GoGo Pillow (Cell Phone & Tablet Holder) – A Marketing Review
The combination of a spicy dinner finished with ice cream and washed down with an icy cold cola can be dangerous.
At least, it can be dangerous for those of us with stomach disorders.
While the meal itself was delicious, you know that the after effects can be a bit, um, hostile, if you know what I mean. Sometimes it’s worth it though if you’re craving a meal like that and don’t have it very often. Every once in a while you don’t mind sitting on the can and suffering from the horrors of diarrhea after a really tasty meal.
Thankfully, we have items such as cell phones and tablets to keep ourselves busy while “dropping anchor” on a “porcelain cruise.” As you try to balance your expensive tablet on your legs and prevent it from slipping between your thighs and making a splashdown amongst the floaters and sinkers, you can’t help but wonder if there’s a better way of doing this. Maybe there’s such a product to make it easier to hold your precious entertainment while performing a massive evacuation from your bowels.
GoGo Pillow website — www.GoGoPillow.com
What’s this?
The GoGo Pillow? Could it really help us in those hours of need when we desperately need some way of holding our tablet on an uneven surface?
GoGo Pillow TV commercial
Hmmm. Maybe there’s some potential with this tablet accessory. Let’s take a closer look and review the advertisement, perhaps even seeing if we can discover any faults along the way.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Facebook update: Help! My tablet is falling off my kn……..
The GoGo Pillow television commercial begins with a woman trying to type on a tablet while balancing it on her knees. The only problem is that she’s doing a poor job of holding it. Her motor skills just cannot handle such a complicated task. The tablet falls off her lap and drops faster than Congress’s approval rating.
This woman should be glad that she’s poorly using her tablet while sitting on an ordinary chair and not a toilet, where tablet and smart phone usage is very common. At least in the living room it’ll only hit a carpeted floor. In the bathroom, well, that’s going to be an embarrassing (or hilarious) story. It might make a splashdown in the bowl of doom, it might hit the tiled floor and break, or it might even hit your foot and slide under a neighboring stall, allowing that person to see the twisted pornography that you were just viewing. Yeah, that’s always a good one. LOL
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – It’s so small. Is that why the girls keep laughing at me?
Here we have a guy who’s trying to watch a video on his tiny cell phone. He’s also rubbing his neck. This guy is either suffering from sitting in an uncomfortable car seat while straining his eyes and watching a tiny video screen, or he lost the “wrestle for shotgun privilege” rule with his friends. Let’s hope that the GoGo Pillow can help his neck and make him the envy of other car riders.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Why does my arm get tired when I keep holding it in the air?
This scientist chooses to lie back while holding up her tablet and watching videos. The only problem is that for some reason it’s tiring to keep holding up a tablet. Man, why is life so unfair and challenging at times?
Is there anything that can help this poor woman? Is she doomed to reclining in bed and always holding her tablet up in the air? Are there no other solutions besides, you know, finding a different relaxation position in bed?
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Can I get this tablet any closer to the mixing bowl?
What about this master of the kitchen and her need of holding an expensive tablet right next to the f*&king mixing bowl? And to think, back in the late 1990s we had to place a cook book on the kitchen counter and glance to it if we needed to reread any cooking instructions. How will these modern day dimwits survive if they have to constantly hold up their tablets while trying to cook meals? Maybe they should put that tablet to good use and just order home delivery for all of their meals.
I don’t believe that simply giving this woman a GoGo Pillow is going to assist in her times of trouble, such as figuring out how to read a tablet’s screen while cooking in the kitchen. This poor woman needs far greater skills that can only be mastered in a special land known as Kindergarten.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – It’s the GoGo Pillow, a pillow-like holder for tablets and cell phones.
And just what magical, as-seen-on-TV product can help those poor people?
According to this advertisement, the solution can only be the GoGo Pillow. And just what is the GoGo Pillow? In case you’re still curious despite already seeing the picture two inches above this paragraph, the GoGo Pillow is a pillow-like device that can help hold and support your tablets and large cell phones.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Now I can look more sophisticated while typing on a tablet. Thanks, GoGo Pillow!
In a concept that sounds like it needs to be seen to be believed, here we can see just how stylish it looks to use a pillow-like accessory to hold a tablet on your lap while you’re typing on the screen. Now imagine that same concept, but only you’re on the sh*tter instead of on the couch. Won’t your co-workers be impressed when they see you carrying your tablet and the GoGo Pillow into the company’s bathroom? Yeah, they’ll be wishing that they could hold their tablets as easily as you can while “taking the Browns to the Super Bowl.” Remember that their staring, snickering, and finger pointing only means that they are jealous of you.
On a side note, isn’t it going to be more tiring on your arms to keep them raised even higher when using the GoGo Pillow on your lap? It doesn’t take much effort to use tablets when they’re down on your lap. But when you raise the device by what looks like four or five inches, all of a sudden you’re going to be feeling that tension in your arms fairly quickly. At what point are you going to sacrifice the ability to use a pillow to hold your tablet (And the style! We can’t forget about how stylish it looks!) for the laziness of holding your hands lower and closer to your lap?
