Why is New Zealand “Hiding” the Mosque Shooting Video?
On Friday there was a mass shooting in New Zealand allegedly carried out by a single person, Brenton Tarrant.
In today’s age of technology, the entire attack was livestreamed on Facebook for the world to witness. Naturally, the video was downloaded and has been spreading like wildfire across the Internet, including social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
But then something rather strange happened.
Unlike the 9/11 videos of terrorists crashing airliners into the World Trade Center, or the numerous (and extremely graphic) propaganda videos of ISIS carrying out brutal and bloody executions (not being limited to beheadings, shootings, setting people on fire, drowning them, and other various ways of killing a human being), or those similar cartel execution videos, the government of New Zealand was quick to clamp down and classify the mosque shooting video as “objectional content,” thus making it illegal to download and even more illegal to share the video with other people.

A friendly reminder that it’s illegal to download and/or share the mosque shooting video.
And how serious is the government of New Zealand about stopping people from downloading and sharing the shooting video? Just as this unspecified eighteen-year-old young man who was arrested and actually denied bail for doing just that. He’s facing at least ten years in jail for sharing the video of the shooter, plus more for his online postings. How crazy is that?

Telstra (an Australian ISP) censoring the Internet.
Following the government’s rather extreme response to the shooting, it’s been reported that various Internet Service Provider (ISP) companies in New Zealand and Australia have quickly been blacklisting and blocking people from accessing websites that have been reported to have allegedly shared the video at one point in time. We’re not talking about blocking the page on the site that was reported, but the entire site as a whole.
It’s, you know, to help keep your fragile mind safe and all. It’s for your own good. Trust us. We’d never lie to you. And don’t you dare try to read Brenton Tarrant’s manifesto. He’s evil. Trust us. We’ll just tell you what you need to know about him. Trust us.
The big question is, Why is New Zealand being so hardcore about censoring the mosque shooting video and basically stopping people from talking about the incident?
As it was previously mentioned, I don’t recall hearing about this kind of outrage when other terrorist events were published online, from the 9/11 terrorist attacks to the numerous beheadings and executions carried out by ISIS and other organizations. While YouTube never allowed the execution videos, other websites gladly posted them and basically nobody cared. You could watch that stuff and download it for your own personal collection without any problems.
But here’s this video of somebody shooting and killing a bunch of muslims in a mosque, and people aren’t being allowed to talk about it? Why not? Was it perhaps, just perhaps, that Brenton Tarrant’s views challenged the narrative and the globalists’ immigration & “strength in diversity” crap that’s continually being forced down people’s throats?
I am not defending Brenton Tarrant or his actions. But if you actually want to have a conversation about him and what he did, then you need access to the prime pieces of evidence — the video and his manifesto.
Read his manifesto and you’ll clearly see that he’s definitely not a “right-wing terrorist” like the media has been reporting. Nor is he a supporter of President Trump’s actions. He only claims support for Trump “as a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.” Of course, the whole “white identity” branding of Trump is a blatant LIE created by the leftists and media, but nobody seems to care about the truth these days anyway. When it comes to President Trump’s policies and leadership, Brenton Terrant is absolutely NOT a fan. This is not guesswork. He plainly says so in his manifesto.
So there you go. The media claims that Terrant is a Trump supporter, but if you read the manifesto and have actually paid attention to politics, then you’ll see that it’s a LIE based on a LIE.
But you actually have to go out there and look at the source material instead of listening to the endless lies by the media, and the heaping pile of bullshit being stated by the talking heads and your idiot friends on Facebook.
As far as trying to identify Brenton Tarrant’s viewpoints, he clearly tells us in his manifesto that, “I mostly agree with Sir Oswald Mosley’s views and consider myself an eco-fascist by nature. The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.”
China?!? Really? The land of communism, political executions, propaganda, extreme pollution, and government censoring the Internet? That China?
He’s a leftist tree-hugger who supports a communist country that has a harsh reputation for polluting the environment. Last time I checked, that’s the complete opposite of the whole “right-wing and Trump supporter” narrative that the media’s been pushing so hard.
And look at his outcome.
Just watch as guns will be banned in New Zealand. If they’re not outright banned, they’ll be next to impossible to be legally owned. God help you if you ever need to use one to save you life or the life of another person.
Because of his actions you’re also seeing New Zealand’s government flexing its power and clamping down harder on its innocent people, from Internet censoring to long prison sentences for merely downloading the video of the shooter.
Internet censoring (21st century book burning) today, re-education camps tomorrow. Or gulags. Or just a bullet to the back of the head. We’ve seen it countless times before by the communist Soviets, Chinese, North Koreans, Cubans, and in dictatorships run by people like Pol Pot and Saddam Hussein. Don’t worry about that. The “thought police” will determine which punishment is best for your criminal behavior.
Now stop researching and thinking on your own, or you’ll be severely punished. We will tell you how to think. Trust us.