Election Day 2014

Or as I like to call it, another day to avoid being distracted by shiny objects while trying to cast your vote.

Today marks the official day on the calendar when voters are supposed to go to their local polling station and cast their vote for whichever candidates and/or issue(s) are on the ballot.  It’s a symbolic time in which we like to believe that our opinion counts as an American citizen.  It’s a way of having political power with our representative form of government that was established “by the people” so many years ago.

Although one person’s vote makes no difference in the long run, it’s the voting power of the masses that have true control over our country, from your local town to your state to the national level itself.

Get out there and VOTE!

But what happens when the masses are ignorant and have no real clue about the candidates?  What happens when the voters themselves are more focused on pop culture and social media rather than a candidate’s background or motives?  What happens when your source of information is based on TV commercials and by what your equally ignorant, uninformed, and probably heavily biased “friends” on Facebook and Twitter are saying?

Sadly, that’s been the trend for the past few election cycles, and it’s only growing worse.  When the uneducated / ignorant / clueless show up in masses to vote (thanks in part to today’s asinine system of early voting a month in advance), the end result is trouble.  The product becomes an inverted world, a place where radicals gain political power and those against them are endlessly ridiculed and tormented.  If you want to see true hatred, have an opposing view with a modern liberal, activist and/or feminist.  Been there, done that.

If you’re against President Obama’s radical beliefs then it’s because *you* are a RACIST.  It doesn’t matter whatever facts you have to support your opinion.  If you stand opposite this current president, many, many people believe that you are doing so because you don’t like the color of his skin.

If you’re against gay marriage then it’s because *you* are a HATER.  It doesn’t matter if you have a religious or moral belief and do not want gay people to have the same marriage title as a man and a woman.  According to today’s society, if you’re against gay marriage then it’s because *you* do not want gay people to be happy.  Of course, pedophiles, rapists, fraudsters, embezzlers and robbers just want to be happy, too, but they’re locked away in prison.  Cheaters also want to be happy as well, but when they’re caught their actions tend to destroy relationships.  Apparently not *everybody* is allowed to be “happy” in our society.

If you’re against Obamacare, abortions, illegal immigration, expansions in welfare, gun control, man-made global warming, and any other hot topic today, then vast numbers in government, the media, and throughout social media think that it is YOU who is wrong.  Never mind facts, the Constitution, science, and having a strong sense of morals and values.  If you’re against issues like those, then “society” has deemed you as being intolerant, ignorant, racist, mean, or just a good, ol’ fashioned hater.

That’s how twisted our society has become, and it’s only growing worse.  We see more and more evidence of this every two years on Election Day.

Anyway, today is a day off from school (at least here in Georgia) as those of voting age visit the polling stations and cast their ballots.  Of course, not too long ago this didn’t used to be a day off for the kiddies.  Nobody seemed to have any problems as parents and other adults walked into schools (many schools serve as polling stations) and cast their ballot like they always did for years, but apparently now they keep the kids out of school on Election Day.  Is it because the schools are paranoid that some parent or adult is going to go nuts while in a building full of kids?  Or is it that school officials these days will use any excuse possible to keep the kids out of the classrooms?  Is there any benefit at all for keeping kids OUT of the classrooms on such an important day in our country?

Personally, I always thought it was neat being in school on Election Day.  It was proud knowing that our school was used as a polling station, and sometimes we saw our own parents or the parents of friends.

That’s part of today’s society for you.

Idiocracy will soon be our future, America.

Idiocracy will soon be our future, America.

As the masses continue to become more out of touch with reality, it’s only going to grow worse.  These are people who are more focused on pop culture, entertainment and whatever stupid things their “friends” post on social media rather than taking a few moments to actually research the candidates running for office.  These are people with short attention spans and capable of being heavily distracted by the stupidest things.  It’s just a matter of time before Ow! My Balls! becomes a real television show.  Plenty of idiots have already submitted their audition videos for it on YouTube.

Dang it.

Now I just distracted a bunch of people.


Take a few minutes and research the candidates running for election in your area.  Then go out and vote based on your research and beliefs.  After that you can spend all evening wasting time on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.  Government and politics can wait again for another two years.