Stormy Daniels and President Trump – Does It Even Matter?

Last night was the big interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes show with Stormy Daniels, a former adult actress (a.k.a. porn star), and her alleged sex encounter with President Trump back in 2006.

If you didn’t watch it, you can read the transcript from the interview at the link in the previous sentence.  It’s fairly easy to see that the “interview” is just another hit piece against President Trump, courtesy of the MSM (a.k.a. mainstream media).  Nothing new here.  By now it’s painfully obvious that the MSM is very much against our current president as over 90% of the news stories have put him in a negative spotlight.

The first question we need to ask is if Stormy Daniels is telling the truth.

In the interview she was telling Anderson Cooper stories about her encounter with Trump back in 2006 when he was the host of The Apprentice.  They allegedly had a one-time encounter.  Years later, Stormy was allegedly approached by some of Trump’s people and they allegedly told her to keep quiet about it, or else.  She claimed that it was basically an attempt against her life if she went public with her story.

And that’s it.

It’s her word about things that allegedly happened years ago.  As far as I know, there are no witnesses or facts to back up her story.  I haven’t heard her give any crucial details that only she would know about Trump that could give her story credibility.  Plus, we all know that if there was any major evidence to back up her story, it would have been plastered all over the news.

But nothing like that has happened.  The “big story” is just her giving an “interview” to an extremely biased “reporter” on a major left-wing news station.  Yeah, that sounds really convincing.  /s

The other question we need to ask is, Why does the MSM suddenly care about a major politician who *might* have had an affair over ten years ago?

Some of the Democrats’ and media’s biggest heroes were / are major womanizers.

  • Bill Clinton (and Hillary if you start digging on the Internet)
  • Jesse Jackson
  • Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • John F. Kennedy
  • and a TON of Hollywood celebrities (start reading the Hollywood “blind items”)

Perhaps those people were basically given a free pass by the media because they were all Democrats.  Yes, it was major news when the scandal broke between Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, but after it happened it was basically swept under the rug.  Today, the media and Democratic Party still have Bill Clinton permanently lodged on top of their biggest pedestal.

The fact is, if you’re famous and/or in a position of power (such as the upper levels of the (major) city, state or federal government), then chances are likely that you probably have a mistress or two on the side, sometimes in disguise as an assistant or some other lower-level employee.  It’s just an accepted fact of life, and it’s been that way for hundreds of years.  Hell, some of the wives of those rich and famous people even expect their husband to have other women on the side.

In the classic Mafia movie Goodfellas, it’s briefly explained that on Friday nights the mobsters spend time with their girlfriends, but Saturday nights are reserved for being with their wife.

It’s not about not being in love with your spouse.  Many of those people still love their wife and family very much, but they’ll still keep other women on the side.  You can write a book going into detail and trying to explain why people behave that way.

I’m certainly not saying that this type of behavior is correct or that it should be supported.  I’m just saying that not only is it more widespread than people would like to believe, but that it’s also been that way for an extremely long time.  It’s also mostly likely not going to change.

That’s a big reason why the 60 Minutes interview with Stormy Daniels is just another hit piece against President Trump.  File it with the rest and move on with your life.  Nothing is going to change because of it.  The whole purpose was to simply attack the president’s character and possibly cause turmoil between him and his wife.

This “interview” is also a prime example of why there’s so much distrust with today’s media.  Thankfully, there’s an easy solution to this problem.


If you can (and live close to a major city), cut the cable and switch to an antenna.  The parts are inexpensive and the broadcast is free to watch.  In addition to that, you can still use the Internet and certain companies to stream many of your favorite cable shows.

If you are not in a position to be able to cut the cable and switch to an antenna, then simply don’t watch the news shows or news channels.  The vast majority of them are extremely biased and will keep pushing stories that fit their narrative.  Do not watch those shows and channels, and do not support their sponsors.  Hit them where it hurts the most.

In the meantime,

  • Trust President Trump.
  • Trust Attorney General Sessions.
  • Make America Great Again.