Movie Review – The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
From 1754 through 1763, a bloody conflict known as the French and Indian War ravaged North America from Maryland to the northern reaches of Canada including Montreal, Quebec and Nova Scotia.
This was a war between the British colonies with those of French origin, and many Native American forces siding with the French. In a way, not only was this the first major conflict between European forces in North America, but this was also a stepping stone for the American Revolutionary War that would begin roughly thirteen years later.
The Last of the Mohicans is an adventure / war / romance film that takes place during the French and Indian War. Set in upstate New York along the Hudson River, the film tells the tale of Hawkeye, an American who was adopted by a tribe of Mohican Indians, and his quest to escort a general’s daughters to his fort. Along the way he falls in love, and when the daughters are captured by the Huron Indians, it’s up to Hawkeye and his fellow Mohicans to rescue them before it’s too late.
Directed by Michael Mann and given a killer soundtrack by Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman, The Last of the Mohicans stars Daniel Day-Lewis in the title role of Hawkeye, an American by birth and raised by a small tribe of Mohican Indians. Supporting him is Madeleine Stowe as Cora Munro, Jodhi May as Cora’s younger sister Alice, and Steven Waddington as Major Duncan Heyward. Russell Means and Eric Schweig play the Mohicans Chingachgook and Uncas, while Wes Studi plays the menacing role of Magua, a Huron Indian.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
The Last of the Mohicans takes place in 1757, three years into the bloody war. By this point in time England and France had formally declared war upon the other, and fighting is also taking place outside of North America. The film begins with Nathaniel “Long Rifle” Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis), Chingachgook (Russell Means) and Uncas (Eric Schweig) tracking a deer and ultimately shooting and killing it. They pause and show respect to the fallen animal before heading to the Cameron residence on the outskirts of the forest. While at the house they hear from Jack Winthrop (Edward Blatchford) that the British army is recruiting local militia to fight against French forces moving south into New York.
The next day more settlers gather at the cabin as a British lieutenant (Jared Harris) tries his hand at recruiting the local people to fight for England. He needs the men to join the forces at Fort William Henry and fight against the French. The militia feels the need to join England and support King George II, but they’re hesitant to leave their homes undefended to possible Indian attacks.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
The militia men meet with General Daniel Webb (Mac Andrews) in Albany, New York and express their concerns about going off to fight the French and leaving their homes undefended. The general assures them that the men will be able to leave the fort and defend their homes should trouble arise. On that notion the colonials join the British army and head upstate to Fort William Henry.
After the militia leave Major Duncan Heyward (Steven Waddington) reports to General Webb and presents his orders. The major is tasked with escorting Colonel Munro’s daughters to his presence at Fort William Henry. Guiding the soldiers is Magua (Wes Studi), a Huron Indian who knows the local terrain very well. Outside the building Duncan meets with Cora (Madeleine Stowe) and Alice Munro (Jodhi May), Colonel Munro’s two daughters. It turns out that Duncan and Cora know each other from back in England, and the major clearly has feelings towards the colonel’s oldest daughter. Unfortunately for him, Cora sees Duncan more of a friend than a lover.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
The soldiers depart Albany and head north to Fort William Henry on the shore of Lake George. After the group is deep into the woods Magua leads them into a trap. The group is suddenly attacked by Huron Indians and most of the British soldiers are killed. Just as the Indians are set to attack Duncan and the women, Hawkeye, Uncas and Chingachgook launch a surprise attack against the Hurons. The Mohicans kill all the Huron except for Magua who escapes into the woods.
