No Justice, No Peace Riots and Protests

Last night it was announced that the Grand Jury had decided not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown.

What promptly followed was a state of unrest in Ferguson, Missouri as the more violent and troublesome of the protesters decided to go into action, destroying private property, looting stores, heavily damaging police cars, firing handguns and other firearms at the police officers, and starting numerous fires.

In short, Ferguson became a war zone, a place where law and order became a piece of ancient history.

It was anarchy.  The rioters had a field day breaking into businesses and stealing whatever they called, all with NO THREAT of being stopped or arrested.

Where was the National Guard during all of that rioting in Ferguson?

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon made a point of mobilizing some of them a few days ago.  He knew what was going to happen should the Grand Jury not indict Officer Wilson.  The writing was clearly on the wall in this case.  It was not going to be a night of quiet protesting.

Why didn’t Governor Nixon send in the National Guard to protect businesses and private property?  According to some sources, the mayor of Ferguson repeatedly asked the governor to send in the troops last night, but those calls for action were denied.  Was it Governor Nixon’s decision to not send in the troops, or did that order come from some place higher like the Department of Justice or even the White House?

Sadly, the story was a dream come true for the media and for the civil rights leaders that had been pushing for just this type of action should the outcome of the Grand Jury go against their wishes.

But that’s just it.  The Grand Jury fully listened to all of the witnesses, examined all of the evidence, and the team of people decided that Officer Wilson would not be brought to trial on ANY of the criminal charges ranging from homicide to manslaughter.  Those people determined that Officer Wilson was acting in self-defense when Michael Brown approached him, refusing to listen to the officer’s instructions to stop in his tracks.

Nearly all of the *witnesses* were proven to be LIARS.  When the evidence was carefully examined, it was determined that Officer Wilson’s account of the incident was the most accurate one.  He was forced to shoot and kill Michael Brown, otherwise it was highly probably that the so-called “gentle giant” was going to viciously attack and possibly kill the police officer.  Remember that Michael Brown had already attacked Officer Wilson while he was still sitting inside of his police car.  There was no telling as to how far Brown was most likely going to take his next attack.

None of that matters to the Ferguson protesters.  They want the blood of Darren Wilson.  Their anger has reached extreme levels, and we saw that action in last night’s riots.

THE TRUTH —- It’s all about RACISM.

We’re talking about black-on-white racism, something very much real but rarely, if ever, discussed by the media, talking heads, and political leaders.

From the very beginning the shooting of Michael Brown has been treated by the media and the federal government as an act of racism, not an act of law and order, or even self-defense.  Why did Michael Brown’s parents request a SECOND autopsy, one by a private medical examiner?  Why did Attorney General Eric Holder request a THIRD autopsy?

Why did so many “witnesses” lie to the police and later change their stories when they were proven wrong by the forensic evidence or common sense?

Why did Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama stick their noses into this particular shooting incident when criminals are frequently shot by police officers throughout the year?  Why have Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson been leading the protesters and pushing for more action, both before and after the results of the Grand Jury’s decision?

Officer Darren Wilson was a 26-year-old white man in a position of authority.  Michael Brown was an 18-year-old black man, a resident in the town of Ferguson and a so-called “gentle giant” despite his strength and violence in the convenience store robbery and the attack on Officer Wilson.

According to way too many people, this shooting was based purely on racism.  That belief has caused so much trouble from the day of the shooting through today, and it’s only getting worse.


Since the shooting, one of the popular chants by the protesters and rioters has been “No Justice, No Peace.”  This means that until “justice” has been served in the eyes of the mobs, then the protests and riots will continue.  There will be mayhem and periods of civil unrest until “justice” is served.

But justice works both ways.

Our country is a system of law and order.  Those same laws that are used to prosecute criminals are also used to protect the innocent.

What about the rights of Officer Darren Wilson?  Doesn’t he have the right to be found innocent should the evidence indicate it?

Not according to the protesters.

The protesters declared Officer Wilson guilty the moment that Michael Brown was pronounced dead.  It doesn’t matter that the police officer was acting to protect himself.  Since Officer Wilson, a white cop, shot and killed Michael Brown, an 18-year-old black man, Officer Wilson is automatically guilty because Wilson is a cop and Brown was an unarmed black teenager.  Since Officer Wilson was not indicted by the Grand Jury, the protesters and rioters have been going wild in their calls for “justice.”

And the protesters are WRONG.  They have the right to peacefully assemble and express their anger, but they have no honest cause.  Nearly all of the people protesting are doing so because of LIES, MISINFORMATION, and/or RACISM against white people.  The sad truth is that this incredibly poor attitude is being fueled by not only the talking heads but the media as well.

Speaking about justice, what about justice for all of the businesses that were LOOTED during the rioting?  What about justice for the businesses that were BURNED and/or DESTROYED by the rioters?  What about justice for everybody who had private property damaged or destroyed from the rioters?

Will the rioters turn each other in to the police so that the victims of their crimes can have JUSTICE?

Or does it not work that way?

Perhaps “justice” really means “just us” and however they want the laws to be interpreted.


The rioting in Ferguson, Missouri has given the country a black eye.  These events by the instigators and troublemakers have only set back race relations throughout America.  All of the talking heads and politicians involved in this case need to hang their heads in shame.  The “No Justice, No Peace” protesters are wrong, and their continued actions are only causing more problems.

It’s easy to go back and second guess the way that Officer Wilson could have handled the situation to avoid the shooting.  It’s also easy to go back and say that Michael Brown should have never stolen from the convenience store, and he should have followed the officer’s instructions to get on the sidewalk.

But that’s history.

Michael Brown was a THUG, plain and simple.  He stole from a store, he punched a police officer in the face, he then charged the same officer twice, ignoring all of the commands to STOP MOVING.  Michael Brown was bigger, he was stronger, he was the aggressor, and he failed to obey to the police officer’s commands.  Officer Wilson feared for his life while he was being charged, and he had to shoot and kill Brown to stop the threat.

As a regular law enforcement officer you do not “shoot to wound.”  There is no aiming for arms and legs to disable people like in the movies.  When you only have a second to act, you shoot for the center of mass.  It’s the biggest part of the target (the unlawful and violent criminal), and it’s the best way to stop the threat.  When it comes to large aggressors like Michael Brown, it’s going to take a great deal of force before you stop him, especially when he’s charging you.

There’s no guarantee that a taser would have stopped him either.  The police officer had already been attacked once, and the suspect was charging against him again.  When you only have a second or two to stop a threat, it may have to involve lethal force.

There have been arguments defending Michael Brown because he was unarmed.  When you’re as large and strong as somebody like Michael Brown (he was 6’4″ and weighed about 290 pounds), you don’t need weapons if you want to seriously injure or kill.  Your size and strength are huge advantages in a fight.  With a size like him and some determination, such as when charging a police officer, it’s going to take several bullets before you’re finally stopped.

I’m angry at the rioters in Ferguson.  Those were all cowards and thugs who used the non-indictment news as an act of permission to rob and loot innocent businesses.  It was theft and destruction of private property, plain and simple, and they were basically allowed to do it.  Those looters are lucky that they weren’t shot and killed like how the government used to deal with looters after natural disasters.

All of those people supporting Michael Brown are wrong.  This shooting was a case of a police officer fearing for his life and trying to stop a charging violent thug.  He tried to arrest him, but Michael Brown continued charging and Officer Wilson was forced to shoot and kill him.  It wasn’t racism or politics.

This is also not white-on-black racism.  Nor is it police brutality.  This was an act of a violent thug being shot to death by a police officer.

Case closed.