Facebook and Privacy and Ways It’s Used Against You
Between the words Facebook, privacy, and yourself, which one does not belong with the other two?
That depends on how you look at the situation.
If you value your privacy, then Facebook is excluded. But if you value a public lifestyle on Facebook, then remove your privacy.
It seems that once every few months we learn of yet another way that Facebook is either involved with shady business practices (such as tricking minors to rack up ridiculous charges in games), to a more recent story about how some with the company. It’s also been known about how the company also likes to track your constant location whether or not you actually use the “check in” feature. But don’t worry, now there’s an easier way to tell the company as obviously as before.
Yeah. Sure. Okay. Whatever you say, Facebook. Yep. 100% complete faith in your system.
I’m supposed to believe you this time, just like how I’ve checked the “do not notify me of new friends” option yet you still keep notifying my phone of new friend suggestions at least once a day, almost all of those people that I’ve never met.
The end result though is still the same.
Facebook wants to know EVERYTHING about you to the smallest detail, from your location to your health to your spending habits. And once you’re snagged by one of its tentacles, your fate is sealed.
But why?
An obvious answer is that Facebook wants to make money through marketing and advertising the exact type of products that you’re most willing to purchase at any time of day, any day of the year. It’s a very intricate system that’s based on your profile and spending habits. To help you contribute to all of the ways of gathering information, Facebook keeps making its site fun and addictive, especially for the attention whores who love showing off their lifestyle and getting the same damn praise from the same exact people day after day. How many people do you know that are *always* on Facebook?
The more that Facebook draws you into the site, then the more likely you are to keep feeding it personal information. All of that is then used to build the model and make the right adjustments just for you.
Let’s see, Facebook routinely violates privacy issues, it tracks everything you do, apps connected to it have been proven deceitful in one way or another, and the site is a cess pool filled with leftists and radicals who routinely shout down and bully conservative voices, all in the name of so-called “social justice.” Plus there have been studies showing how social media sites actually have negative effects on people’s mental health and can easily contribute to depression, like that was really difficult to figure out. It’s a rather simple study known as, “No Matter What, Somebody Is Living a Better Lifestyle Than You, and There’s Nothing You Can Do About It.” The more that’s shoved in your face (through endless Facebook notifications along with the “newsfeed”), the easier it is to become depressed.
Tell me again why I need to voluntarily be a part of that mess. If it wasn’t for keeping in touch with a few distant people, I would have permanently removed that app a long time ago.
But what if you knew that there was potentially a darker side to the social media giant? Even worse than what we already know?
Do you know about DARPA’s project LifeLog?
Developed in the late 1990s, LifeLog was a project created by the Department of Defense to basically track the minute details of every person in the country, and to expand that around the world. The more that the project could learn about human behavior, then the better that they can model and predict it.
So what happens if you have an incredibly intricate computer model that can very accurately predict an individual person’s behavior?
Officially, such information can be used to help the country during times of need, such as during a severe economic depression, an act of terrorism, an outbreak of a deadly disease, or whatever else pops up, whether it’s organic or artificially created. If you can accurately predict how people will behave during situations like that, then the faster you can help them.
But what if you can also use that information to shift the narrative and basically alter future events to something better suited for your agenda?
By accurately studying the past and using it to analyze the present, then you can effectively change a person’s behavior and use it to shape the future.
If you create situation [A] here, then it’ll spread [B] there, and your final outcome will be [C], ideally a situation that you prefer. We’ve seen that scenario before where [MASS SHOOTING] leads to [OUTRAGE & PROTESTS] and then [ATTEMPTS TO CHANGE GUN LAWS]. Or, more recently, a [FAKE HATE CRIME] lead to [SYMPATHY FOR GAY AND BLACK MINORITIES] and then [OUTRAGE AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS].
Does it really matter that Jussie Smollett apparently faked his hate crime attack? Not really when you consider that he did enough damage by casting doubt on Trump supporters and reaffirming the minds of many minorities and gay people that they’re always under the *implied* threat of being physically attacked, even though the *true* threat itself is virtually non-existent. For those two weeks after the (fake) attack, the narrative had been shifted and severe blame was placed on white males who support President Trump. It doesn’t matter as much that the attack was staged and the two black Nigerian brothers were paid $3,500 to “attack” Jussie Smollett, just as he rehearsed it with them. The damage was still done and next time anything close to that happens, staged or not, people will be quick to jump on the bandwagon and once again cast blame on their favorite targets.
That’s just one way to shift a narrative through a planned event. Jussie Smollett was too sloppy and hilariously over-the-top, and that caught up with him in the end, but future events will be different. Besides, we’ve already seen orchestrated events in the past that were much more effective.
Officially, project LifeLog was cancelled in January of 2004. Right around that time up popped Mark Zuckerberg and his amazing world of Facebook. We’re meant to believe that not only was the shutdown of LifeLog and the start of Facebook just a coincidence, but the similar information gathering capabilities (and goals) of Facebook were merely coincidental as well.
The truth of the matter is this — YOU have NO IDEA who actually uses all of your private information on social media websites such as Facebook. You can go into the settings and check as many of the privacy boxes as it takes to help you feel better about “privacy” on Facebook, but once you start voluntarily feeding it and associated apps with your personal information, then all bets are off. That’s just one of the prices you pay for being part of the “Hey! Look at me!” craze on social media.
It’s just a matter of time before we’re reminded yet again of the ways that either Facebook or apps associated with it have violated the public’s trust in one way or another.