A Letter to the GOP

Attention politicians within the GOP!

What we saw yesterday in the elections was a clear sign that the Republican voters are still unimpressed with the choice of candidates.  This current attitude of allowing “moderates” to act under the Republican name MUST END IMMEDIATELY!

John McCain’s weak stance and liberal mentality was a horrible choice back in 2008.  Don’t forget that McCain was a Democrat for the longest time until he eventually switched political parties before running for president.  His party didn’t leave him.  His voting record and stance on issues showed that he left that party.  Twenty-four hours ago, we watched Mitt Romney, another “moderate” working in the Republican name, lose the popular vote and electoral college to President Obama, a liberal radical.

There’s a pattern here.  The Republican voters are tired of seeing these spineless moderates trying to appease the Democrats and still keep the conservative voters.  I’ve got news for you, GOP.  This current tactic still ain’t working.  The Democrats are laughing at your picks and the voters aren’t buying it either.  You’re just going to continue losing more elections until you find honest candidates with a proven record of true conservative values.

Here we are still in the doom and gloom of an economic fiasco that began years ago.  Taxes are slated to rise again, the dreaded Obamacare is right around the corner, unemployment is high, spending and national debt are skyrocketing out of control, and needless to say, the economic outlook looks grim.

And according to the 2012 voters, the solution to these problems is . . . more of President Obama’s government?

The stock market was climbing yesterday when the initial election results were favorable to Mitt Romney.  He’s a self-made business millionaire, and he can do a much better job with the national economy than somebody who worked as a community organizer before becoming a Senator.  Romney lost the election and conceded last night, and .  Coincidence?

I get it that many voters are uninformed these days.  If people actually researched their political choices instead of listening to talking heads such as Jon Stewart, Chris Matthews, or any of the like, then perhaps we wouldn’t be in such a situation that we are today.  Let’s face it, why should people be concerned with actually researching the candidates when there are more important distractions such as the recent episodes of “Family Guy” or “Modern Family,” or rumors about the latest Apple iPad?

You can’t fix stupid.  If a person is dumb enough to blindly pick a candidate or political party because of a rumor (often incorrect one at that) their friend is sharing on Facebook, or a political TV commercial that they see, or just because picking a certain candidate is “cool” right now, then those people need to live with their choices.  Unfortunately, when this style of voting is done on a massive scale, then the country suffers as a whole.

What we need are true conservative candidates that not only have a solid background, but people with traditional morals and values.  If it means backing Tea Party or Constitution Party candidates, then so be it.  If it means having the media label the candidates as “extremists” or “radicals,” then so be it.  The media is so biased that anybody who disagrees with anything President Obama says is automatically labelled as an enemy.  Since there’s no getting around that branding by the media, you may as well put some good, solid candidates up for election next time.

Speaker of the House John Boehner tried to extend an olive branch to President Obama and get him and his party members to work with the GOP with his agenda.  Do you really expect President Obama and the Democrats to listen to the Republicans now?  Are you that naive, Mr. Boehner?  President Obama is more determined than ever to stick with his Socialist agenda (I can’t wait to hear what kind of deals he’ll be making with the Russians.  Remember that audio clip of Obama telling Medvedev to wait until he’s re-elected before he puts certain things in motion?), and between his party’s control of the Senate and the czars that report only to the president himself, there’s no telling what kind of laws and policies we’ll see put into effect over the next four years.

The answer to this is simple, GOP.


Not only that, but the future candidates must also:  A) HAVE A BACKBONE, B) be able to debate with the best of them, C) have a clean background, and D) have a likeable and respectable personality.

If you can’t find any from the current selection, then start looking at the lower levels and bringing those people forward.  When you people finally start picking the right candidates and playing hardball with the opposition, then the voters will return.  But as long as this current trend with allowing moderates to seize control and run under the Republican name, and having too many bi-partisan politics with the opposition, then the conservative voters will continue to stay home and be a minority in future elections.

Time is ticking.

The countdown to the 2014 mid-term elections has already begun.