Perfect Bacon Bowl (Bacon Cookware) – A Marketing Review
That one word can inspire the hunger in almost any man.
The mere mentioning of the word conjures images of bacon cooking in a skillet. You then visualize the sound of it frying along with the aroma of the prized food itself.
Mmmmmm. Bacon.
Of course, some of today’s advertisers take this obsession to the extreme, indicating that people, men in particular, simply go crazy for the food. As we know from reality, this is often not the case. Bacon *is* something enjoyed and craved at times, but it’s not like guys are drawing swords and going to war over bacon cooking in the kitchen.
Traditionally, bacon is cooked in a frying pan / flat top, in an oven, or in a microwave. Bacon is almost always cooked in strips, and most of the time it’s served that way as well. Bacon might also be chopped into smaller pieces for use as a topping or to be placed inside of another food item. When it comes to eating bacon by itself, or having it on a burger or sandwich, bacon is almost always served flat and whole.
But what if the bacon itself could form its own serving container?
Perfect Bacon Bowl website —
What’s this? The Perfect Bacon Bowl? Is such a concept really possible?
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial
Didn’t that just look awesome, or what? Let’s take a closer look and see just what we’re being sold with the Perfect Bacon Bowl.
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – IT’S BACON!
The Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial begins by shooting right for the bleeding obvious. Apparently everybody out there loves bacon. That is, those people who, A) Are not vegetarians, and B) Are not involved in any religion(s) that forbid eating pigs. Perhaps an exception to this would be eating turkey bacon, but everybody knows that turkey bacon is not real bacon.
The point here is that we all love bacon. It’s a delicious but guilty pleasure as too much of the food has a deadly side effect. But the occasional piece or two of bacon is safe to enjoy. Just keep it in moderation, folks, unless you want coronary or cholesterol problems.
We’re not here though to hear warnings about how too much bacon is bad for your health. We want to know how to make bacon an even better part of our meal.
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – Is such a creation possible?
A bowl made out of bacon?
Are you f*cking kidding me?!?
Holy crap! Tell me more about how I can create such a magnificent item myself.
According to the advertisers, thanks to a piece of kitchen cookware known as the Perfect Bacon Bowl, we can create these bacon masterpieces. Imagine the options with having a bowl made out of bacon!
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – Changing a bland breakfast into something awesome.
Up first we see how an ordinary plate of hash browns, eggs and a couple pieces of bacon can be transformed into something much more creative. Of course, the egg to bacon ratio changes drastically as each bacon bowl is composed of a couple pieces of bacon.
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – Bread is no longer required in a BLT.
Next we learn that BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomato) sandwiches no longer need any bread. Or mayonnaise for that matter. Instead you can mold (mold as in re-shaping something, not the nasty bacteria that grows between your toes) the bacon into a bowl and then fill it with shredded lettuce and diced tomatoes.
Of course, now it’s no longer a BLT *sandwich*. So much for those healthy grains that you were about to consume. There’s probably a supplemental vitamin pill to make up for it.
So how exactly does one make one of those bacon bowls?
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – Just how much bacon is needed to make each bowl?
As we can see, all it takes is carefully wrapping a few pieces of bacon around a rounded structure in the middle of the pan. Then you place it in the oven, microwave, or toaster oven until the bacon is cooked.
The big question is how many pieces of bacon do you need to make a bacon bowl?
It looks like you need about three half strips of bacon for the middle part, and at least one whole strip to go around the outside and hold together the bowl. It may take a little more or a little less depending on what type of bacon you use. But from looking at the images, I’d guess that you need about 2.5 to 3 whole strips of bacon to make one bowl.
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – You mean to tell me that a bowl made out of bacon is delicious?
Next is a guy snacking on macaroni and cheese served in a bacon bowl. I don’t know why he has silverware next to his plate. Maybe it’s just for formality.
On a side note, if this guy was to eat all three bacon bowls, he’ll probably be consuming between seven and nine pieces of bacon. How much bacon do *you* normally have at one time?
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – At least it tries to be a little bit healthier for you.
The Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial then tells us how the bacon pieces cook evenly. Last time I checked, lying the bacon pieces flat and cooking them in the oven and microwave also cooks them evenly. And that’s *without* the special bowl.
But the bowl does help form the bacon into a really interesting serving device. I mean, come on! You’re eating out of a bowl made of bacon! How awesome is that?
A good selling point for the Perfect Bacon Bowl is that it allows the grease to flow off the bacon and collect on the bottom of the bowl. You can then easily pour it out and either save it for later or safely dispose of the grease.
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – B-A-C-O-N! BACON, BACON, BACON!!!
Cooking the bacon is minor though.
Remember that we’re simplistic Neanderthals. We go crazy for simple foods like bacon. We need to see more examples of how to stuff ourselves with our favorite food item.
Show us more bacon!
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – Having some macaroni and cheese with their bacon.
In one example we see how parents are giving their kids an obscene amount of bacon to go with their macaroni and cheese. Take note that each child has four of the bacon bowls. That’s an estimated ten to twelve full pieces of bacon for *each* kid.
