Wow Cup (Non-Spill Sippy Cup) – A Marketing Review

As we all know from experience, it takes a certain amount of patience and dexterity to drink from a cup WITHOUT spilling its contents.

It’s tempting to rush when handling cups and taking a drink, but nobody likes cleaning up the mess when it spills.  This goes double or triple should the drink spill on something expensive like a laptop or tablet.

But what if you’re one of those people who just has a really tough time handling cups?  What if it’s tough to use cup technology such as lids and straws?  Is there something out there that can help you take a drink AND not make a mess while doing so?

Wow Cup website ---

Wow Cup website —

What’s this?  The Wow Cup?  Really?

Wow Cup TV commercial

So . . . . . is this just a sippy cup designed for adolescents?  Let’s review the advertisement and see just what they’re trying to sell us.

Wow Cup TV commercial - Wait a sec. What's the name of the product again?

Wow Cup TV commercial – Wait a second.  What’s the name of the product again?

The Wow Cup TV commercial begins by shoving the product right in our face like we’re stupid.  Is it really necessary to use a huge font for a product as incredibly simple as this one?  Apparently so according to these advertisers.

Remember, the louder and more direct the advertising, then the dumber that the advertisers think you are.  The theory is that they’re being loud because they need to get your attention.  If you’re not paying close attention, then they believe that you’re stupid, even if they’re pushing an equally idiotic product.

Wow Cup TV commercial - It's handy if your children are clumsy.

Wow Cup TV commercial – It’s handy if your children are clumsy.

After doing a little rap jingle, we see that the Wow Cup is a spill-free drinking cup.  This is handy if your children are so lazy, stupid and sloppy that they continually place drinks in bad positions, such as non-flat surfaces or on the edges of tables and counters.

In this clip we saw a kid running through a kitchen and clumsily setting a drink on the edge of the table.  Naturally, it fell and hit the floor.  Thankfully the Wow Cup is tough and has a strong lid, otherwise there would have been a mess on the floor.

Instead of teaching the kid to be careful (you know, a skill that’s extremely handy in life), the answer here is to use an as-seen-on-TV product so that the kid can continue to be irresponsible, impatient and clumsy.  It’s more important to just let kids be kids, right?  Way to go, parents!

Wow Cup TV commercial - The young scientist learns that laptops are NOT meant to hold drinks.

Wow Cup TV commercial – The young scientist learns that laptops are NOT meant to hold drinks.

Next is another shining example of kids not being careful or paying attention.  How lazy are you to not even notice that you’re setting a drink on top of a laptop of all places?  Holy crap.

Instead of teaching said child to be CAREFUL when having drinks around electronics, the message here is to simply use a Wow Cup.  Maybe in the next school year the kid will be responsible enough to drink from an adult cup.

So how does the Wow Cup work?  Is it a really complicated process?  I mean, we’re talking about something that looks like it should be used by babies and toddlers, certainly not by children in elementary (or higher) school.

Wow Cup TV commercial - It's as easy as pouring a drink and attaching a lid.

Wow Cup TV commercial – It’s as easy as pouring a drink and attaching a lid.

Thankfully, it appears that using the Wow Cup is extremely simple.  The only catch is that you’ll probably want to have a parent pour the drink into the cup.  If the kid is sloppy enough to need a glorified sippy cup like this, then he or she really should NOT be pouring the drink into the Wow Cup.  Having the kid screw on the lid is also risky.

So yes, all you have to do is pour a drink into the Wow Cup and then screw on the lid.  That’s it.  Hopefully you’ll remember the steps and do them in order.

In this example the mother pours the drink into the Wow Cup and then screws on its lid.  What’s odd is that she then gives the Wow Cup to her son who takes it, and the sandwich on the plate, to another room to have his lunch.  So the kid is trustworthy enough to carry a sandwich on a plate and not spill it onto the floor, but he cannot manage the same with a cup of juice?  Am I missing something here?  Why doesn’t the mom simply carry everything for the child.  She can also pre-chew his sandwich for him, and then help him wipe after he “deposits” it into the toilet later that day.

Or maybe the kid can learn to carry a cup and use it without spilling.

Considering the extreme simplicity in this product, I’m surprised that it does not include a funnel to help pour the beverage into the Wow Cup.

Wow Cup TV commercial - Any side is drinkable with the Wow Cup.

Wow Cup TV commercial – Any side is drinkable with the Wow Cup.

Unlike traditional sippy cups, the special lid with the Wow Cup allows your child to drink from *anywhere* on the lid.  This can be handy if your child is stupid enough to NOT know how to drink from a cup.

