Posts Tagged ‘NFL’

The Downfall of the NFL

Here we are on a Sunday in early November.

The air is crisp and chilly, the holidays are approaching, and normally my day would focus on watching non-stop coverage of professional football from 1 pm through the night.  Okay, it’s not really “focusing” on football, but the games would be playing on my TV as background noise while I’m working.  I’ve been a fan of the NFL for many years now, and a large part of my Sundays in the fall revolved around watching my favorite teams.

The NFL was especially important on Thanksgiving.  We’d spend time going through the sales advertisements, cooking an early turkey dinner, and also watching the Dallas Cowboys and then Detroit Lions.  The NFL was part of that holiday, especially for my dad and I.

Like many people, that love affair with the NFL ended when players began taking a knee and protesting during our national anthem.  This season the protests escalated like wildfire as many more players joined and made their stances known (as if we didn’t already know where many of them stood, thanks to social media).  It forced us loyal fans to make a decision:  keep watching and supporting our favorite teams and players, or don’t.

No more NFL!

The decision for me was easy — NO MORE NFL.

No longer will I pay casual attention to my television on Sundays in the fall, watching overpaid athletes use their fame to protest against values that I hold so dearly.  On top of that, many of those players are protesting against alleged “social injustice” that doesn’t even exist in this country anywhere near the extent that they believe it does.

These protests by NFL football players (and even college cheerleaders, such as the five Kennesaw State University cheerleaders who took a knee during the national anthem) are primarily based on lies and misinformation spread by the media as well as the cesspools known as Facebook and Twitter. Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Dan - November 12, 2017 at 2:38 pm

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Washington Redskins and Political Correctness

In a , the U.S. Patent Office ruled that the Washington Redskins NFL team’s nickname is insulting to Native American Indians, and the team’s federal trademarks on the name must be cancelled.

It’s really no surprise that the U.S. Patent Office made the ruling against the NFL team.  There has been momentum in the federal government for the team to change its name.  Yes, it’s the government pushing the team to change its name and not the general public and those fans who pay the fees to sit in the stands for each game.

Why is it such a big deal for the Washington Redskins to change their name?

logo for the Washington Redskins

The truth here is that it’s all about political correctness.  That’s it.

It doesn’t matter that the term “redskin” was frequently used throughout the American Indian Wars when the Indians were also thought of as bloodthirsty savages and fierce warriors.  Back then the redskin term would strike fear into the hearts of their opponents.

Nor does it matter that the team has been using the name Redskins since 1933, a name that has been in place for over eighty years.  The team has had a trademark on the name since 1967.

In addition to that, most polls still show that the vast majority of people want the Washington Redskins to continue using that name.  These are the everyday people who purchase tickets, buy merchandise, and support the sponsors’ products.  These are the people who matter the most. Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Dan - June 18, 2014 at 2:07 pm

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Michael Sam and the St. Louis Rams — LGBT Politics At Work

It was major news when defensive end Michael Sam was selected in the 2014 NFL Draft to play football for the St. Louis Rams.

He was selected in the 7th round of the draft, the 249th overall pick this year.  The 2014 NFL Draft had a total of 256 college football players selected to advance into the NFL.

So why would somebody picked 249th out of 256 slots make the news?  After all, many players selected that late into the draft won’t make the final roster to play on the team.  The odds of them playing on Sundays are pretty remote.

The reason that Michael Sam made the news yesterday is that he is going to be the first openly gay player in the NFL.  The news footage went so far as to showing Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend after receiving news of being selected to play for the St. Louis Rams.

Michael Sam announced his homosexuality to the world on February 9, 2014, after he finished playing college football for the University of Missouri.  However, Michael’s college teammates knew about his homosexuality when he told them back in August of 2013.  He chose to keep the media out of it until he finished playing college football.

This is LGBT politics, plain and simple.

If Michael Sam was not gay, it’s doubtful that he would have been drafted into the NFL at all.  From what I understand, he didn’t preform that well at the NFL Combine and didn’t impress the scouts.  The fact that he’s a homosexual is what focused the media on him, and that’s what got him drafted at the end of the NFL Draft.  If he was a good player and did well at the Combine, then he most likely would have been drafted sooner.