Great job, parents.
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – Watching the football game on TV and snacking on a sh*tload of bacon. Hell yeah!
Here we see that instead of serving the guys some mini-burgers (a.k.a. sliders in you’re in White Castle territory or krystals if you’re in Krystal territory), we can give them bowls made of bacon stuffed with shredded lettuce and served with a small, cheese-covered burger patty on top.
Somebody better have a cardiologist on stand-by if the walking heart attack sitting on the right keeps reaching for more of the bacon bowl cheeseburger snacks.
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – Bacon qualifies as breakfast, lunch, dinner AND dessert.
To top it off you can also use a bacon bowl as a dessert. We already knew that bacon qualifies as a dessert (Who would ever turn down a piece of bacon if it was offered as a snack or dessert? Nobody! That’s who!), but this takes the concept up to the next level.
It’s not specified in the advertisement, but this looks like an ordinary bacon bowl that has been covered on the outside by chocolate. I’d imagine that you would cook the bacon bowl, turn it upside down, cover it in melted chocolate, and then allow the chocolate to cool and harden around the bowl. Add a scoop of ice cream into the bowl, add some whipped cream, drizzle some more chocolate on top, and then top it off with another piece of bacon.
Holy sh*t! That’s a LOT of bacon!
You’re not screwing around if you’re serving a bacon bowl ice cream sundae for dessert. Wow.
We know that the Perfect Bacon Bowl was made for cooking bacon into bowls. But can it cook anything else into a bowl shape?
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – Behold! The power of bread bowls!
Apparently, yes, you can use the Perfect Bacon Bowl for cooking items besides bacon.
One of the most versatile options is using the bowl to make bread bowls. Slap on some bread dough, bake it in the oven, and then fill said bread bowl with creative options. I’d fill mine with chili and wash it down with a cold beer, but that’s just me.
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – Just toss it in the ol’ dishwasher.
According to the advertisers, the Perfect Bacon Bowl is easy to clean. Just place it in the dishwasher and there you go. It doesn’t get much more simple than that.
Perfect Bacon Bowl TV commercial – The BIG promotion!
At the end of the TV commercial we’re hit with the sales pitch.
It looks like the Perfect Bacon Bowls are sold in pairs. A single pair of bacon bowls costs $10. If we act now and pay a separate postage and handling fee, then we can receive a second pair of bacon bowls for free. Yeah, I know. It’s “free” yet you’re still paying an extra fee for shipping. Anyway, the promotion also comes with a cookbook and recipe guide for the bacon bowls.
The TOTAL COST of the Perfect Bacon Bowl promotion costs $22.90 ($10 + $7.95 P&H + $4.95 P&H (for the “free” pair of bacon bowls)). That’s for a total of four bacon bowls plus the recipe book.
In the world of as-see-on-TV products, the Perfect Bacon Bowl stands out as one of those products that actually looks like a useful device. My fiancée wants it for further experimenting in the kitchen. Food experiments. Not that other type of activity that sometimes involves experimentation and discovering new ideas and techniques.
As far as the advertising goes, the marketing for the Perfect Bacon Bowl seems to focus on very simplistic concepts. It’s not rocket science when it comes to using the bacon bowl. Simply wrap bacon around it correctly (this may be challenging for some people), bake it until the bacon is cooked, and then fill it with whatever you want. It’s a simple product that can be used by almost anybody.
Instead of putting attention on the product, the advertisers mainly show scenes of the finished product. They get us focused on bacon like a five-year-old is focused on a shiny new toy. It’s as if the advertisers are saying, “Don’t think twice! It’s bacon! Everybody loves bacon! Bacon, bacon, bacon!”
I don’t know about you, but I feel insulted when advertisers act that way for items that interest me. Yes, a lot of people like bacon, but that doesn’t mean that you need to act like an imbecile about it.
Of course, we’re dealing with bacon here, and each bacon bowl may require a couple slices of bacon. An elementary school health class teaches us that bacon is one of those occasional types of food as the fat, grease, cholesterol and sodium in a regular slice of bacon isn’t exactly healthy. Overconsumption of bacon can and probably will heavily contribute to some form of heart disease.
Knowing that, it’s doubtful that the average person will actually have bacon bowls that often. I can see people making bacon bowls for novelty or special occasions, such as parties or significant events. Otherwise, the bacon bowl is either going to, A) Be used to cook items besides bacon bowls, or B) Sit on a shelf or in a cabinet.
I think it’s a mistake for the Perfect Bacon Bowl to be focusing on the bacon versus, say, bread bowls. The bacon is a novelty, but because it’s pretty unhealthy, not that many people will use the bowl for that purpose. A larger number will use the bowl to help cook alternate foods.
But this is an as-seen-on-TV product, and the simplicity and mindset go along with it.
All of the Perfect Bacon Bowl commercial images are screenshots of a TV commercial currently available on YouTube and the product’s website. For more product information, please visit the company’s website at
Perfect Bacon is a registered trademark. is not affiliated with the Perfect Bacon Bowl.