Posts Tagged ‘politics’

Stormy Daniels and President Trump – Does It Even Matter?

Last night was the big interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes show with Stormy Daniels, a former adult actress (a.k.a. porn star), and her alleged sex encounter with President Trump back in 2006.

If you didn’t watch it, you can read the transcript from the interview at the link in the previous sentence.  It’s fairly easy to see that the “interview” is just another hit piece against President Trump, courtesy of the MSM (a.k.a. mainstream media).  Nothing new here.  By now it’s painfully obvious that the MSM is very much against our current president as over 90% of the news stories have put him in a negative spotlight.

The first question we need to ask is if Stormy Daniels is telling the truth. Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Dan - March 26, 2018 at 3:25 pm

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