They ditch the horses and the Mohicans continue leading Duncan and the Munro sisters to Fort William Henry. This time they leave a much tougher track for the Huron to follow. Uncas starts to have feelings towards Alice Munro, but Hawkeye wants to know why Magua tried to specifically kill Cora. Duncan doesn’t know why. Nor does he understand why Hawkeye isn’t part of any colonial militia and fighting against the French up north.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
The group arrives at the Cameron house and find the place in shambles. The cabin was clearly attacked by Indians and everybody is dead, including the women. One woman has wounds in her back showing the vicious nature of the attack. After they notice that nothing in the cabin was stolen, Hawkeye determines that the attacking force was a war party and not just a random attack. They’ll be attacking more homes and settlements in the local area. That night the group hears the war party returning and they set an ambush, but the Indians don’t fall for it. They retreat and leave the area. After it’s clear Hawkeye and Cora spend time talking and slowly growing closer together.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
The next day the group continues on their trek north and they arrive at Fort William Henry that night. The fort is under siege by French forces. Soldiers slowly dig trenches to bring the mortars forward while the French cannon duel with the British artillery. The French have the upper hand as the British defend themselves and wait for reinforcements. It’s a spectacular scene as the fort defends itself from the invaders.
Using the darkness and surrounding battle, the group is able to sneak their way inside of Fort William Henry. Hawkeye is reunited with the local militia men while Colonel Edmund Munro (Maurice Roëves) is thrilled to see his daughters Cora and Alice. The colonel is also quite upset that his daughters came to the fort despite his warnings not to. When the girls question why the colonel mentions that he sent three couriers with messages stating the siege. Apparently none of the couriers delivered their messages. Duncan Heyward reveals that General Webb has no idea about the siege and thus no reinforcements are on their way. Duncan also tells Colonel Munro about the massacre by Magua’s men and how Hawkeye and his fellow Mohicans not only saved the major and the colonel’s daughters, but they also led them safely to Fort William Henry.
Colonel Munro explains that it’ll still be about three days of siege until the French soldiers can dig enough land to move the mortars close enough to rain the massive shells onto the British fort. At that point it’ll be game over as the British are mercilessly pounded until either they surrender or they’re all killed. Three days is not enough time to send a courier to General Webb in Albany and return with reinforcements. Duncan mentions that General Webb is actually in Fort Edward, only about twelve miles away. A courier can return with reinforcements before the French have their mortars in position.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
Major Duncan Heyward takes a company of men outside the fort’s walls and engages the French soldiers, making a distraction for the courier. Inside the fort, Hawkeye and Uncas provide sniper fire and clear a path as the courier runs through the forest. Their shooting is on target and the courier escapes with the vital message for help from General Webb.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
Back inside Fort William Henry, Hawkeye informs the colonial militia about the deadly attack on the Cameron house. The militia meet with Colonel Munro and express their concerns about leaving to defend their homes, as promised by General Webb. Jealous about Hawkeye’s growing relationship with Cora, the major lies and announces that there was no evidence showing the attack to have been from a war party. He believes it was a raid and there’s no reason for the men to leave Fort William Henry during the siege. Colonel Munro takes Duncan’s word and orders the militia back to their posts inside the fort. The colonel also warns that anybody who tries to leave the fort will be hanged for sedition.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
After meeting with the colonel, the colonial militia men still plan on leaving Fort William Henry to defend their homes. Hawkeye gives the men some advice and helps them plan their escape. When asked why he’s not also fleeing, Hawkeye mentions that he’s staying in the fort to be with Cora. Meanwhile, Duncan meets with Cora and she’s furious with him for lying to her father and betraying Hawkeye. Hawkeye spends time with Cora until he’s arrested and sentenced to be hanged for sedition. Cora tries to plead Hawkeye’s innocence with her father, but he and Duncan insist that Hawkeye is guilty of the crime.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
French General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm (Patrice Chéreau) offers parley with Colonel Munro, and the two armies meet outside of the fort. General Montcalm commends Colonel Munro for his brave defense of the fort, claiming that more inexperienced officers would have fallen days ago. Montcalm offers Munro the ability to leave the fort freely, carrying their weapons and flags with them back to England. When Munro claims that British reinforcements are on their way to Fort William Henry, Montcalm reveals a message that his men recently intercepted. The courier made it to General Webb, but the intercepted message states that General Webb is unable to send any reinforcements to Fort William Henry. The fort is on its own. The message is authentic and Colonel Munro is forced to accept General Montcalm’s peaceful solution.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
The night before Fort William Henry is abandoned, Magua is upset with General Montcalm’s peaceful solution to the siege. Magua reveals that it was Munro’s troops that destroyed his village and killed his children. He was assisted by the Mohawk Indians and Magua was taken prisoner. Magua ultimately escaped from the Mohawks but discovered that his wife remarried after believing that Magua was killed. General Montcalm seems sympathetic to Magua after hearing his tale, but he doesn’t want to break the terms of his treaty with the British. Instead he encourages Magua to seek revenge in his own method.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
The following day the British army departs Fort William Henry, leaving the fort to the French soldiers. As the regiment is marching through a field they’re suddenly ambushed by hundreds of Huron Indians led by Magua. There’s chaos as the fighting begins and it’s every man for himself. Hawkeye escapes from his bonds and fights the Hurons. At one point Cora is threatened and shoots a Huron with a pistol that she hid in her dress.