Wow Cup TV commercial - Don't forget to hold it upside-down over your head after each drink.

Wow Cup TV commercial – Don’t forget to hold it upside-down over your head after each drink.

Allegedly the Wow Cup’s lid is so secure that you can hold the cup upside-down over your head without getting wet.  Oddly enough, when I re-attach the lid to a 20-ounce bottle of Pepsi, I can do the same exact trick.  I’m willing to bet that it also works with a plastic bottle of water.

Wow Cup TV commercial - The misery of losing your straws and lids.

Wow Cup TV commercial – The misery of losing your straws and lids.

And just why would we want to use the Wow Cup and its fancy lid?

That’s right.  It’s because it’s a royal pain in the ass to find the lids and straws to go with your collection of plastic cups.  That is, it’s difficult if you have the organizational skills of an imbecile.  For the rest of us, it’s not exactly hard to keep the lids with the cups and then keep all of the straws together for easy matching with the proper cups.

Wow Cup TV commercial - Drinking without the fear of spilling.

Wow Cup TV commercial – Drinking without the fear of spilling.

As if the concept was hard enough to understand, here’s another example of the Wow Cup in action.  Take note of the clear cup and that there’s a purple liquid in there.  Also take note of how much work the boy is doing to take a drink, and yet how little of the drink seems to be removed from the cup.

Is he only capable of SIPPING with the Wow Cup?

The kid sure looks like he’s doing a lot of work to drink from the cup.  He’s not going to win any chugging contests with the Wow Cup.

So how does the Wow Cup actually work?

Wow Cup TV commercial - Your mouth is going to have to work to drink from the cup.

Wow Cup TV commercial – Your mouth is going to have to work to drink from the cup.

All the advertisement really tells us is that:  A) We can drink from any side of the cup, and B) The lid seals when we’re finished taking a drink.  The computer animation does look a bit generous though with the amount of liquid that can flow when drinking from the cup.

Wow Cup TV commercial - Is it really necessary for like every kid to shake the cup above his or her head?

Wow Cup TV commercial – Is it really necessary for like every kid to shake the cup above his or her head?

Okay, now this is getting old.

I understand that this is an extremely simple product, but is it really necessary to keep showing kids shaking the cup over their heads?  The last two kids can’t even do that when looking into the camera.  Notice how they both look at somebody off-camera.

To me this makes the already simple product look even worse.  Can’t these advertisers get the kids to look into a camera?  How are we supposed to put faith into the product when the advertisers do a craptastic job recording incredibly simple scenes for a TV commercial?

Wow Cup TV commercial - Holy F&*K! They're flying through outer space!

Wow Cup TV commercial – Holy F&*K!  They’re flying through outer space!

Oh, wait a second.  We’re just seeing the rap music jingle again from the beginning of the commercial.  It’s good to know though that kids can use the Wow Cup when they pretend to fly through space.  I was worried there for a moment that they couldn’t use the glorified sippy cups with their imagination.

Wow Cup TV commercial - You won't find any Bisphenol A in this product!

Wow Cup TV commercial – You won’t find any Bisphenol A in this product!

For those of you wondering, BPA stands for Bisphenol A, a carbon-based synthetic compound used in the manufacturing of plastic containers.  The Food and Drug Administration released a report in 2010 that revealed BPA to be a possible hazard to babies, infants and young children.  Apparently large doses of BPA might cause health problems, especially to the youngsters.

The fact that BPA is advertised tells me that it’s a current buzz word for some parents.  It’ll be a short lived trend where all of a sudden people care that their plastic products do not contain any BPA.  The anti-BPA trend will quickly be forgotten when these simpleton parents jump on the next anti-whatever bandwagon.

Wow Cup TV commercial - It can even block dirt!!!

Wow Cup TV commercial – It can even block dirt!!!

And what else can the Wow Cup do?

It can block dirt!

Last time I checked, pretty much every type of lid can perform that feat.  Other lids can also keep bugs out of your drink as well.  Can the Wow Cup do that?  Huh?  Huh?  Can it stop bugs from taking a sip from your little cup?  Can it?

The fact that the Wow Cup is advertised as blocking dirt is just hilariously BAD marketing.  Honestly, couldn’t these advertisers have thought of any other selling points besides this one?

“Ooooh, this can also keep DIRT out of the drink.  Dirt tastes yucky.  It also has germs and other evil bacteria.  That does it.  Now I’m going to have to buy the Wow Cup!”

I’m willing to bet that the Wow Cup’s lid will prevent mean kids from tossing boogers into the cups, but you don’t see that selling point being advertised.  Nor do we see any statements about the lid keeping out grass clippings, pollen, or even rain water.  Nope.  All we hear about is how the lid will keep DIRT out of the cup.

