you the giant one for $39.99 plus $9.99 to ship and handle it. $78 for the three. What a scam. I never would have agreed to buy the thing had I know what unscrupulous measures this website was going to use.
Tummy Stuffers are great, but I wish to get a giant one for my son. Can’t there be an easier way than one to get to it?
>Mr.Niceguy – Blah, can’t type right now
This whole “review” is just smashing a product that, if used properly, and just for fun, is a great product. My daughter stashes her many stuffed animals and bed pillows in it every morning and helps keep her room clean. Yes the commercial may not make sense but that doesn’t mean to bash every little bit of it. When I saw the small child stuffing a remote into the toy, I giggled, thinking this was something my daughter would do. Think, She finds a channel she likes, there’s four other people in the house, she hides the remote so we cant change the channel. Cute. This review was not helpful nor interesting in any way. As parents, we understand things will get wrinkled if not folded properly. We also know that large things will not fit inside it… ie.. a bed. I do not hope my daughter will try to stuff her bed into it. The only thing I found helpful about this entire review was the reader comments. Thank you readers for answering my questions.
Ordered online, got e-mail confirmation, took the money off my CC, even paid for quick ship. It’s now been four weeks, got nothing. Finally was able to reach customer service and guess what? It hasn’t been shipped! Quick shipping applies to only after its shipped. At least the web site is deceiving and real close to just and out and out scam.
I had the same problem as some of the others who ordered. Gave them cc info for the 13″ and only after that was offered the giant one. I placed an order weeks ago, still no stuffer. My credit card has not been charged yet so I guess they have not shipped it. My grandson asks everyday if his stuffer has come. How long does it take?
>D.L. – I agree with you. I had the same problem.
Dang, reading these reviews, Makes me skeptical. Not so much the bashing. But the complaints on the order process. Hope they fix this glitch bc they are going to lose alot of costumers. Good Luck… bc I’m not buying this product until they improve the order processing. Dang n I was looking forward in buying 4 gaint tummy stuffer for my kids.
Do NOT buy if this is a gift for anyone that you need anytime soon. Ordered the stuffer May 12, 2013. When I called customer service the first time, I was told that in the 4 weeks since I placed the order, (June 5th) “it should ship sometime this week.” Well, today is June 10, 2013 and customer service tells me, It should be shipped with in this week. Seriously?! And they can not send an email when it finally does ship. Just call them back and try to explain to the wonderful people on the phone who can’t speak English very well your situation. I DO NOT recommend this product to anyone. Maybe after I finally receive the product, my feelings will change. But a month into this battle with them, I guess time will tell.
If you buy from this outfit you better order a good 6 weeks before you need it. This company is crap!! If you can’t produce a product fast enough to ship in a reasonable time period you should not be in business !!. I have had a car shipped faster than these idiots take to sew a couple pieces of cloth togeather.
these people are the most inept company, ordered several 13′ tummy stuffers for birthday presents on May 10, now June 10, and no sign of them, $ charged on my acct on May 31, though. If you call, they just yes you to death, and tell you it is being shipped….have no idea what the product is like, so can’t comment on that. BEWARE of a possible scam
I just called Tummy Stuffers twice; the 1st time the person told me that the only way to order the Giant one is over the phone. When I called back 10 mins later, another person told me that the only way I can order the Giant one is to purchase the 13″ one first and then I can buy the Giant one. What a rip off!!! They advertise it however, you can’t just purchase the Giant without spending money to buy the smaller one too!!! THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!! Needless to say I am not buying any of them!!!
They already have these for sale @ a very famous store called Build a Bear workshop. Just take your child to the store with you. No waiting! your order to be processed. Pick out the animal of their choice, tell the sales person we do not want the animal stuffed; they’ll look @ you like you have four heads, smile, check out, go home and fill it up. No waiting! I have eight grandchildren,they all have a build a bear, great for on the go, filled with their many favorite things. Good luck too all & happy shopping 🙂 MiMi
>sandi perlman – I know right its rediculas
I ordered the regular stuffer that came with a free mini, they offered a 2nd in which I declined and was offered the giant sized stuffer. I couldn’t beleive the wait time being that I paid for expedited. I finally get ahold of them and there is no order in their system. I am beyond frustrated. I have a five year old checking the mailbox every day and sighing when his tummy stuffer isn’t there. Don’t order, it’s not worth it.
While reading this review I became more interested in the writing about the product then the item itself.
I think my grandchildren would love this item for the first three minutes.
Thanks for the review
>sandi perlman – You can order the giant one over the phone, but you have to buy a regular sized one in order to pay the extra cost for the giant. You can’t just order the giant by itself, I asked. It is considered an add on item. So if you only have one kid, ok, but I have three. Too costly because with all 3 sizes you pay about $40.00 & I’m unsure if that is with or without s&h.
>Kathy Craine – Us too! we haven’t gotten ours either and it’s been a month! It’s got to be a scam.
Do not buy this product. They told me that it was shipped on a Friday. Waited and waited. I called back 2 weeks later and told me that it was not shipped and they do not know when it will be shipped. I cancelled my order but they could not send me a confirmation that it was cancelled. I hope they do not charge me.
We ordered one a week or 2 before our daughter’s birthday on the 29th and haven’t gotten it yet. Their website does state that it takes about 30 days to ship. I’m hoping it will be here this month.
Complete disappontment, ordered 4 weeks ago, received emailed that order not processed and to call. When calling get disconnected after prompted to hold, meanwhile my son is so upset…..NEVER AGAIN!!
I ordered the cat off the website for my daughter. It arrived seven days later. No problems whatsoever.
I got my daughters cat regular size at Meijer for only $19.99 and she loves it. It’s my go to place to look for things when she can’t find something she has hidden 🙂 I always wait until these kinds of things are in stores to avoid the shipping and then you can always return if they end up not working out. I would love to she the giant ones in stores soon!