During a pivital scene Colonel Munro is shot and falls down, his horse accidentally pinning him to the ground. Magua and a group of Indians quickly surround the British colonel. Magua promises to Munro that he’s going to also kill his daughters, thus wiping his seed from the Earth. He then viciously cuts out Munro’s heart while he’s still alive, brutally killing the man in the process.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
During the battle, Hawkeye leads Cora, Alice, Uncas and Chingachgook to the edge of Lake George where they steal one of the Huron’s canoes. They paddle themselves into the lake and escape from the carnage back on land. Out in the water they discover that Duncan is also in a canoe, and the two canoes race to the south end of the lake and to the river, trying to stay ahead of the Hurons now pursuing them.
The two canoes brave some rapids and a short waterfall on the river. When they approach a larger waterfall further downstream, they leave the canoes and let them fall over the edge, making it look like they were killed in the crash. The group secretly makes their way down the side of the waterfall and into a cavern behind the sheet of falling water.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
Behind the waterfall the group has a chance to catch their breath. When Cora asks Hawkeye what happened to her father, he tells her that the colonel was killed. Alice finds refuge in the arms of Uncas. Unfortunately, their hiding spot isn’t that good as Magua and his men are spotted approaching their hiding spot. With their powder wet and not standing a chance fighting the small army of Hurons, Hawkeye tells Cora, Alice and Duncan to surrender and not fight Magua. As long as they can stay alive then he’ll find them. They part ways and Hawkeye, Chingachgook and Uncas leap into the waterfall and escape from the Hurons. Magua arrives and the three remaining people are quickly taken prisoner.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
Magua takes his three prisoners to a Huron village and presents them to the village elder, the sachem (Mike Phillips). Magua plans on selling Major Duncan to the French and giving that reward to the sachem. The two girls, the daughters of the white war chief, Munro, he tells the sachem, will be burned alive at the stake so the entire tribe can share the honor of their horrific deaths. There’s a commotion as Hawkeye enters the Huron village while carrying a peace rope. The Hurons beat and try to intimidate him but hawkeye stands his ground and faces the sachem.
Hawkeye has Duncan translate into French while he pleads for the daughters of Munro to go free, taking some of the fire out of the British troops. He informs the sachem that Magua broke the peace given by General Montcalm and Magua does not follow the true path of the Huron. The chief listens to Hawkeye and makes his decision: Cora will be burned alive to settle Magua’s anger towards Munro; Alice will become Magua’s new wife so that both of their bloodlines will continue; Duncan will be returned to the British army to settle their quest for revenge. This offer doesn’t sit well with Magua as he intends on killing both Cora and Alice. The sachem also decrees that Hawkeye (Long Rifle) may go in peace.