Wow Cup TV commercial - You can even use it in a car!

Wow Cup TV commercial – You can even use it in a car!

Speaking of selling points, here we see that the Wow Cup can be used when riding in cars.  Of course, almost *any* cup with a lid and straw can also be safely used in a car.  Your drinking options are even greater if your car has multiple cup holders.

Wow Cup TV commercial - Diapers can also prevent accidents.

Wow Cup TV commercial – Diapers can also prevent accidents.

And here we see proud mommy’s little boy drinking out of a Wow Cup in a . . . . church?  Really?  You need to always have drinks handy when attending important events?  Perhaps you need something besides the Wow Cup to help with that problem.

Wow Cup TV commercial - Taking sips at night, as long as you're not afraid of the dark.

Wow Cup TV commercial – Taking sips at night, as long as you’re not afraid of the dark.

And here we have an example showing a little girl using the Wow Cup to get a sip of water during the night.

Believe it or not, but this is actually a good selling point for the product.

As we know, it’s easy to knock items off of night stands in a dark bedroom.  That’s one of the hazards for keeping a cup of water next to your bed.  That’s also why if you do keep a cup next to your bed, you should *really* have a cup with a lid on it.

The advertising has reminded us many times that not only is the Wow Cup durable, but the lid stays securing and prevents the drink from flowing when you’re not taking a drink.  So if a kid was to accidentally knock the cup off the night stand during the night, there’s no fear of it spilling and making a mess.

So there you go.  The TV commercial has a valid selling point for the Wow Cup.

Wow Cup TV commercial - Damn those straws and lids!

Wow Cup TV commercial – Damn those straws and lids!

Again we’re reminded how annoying it can be to use lids and straws with plastic cups.  Yeah, if you’re a disorganized slob who cannot handle the simplest of tasks.  Thankfully there’s this magical land known as Kindergarten where you can learn such skills.  Once you pass that level you should be capable of not only using lids and straws, but also drinking from regular cups as well.

Wow Cup TV commercial - Just keep on sipping.

Wow Cup TV commercial – Just keep on sipping.

The end of the Wow Cup advertisement has another quick set of instructions on how to use the product.  Notice how the last part says SIP and not DRINK.  Just how much liquid do you think flows out of this cup?


That’s where this television commercial ends.  The product’s website mentions the special promotion.  The Wow Cup itself costs $10, but for just $6.99 more we’ll receive a second cup in the same color.

The TOTAL COST of the Wow Cup promotion costs $22.98 ($10 + $6.99 (second cup) + $5.99 S&H).  Remember that the $22.98 is for TWO of the Wow Cups (in the same color) plus the cost of shipping it to your home.  If you want to add a SECOND PAIR of the glorified sippy cups to your order the cost doubles to $45.96.


So what is the Wow Cup exactly?

Pretty much all of the informations points to this product being a glorified sippy cup that’s commonly used for babies and infants, but the children in this commercial are too old for such a drinking cup.  This thing is being marketed towards children, but the kids are all too old to be using sippy cups.

Why do I keep referring to the Wow Cup as a glorified sippy cup?

For starters the cup is being heavily advertised as a spill-proof cup.  Other cups with lids will spill at least some liquid, but this one claims to not spill a single drop should it be turned upside-down or fall to the floor.  In addition to the cup being spill-proof, to use the cup you have to SIP.  That sipping action opens the lid and allows for tiny amounts of fluid to go into your mouth.

There you go.

It’s a sippy cup that’s larger than most sippy cups designed for toddlers, yet the Wow Cup is being advertised for older kids.  Can you imagine the amount of ridicule and teasing the kids will receive if they’re caught using such a cup in front of their friends and peers?  Yikes!

Wow Cup product demonstration

In case some of you still haven’t grasped the concept of the Wow Cup, here’s an incredibly lengthy demonstration by what looks like the inventor of the drinking cup.  Near the end he finally takes a drink.  Notice the large amount of sipping that’s needed to take a small drink from the cup.

The normal age for using a non-spill sippy cup.

In actuality, something like the Wow Cup might be useful to those people with bad motor skills or dexterity, such as disabled people or the very elderly.  Then again, many of those people manage to use lids and straws to help themselves drink.  Giving them a glorified sippy cup, products normally designed for babies and toddlers, might insult them.

Now you just made great-grandma depressed.



All of the Wow Cup commercial images are screenshots of a TV commercial currently available on YouTube and the product’s website.  For more product information, please visit the company’s website at is not affiliated with Wow Cup.