But he wasn’t.

Drafting Michael Sam near the end of the draft is making a statement.  It’s the St. Louis Rams deciding to play along with politics and get extra positive attention from the media, political organizations, celebrities, and even government officials as well.

Now St. Louis is stuck with Michael Sam whether he’s any good or not.  Should the Rams decide to cut him for any reason, the media is going to strike back with a fury.  It’ll be viewed as a hate crime since Michael is gay.  There will be boycotts and serious negative attention on the Rams, from the coaching staff to the team’s owner.


St. Louis won’t dare cut him from the team. Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Dan - May 11, 2014 at 8:17 pm

Categories: sports, Uncategorized   Tags: football, ,

Super Bowl XLV – Random Thoughts

Last night was one of the best Super Bowl games that I’ve seen for quite some time.

From the Packers’ giant lead in the first half, to the Steelers’ heroic comeback in the second half, to the nail-biting final drive of the game, that was one epic battle.  The fact that my favored team won the game made the night a little bit better.

But what is a Super Bowl these days without a bit of controversy and some disappointment?

From Christina Aguilera screeching and ruining the national anthem (aside from forgetting some lyrics despite there supposedly being a teleprompter) to the absolute disgrace of a halftime show starring the Black Eyed Peas, the live entertainment failed miserably.  Fergie, you’re lucky that Slash didn’t crack his guitar upside your head for ruining “Sweet Child o’ Mine.”

And of course, at least two commercials had questionable content.

Let’s take a look at them, shall we?

Doritos – Best Part commercial Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Dan - February 7, 2011 at 11:38 pm

Categories: marketing, sports   Tags: , ,

2010 NFL Preseason – An Early Look

This past weekend was exciting as our favorite NFL teams took to the playing field for some hard-hitting practice sessions (a.k.a NFL preseason).

Sure, it is only the preseason and the games don’t count, but it’s exciting seeing the new rookies in action as well as other players as they begin playing for new teams.  The preseason is also a last chance for players to make a team or prove that they are worthwhile and worthy of not being cut from the roster.  But the preseason is way too long and needs to only last for two games max, not four.

I didn’t get a chance to see as much as I wanted, but what I did see was certainly interesting around the NFL.

Let’s take a look at a few teams and key players.  Take note that these are observations not from a die-hard NFL analyst but merely an amateur observer and general fan of professional football.  This also does not cover each team and every key player. Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Dan - August 16, 2010 at 7:52 pm

Categories: sports   Tags: football,

Just Sign It And Join The Damn Team, Suh!

The days tick by, and Ndamukong Suh, the #2 overall pick in the 2010 NFL Draft, still has not signed with the Detroit Lions.

According to a , so far Suh has already missed three days of practice.   Whether he’s holding out personally or if it’s from his agents, this kind of crap with NFL rookies being hold outs needs to end NOW!

"Wake me when Suh finally decides to join the team." - Mr. Lion

The problem here is that many rookies tend to get over inflated egos when it’s time to sign the contract with an NFL team.  They worked hard and performed well in college football, and after the big media blitz they expect to have massive contracts with millions of guaranteed dollars.

Well, folks, I’m sorry, but this is complete garbage. Read more…

2 comments - What do you think?  Posted by Dan - August 3, 2010 at 3:39 am

Categories: sports   Tags: football,

This Should Have Been More Obvious To People

An was published today claiming that former Atlanta Falcons’ quarterback, Michael Vick, wasn’t exactly giving it his all on and off the playing field.  In fact, Vick admitted this himself just recently.

The problem here is that for anybody who actually watched Michael Vick play, and still kept watching him on the sidelines, the fact that he didn’t appear to really care at times or give it his all was painfully obvious.  It’s just sad that his lack of leadership and inability to learn plays and analyze the defense were overlooked by so many people, including the biased sports reporters who bent over backwards to compliment every single thing that he did.

Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Dan - February 10, 2010 at 8:30 pm

Categories: sports   Tags: football, ,