Hawkeye protests and pleads for the sachem to change his mind, allowing himself to be burned in Cora’s place. Duncan intentionally makes a translation error and requests for himself, and not Hawkeye, to be burned in Cora’s place. The sachem agrees and Duncan is taken away to be burned alive at the stake. Hawkeye and Cora leave the Huron village while Magua and his men leave with Alice.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
Duncan is hoisted onto the fiery stake and begins burning alive. Hawkeye isn’t about to let the man suffer an agonizing death. He quickly takes a musket and mercifully kills Duncan with a well-aimed shot. After that he, Chingachgook and Uncas run into the forest and track Magua and his fellow Hurons.
They race up the mountain and quickly find Magua’s men. Some of the rear guards are killed and Uncas slips ahead to the front of the pack. There he confronts Magua on top of the mountain. Alice watches in horror as her hero is beaten and ultimately killed by Magua. He finishes Uncas by pushing his body off the mountain. Believing that all hope of rescue is lost, Alice takes her own life by jumping off the mountain and plunging to her death.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – (c) 20th Century Fox
Now it’s a matter of vengeance for Hawkeye and Chingachgook. The two warriors kill more of the Hurons and Chingachgook confronts Magua. This fight is vastly different as the older Mohican uses his combat skills to easily defeat Magua. The Huron leader is brutally beaten as Chingachgook gets his revenge for the death of his son. He finishes Magua with a deadly blow to the stomach, letting the Huron suffer for his last few agonizing moments of life. The remaining Huron quickly surrender to Hawkeye and Chingachgook.
The Last of the Mohicans ends with Hawkeye, Cora and Chingachgook standing on top of a mountain and looking into the wilderness. After performing a brief service to honor Uncas, Chingachgook announces that he is the last of the Mohicans. He tells Hawkeye that he and his wife belong in the wilderness, but in some time the wilderness will also be gone, with Hawkeye extinct like the Mohicans.
So is The Last of the Mohicans a good film?
The Last of the Mohicans is a fantastic film that has a little bit of something for everybody. There are fantastic (and somewhat bloody) battle scenes between not only the French and British soldiers but the British and Indians as well. The wilderness scenes and time period give the film an exotic nature and feeling of adventure, and there’s enough romance to keep the ladies happy as well.
Did I mention the film’s awesome soundtrack? Crank your sound system and enjoy a thunderous musical score as well as the musket and cannon fire. It’s a treat to be able to sit back and enjoy a film such as this one.
One of the most fascinating parts of The Last of the Mohicans is the time period in which the film takes place. As it was previously mentioned, this movie takes place in 1757 during the opening years of the French and Indian War. For such an important time period in North American history, it’s a shame that not enough attention is drawn to this bloody conflict. The Last of the Mohicans does so, and that’s simply another reason why this is such a great film.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – movie trailer
If you love movies about the colonial days, warfare, or North American history as a whole, then you cannot go wrong with 1992′s blockbuster The Last of the Mohicans. Simply put, this is a great film filled with action, adventure and warfare. Throw in plenty of Indians, a little romance, and some bloody acts of vengeance, and there you go. The Last of the Mohicans will easily keep you entertained during its 117 minutes.
Maj. Duncan Heyward – “I thought all our colonial scouts were in the militia. The militia is fighting the French in the north.”
Hawkeye – “I ain’t your scout. And we sure ain’t no damn militia.”
Hawkeye – “It was a war party. That means they’re going to be attacking up and down the frontier.”
[as the militia are preparing to leave Fort William Henry] Jack Winthrop – “You’re not coming with us?”
Hawkeye – “I’ve got a reason to stay.”
Jack Winthrop – “That reason wear a striped skirt and work in the surgery?”
Hawkeye – “It does. No offense, but it’s a better looking reason than you, Jack Winthrop.”
Magua – “When the Grey Hair is dead, Magua will eat his heart. Before he dies, Magua will put his children under the knife, so the Grey Hair will know his seed is wiped out forever.”