*Another* Porn Star Is Diagnosed With HIV
It’s been recently announced that Rod Daily has tested positive for HIV, the virus that leads to AIDS.
For those of you keeping track, that makes it less than two weeks since another porn star, Cameron Bay, has also tested positive for the deadly disease.
It’s time to bring new laws and regulations to the porn industry! We need to protect those actors and actresses before more of them come in contact with HIV! Right?
That’s how many of the people are commenting on stories like this. Apparently laws need to be created and enforced so that people can continue working in a risky profession without worrying about catching the big one. Coincidentally, such a practice can also help prevent the spreading of STDs.
Better protecting porn stars would basically require the usage of condoms. The problem is that I’m guessing most people who pay to watch pornography don’t want to see people wearing condoms. They want to see porn stars fulfilling whatever fetishes or fantasies the viewer desires. This normally means raunchy situations and not wearing any visible form of protection.
Last time I checked, it’s VOLUNTARY to work in the porn industry. Unfortunately, diseases are part of the risk of working in the porn industry, whether you’re a video star, an escort or a prostitute. But it’s ultimately up to the person to decide whether or not to use protection in the end.
Don’t like a contract that insists on not using protection? Don’t sign it!
Don’t like it that a director or producer insists on not using protection? Don’t agree to work for them!
Don’t like it that your profession may expose you to nasty STDs or even HIV? Get the hell out of that profession!
See a pattern here? Nobody is forcing people to expose themselves and perform unprotected sex acts on camera. The actors and actresses all choose to not use protection and take a risk that their partner(s) is/are not carrying or transmitting any diseases. Those decisions are commonly made with the help of frequent medical screenings, but as we’ve seen, sometimes cases slip through the screening process.
Remember that passing laws against the porn industry really won’t do anything in the end. This was an industry that was notorious for creating pornographic films in secret locations to avoid laws and persecution back in the 1970s and 80s. If counties or states were to suddenly get tough against the porn companies, they’ll just change locations or even move back underground again and just continue filming as they have for the past forty or so years.
Pornography has exploded in popularity since the days of the Internet, and this trend is not going to stop any time soon. States and the federal government can try to pass laws to better protect the actors and actresses, but it’s not going to do anything in the end. The performers aren’t going to suddenly start using condoms just because a law says so. Instead they’re going to continue delivering the content that their viewers desire. As long as that desire still exists, then so will unprotected sex acts in pornographic films.
Do I feel sorry for any of the performers who get infected with STDs or HIV? No. I feel sorry for those people who have problems with organs (natural heart conditions, kidney disease, neurological problems, etc.) or get terminal diseases such as cancer, not those people who become infected from something easily preventable.
Take a look at Rod Daily, the most recent porn star who has been diagnosed with HIV. Looking at his filmography at the IAFD you’ll see that he mainly performs in GAY films. Those few titles released in 2013 are all male-on-male gay films. HIV and AIDS are dominant in the gay male communities and with drug users who share needles. The disease is also rampant throughout Africa and frequently spread between infected female prostitutes and male truck drivers who also carry STDs.
So here we have a predominately gay adult film star who was just diagnosed with HIV. Obviously he wasn’t using some sort of protection in the recent past, and now he’s stuck with living an HIV life. You can blame the allegedly frequent and rigorous testing mandated by most porn companies for not detecting the disease in one of his partners (ASSUMING that he caught it while filming and not on his own time), but this guy still chose to place himself in a risky situation. His risk finally caught up to him and now he has to deal with living with HIV. The good news for Rod is that today’s medications can easily help slow the disease and allow him to live a long and mostly normal life.
Instead of feeling sorry for the guy or mandating the requirement of condoms, people really need to be taught basic thinking skills and how to use common sense. In the world of sex, people also need to learn how the more serious diseases are REALLY spread and why they’re so common in certain demographics. Political correctness may try to hide evidence, but the facts are still out there. If you choose to participate in certain activities, then it’s ultimately your decision whether or not to use protection and better protect yourself.
Life is full of choices, people. Use your head and make the correct ones.