Methinks that laziness will reign supreme. After all, we are talking about modern society with both adults and children.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Is that a tablet in your pillow or are you just happy to see me?
Here we have Captain Relaxation showing us that you can use the GoGo Pillow to prop up your tablet while you keep your arms behind your head. Yeah, that’ll do it. I’m sure sales of the GoGo Pillow are going to skyrocket as soon as everybody realizes that you can use the product to hold your tablet while lounging in this position. You may as well just head directly to the company’s website and place your order for the GoGo Pillow.
Oh, you’re still here? Great!
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Some people might attempt to frame their high school diploma the same way.
Now we learn the true secret behind the GoGo Pillow!
As it’s explained, the GoGo Pillow is made from a “. . . sleek and comfortable patented multi-slot design.” It holds the corners of any tablet, and you’re able to rotate the pillow for a better viewing angle.
While this concept itself sounds fairly interesting, one does question if there’s any extra weight within the pillow for more holding options and better stability. If I were to place my tablet at a certain angle, would it stay that way, or would the weight of the tablet and the interior of the pillow shift it to a more natural position even though it may not be as convenient for me?
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – These cartoons are so f&$king boring!
Uh oh!
The children are bored with their tablet. Are they no longer impressed with modern technology? Is it time to send them to a video arcade and have them interact with other people? No, they might get too much exercise that way. Besides, if they wanted to socialize with others, they can just stay indoors and use Facebook.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Look how much fun we’re having! Thanks, GoGo Pillow!
No, the answer to the kids’ boredom was not by sending them to the local arcade, making them have fun outside, or introducing them to a funtastic place known as the Y.M.C.A. I hear that the Y.M.C.A. is a place you can go when you’re short on your dough. Not only that, but you can get yourself clean and have a good meal, basically doing whatever you feel.
The correct answer to this problem was choice C) Give them a GoGo Pillow so the lazy kids can use a pillow to hold their tablet.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Why hold the tablet on my lap when I can use the arm rest on my couch?
Not only can you use the GoGo Pillow to hold your tablet and other devices on your lap, but it can also work when you want to use an alternate surface to hold your laptop, such as the arm rest on a couch. Just make sure that your GoGo Pillow stays properly balanced at all times. Otherwise . . .
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – I’m so lame that I need to watch my tablet in awkward positions on my exercise machine.
In perhaps the stupidest example of the GoGo Pillow yet, here we have a dimwit using the GoGo Pillow to help hold her tablet balanced on her exercise machine.
1) Unless you manage to expertly secure the pillow, it’s going to be easy to knock it off the machine.
2) Chances are good that you’ll actually be exercising and accidentally drip sweat onto your expensive tablet or smart phone.
3) Are you really this lame of a person that you need a tablet right there while you’re exercising?
I understand those people who like to use headphones while working out at a noisy gym, but this woman is in her own home. Is the television set broken? Is she on the phone? Is that her natural head position since she most likely does useless crap on her tablet and phone all day?
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Now I’m comfortable while watching movies in bed. OMG! That’s, like, totally cool. Thanks a bunch, GoGo Pillow!
Here we have a woman who finally found a way to watch movies comfortably while in bed. Wasn’t this the same woman who we previously saw holding her tablet up in the air while lying in bed? Do you mean to tell me that she actually changed her relaxation position to something more comfortable?
Let me guess — this is all thanks to the GoGo Pillow, right? There’s no way that she could have discovered any type of position close to this without that pillow-like accessory. I mean, thanks to a product like this, the woman finally has a way to relax while watching movies in bed.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – It’s just like one of those in-car entertainment centers, only it’s not.
Not only can you carefully balance a GoGo Pillow on a surface, but the pillow also has a pair of straps across the back of it. That means that if you have a little bit of engineering and mechanic skills, you can wrap it around the back of the headrest in your car, giving your precious little snowflake some desperately needed entertainment. You know, for those short car rides to the school bus stop and the grocery store. One mustn’t upset the youngsters and deny them their cartoons . . .
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Haters gonna hate.
At one point you’re going to ask if the GoGo Pillow can only hold tablets and large smart phones.
Thankfully, the answer to that question is NO! According to the advertisement, the GoGo Pillow can also be used to help hold large books and magazines. Imagine the luxury of no longer having to hold a book with your hands (for those of you still living in the dark ages and haven’t switched to Kindles and Nooks like the rest of civilization). Now you can just sit back and use the GoGo Pillow to help hold your reading material.
Remember what I said about your friends being jealous of you using a GoGo Pillow to hold your tablet? That jealousy is going to probably double when they see that you can also use it to hold large books and magazines.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Ah, that feeling of knowing your tablet holder can also be a neck pillow.
In an amazing display of versatility, in this part of the advertisement we see that the GoGo Pillow can transform into . . . A NECK PILLOW! Talk about upping the standards for those other tablet holders.
“Can your tablet holder also function as a neck pillow?”
– “Not really . . .”
“Mine can!”
The jealousy level of your friends has just quadrupled.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – It can even be a small backpack! Holy f*$k!
Just when you thought that the GoGo Pillow could only hold tablets, magazines, and large books and cell phones, AND it could unzip and transform into a travel pillow, here we see that the GoGo Pillow has one more surprise for us. It can also function as a small backpack! Un-f&#king-believable! The jealousy of your friends and co-workers will increase exponentially when they see this feature. In fact, you may want to keep your GoGo Pillow in a secure area as it may become a high-theft item once people discover the true versatility and usefulness of the product.
According to the advertisement, “Kids love GoGo Pillow.” From what I understand, the reason why kids love the GoGo Pillow is that they can use it as a backpack and carrying case for their tablet.
Of course, this is assuming that said children can A) Manage to convert the GoGo Pillow from a tablet holder to essentially a tablet carrying accessory, and back again. And B) The kiddies need to remember that their expensive electronics are being stored in a carrying case that looks nothing like a traditional tablet case. When you forget what cases are really carrying, that’s when items become lost and/or broken. Remember those stories about how people use unusual hiding places for jewelry and large sums of cash, and then they’re crying on camera when they realize that the item that was secretly holding the precious items was accidentally given away to charity or sold at a garage sale?
That’s a very real danger of using alternate devices to store or carry expensive and/or fragile items. Containers may look cute, but is it worth the risk in the end?
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – I can study so much better now that I can lie on my stomach and use a pillow to prop up my textbook!
The GoGo Pillow returns to an earlier concept and shows us again how the pillow can help support items besides tablets and large smart phones. Here we see a student using the pillow to hold up a textbook. Is there a matching device to help hold her notes or, even better, actually help her take notes? No? So she can only prop up her book? That’s it? So much for using it to help you study if you still have to resort to alternate methods to take notes and actually learn the subject material.
It’s a girl using a pillow in her bedroom. That’s all you need to know in this segment of the commercial. She may as well also have stuffed animals surrounding her along with a puppy on her bed. Make that a bulldog puppy, specifically a brown and white English bulldog who answers to the name of Bully. Yeah, there we go. That would be awesome to see in the commercial.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – Dammit! Staplers are NOT to be used as tablet holders!
Are you desperate enough to use anything to prop up your tablet? Have you chosen to avoid official tablet holders and resorted to common household items such as remote controls, staplers, and even your old pair of socks? And those have still failed you?
If you’ve experienced failure on that level, perhaps you’re going to need some additional training before attempting to use a product such as the GoGo Pillow. Some things in life are just not meant for you.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – You mean to tell me that those other accessories actually cost money?
Here we have the GoGo Pillow advertisement comparing the product to other tablet and cell phone accessories. This is assuming that everything is of the same quality, right? As you can see, this promotion of “savings” also happens to show very expensive accessories. Many of those same items can be found in the bargain sections of Walmart.
Instead of trying to inflate the value of the GoGo Pillow by making a ridiculous comparison, the advertisement should have focused on how the GoGo Pillow is an all-in-one accessory versus those other accessories that need to be carried and stored individually.
GoGo Pillow TV commercial – It’s the BIG promotion!
At the end of the television commercial we’re hit with the sales pitch. Like almost every other as-seen-on-TV item, you can pretty much always find these products in brick & mortar stores (a.k.a. physical buildings like pharmacy stores and Walmart) . What we’re seeing here is a promotion only available through the TV commercial and the product’s website.
Of course, “promotion” doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be saving any money once you add up all of the associated fees.
In this case we’re being offered a buy-one-get-one-free promotion with the GoGo Pillow. All we have to do is pay a small fee and we’ll receive a duplicate GoGo Pillow in the same color (Blue, Grey, Pink, Burgundy, Black, and Animal Print) as the one ordered.
The TOTAL COST of the GoGo Pillow promotion comes to $39.85 ($19.95 + $9.95 P&H + $9.95 (P&H for the “free” GoGo Pillow)).
The sales pitch for the GoGo Pillow can be summed up in a simple question: How hard is it for you to hold a tablet while using it?
If it’s rather difficult but you’ve found a way to handle it, then chances are likely that you don’t need a GoGo Pillow.
If it’s not difficult to hold and use a tablet, then chances are also likely that you don’t need a GoGo Pillow.
If it is difficult to hold and use a tablet and you have not found a way by now to make it easier, well, perhaps you should whip out the ol’ credit card and just accept the fact that you need something like the GoGo Pillow to solve this monumental challenge. The GoGo Pillow’s website is ready for you to place the order. Just make sure that you pick out a really cool color as you’ll be receiving TWO of the pillows through the current promotion.
As far as the product itself, do I really need to point out the wacky name? The GoGo Pillow? Really? Were all the other decent names already taken?
All of the GoGo Pillow commercial images are screenshots of a TV commercial currently available on YouTube and the product’s website. For more product information, please visit the company’s website at www.GoGoPillow.com.
GoGo Pillow is a registered trademark.
RellimZone.com is not affiliated with GoGo Pillow.