Lying About A “Racist” School Attack In Virginia

Last Friday a major news story circulated about how a twelve-year-old girl was viciously bullied and attacked at her school.  And it was all because of her race.

Remember that one?

According to the news article and accompanying video, Amari Allen was assaulted by three white students while outside on the school’s playground.  One of the boys held her down, another covered her mouth so she couldn’t scream or cry for help, and the third one used scissors to cut off parts of Amari’s dreadlocks.  While doing so, the three white students allegedly called her names and told her things like she was ugly or that she shouldn’t even be there.  Amari even cried on camera during the interview with the news reporter.

Allegedly Amari was so ashamed that she couldn’t tell her grandmother (her legal guardian) about the attack.  It wasn’t until several days later that her grandmother noticed Amari’s hair, and that’s when she learned what happened.  The school and police were notified, and an investigation took place.  Naturally, news of the attack sparked outrage as it seemed so senseless and cruel.

In the video on the website, Amari’s mother, Lakeisha Allen, even says that those boys “. . . need to be locked up in juvenile.”  She also said that, “[t]heir parents need to be in trouble for this as well.”  After all, Lakeisha went on to say that, “. . . it’s a racism thing,” and that’s a “learned behavior.”

I’m sure you know exactly where we’re going with this one.  The article’s title *might* have given it away.

So today, Monday, September 30th, it was announced that . . . THE GIRL LIED ABOUT THE HATE CRIME ATTACK.

It was a hoax.  There was no attack.  There was NO racism or bullying (by the accused white students).  Nothing!

A 12-year-old African American girl who claimed three white classmates pinned her down and cut her dreadlocks says she made the story up, her school says

There you have it, folks.  Here’s yet *another* story about an alleged hate crime that was completely false.  (Jussie Smollett, anyone?)

When Amari’s story was first reported on Friday, it seemed highly suspicious based on the girl’s description of what happened, including the terminology.  The words that the alleged attackers used were off, and the “hair cutting attack” was just plain wacky.  It’s kind of like paying two brothers to beat you up and then leave a hangman’s noose around your neck.  Right, Jussie?

Plus, there’s an even bigger reason why this alleged attacked seemed highly suspicious.

Are you ready?


It’s because these types of white-on-black racist attacks just do not happen in this country like the media want you to believe.

We are a very long ways from the 1960s and the last of the KKK.  We’re talking over fifty years and counting.  And the 1960s were the end of the KKK.  The organization was significantly stronger back in the 1880s – 1920s, over a hundred years ago.  I repeat, more than o-n-e  h-u-n-d-r-e-d years ago.  And yet the mainstream media seems to be convinced that perhaps hundreds of thousands of white supremacists are just running around freaking everywhere.

That’s just not true.  And we know it for a fact.

How do we know it’s not true?


If this was the case, and white people were constantly going around and targeting blacks, then you’d hear all about it.  You’d see countless examples of bigotry and violence, and I’m not just talking about calling somebody a bad name, or cutting the ends off of dreadlocks.  I’m talking about true violence against people and their property.  Trust me, if a *real* case did pop up, then you’d hear all about it in the news and through the famous talking heads in politics.

Like Dylann Roof, the church shooter who targeted black people in Charleston, South Carolina.

While there has been an occasional case of white-on-black racism here and there, it’s nothing to the extent of what certain politicians and news organizations want you to believe.  Go walk around outside and see it for yourself.  Whites and blacks are getting along just fine.  There’s no tension unless somebody specifically creates it for an exact purpose.

Let’s go back to this fake hate crime in Virginia.

Here you have a twelve-year-old girl who, I’m guessing through the urging of her grandmother, made a false report not only to her school, but also the local police department.  She was also interviewed on TV, going so far as crying on camera while talking about the details that did NOT happen to her.  Her mother, Lakeisha, stated that the perpetrators needed to be locked away in juvenile detention and punished for their racist behavior, along with their parents.  After all, she claimed that they had to learn their racism from somewhere, and it was most likely an attitude passed down from their elders.

So how about it, Lakeisha?

When are they going to lock up your daughter?

You just claimed that the white boys “. . . need to be locked up in juvenile.”  Well, they were completely innocent.  It was YOUR DAUGHTER who showed the true racist behavior by deliberately targeting innocent white people and also creating unnecessary tension in her school.  Hell, that could be classified as terrorism.  Since you also claimed that, “their parents need to be in trouble for this as well,” are you or the girl’s grandmother voluntarily surrendering to the police to be sentenced for whatever way you helped contribute to your daughter’s mental health?  Or doesn’t it work that way?

Don’t worry.  You can relax.  I’m sure that this will all be swept away by the news media since, you know, absolutely no HATE crime took place.

This was a twelve-year-old girl who deliberately made a false claim about a racist attack.  She knew what she was doing.  She also wasn’t the first to make a false claim, and she won’t be the last.  Maybe one day the news media will remove their incredible bias and actually do some honest reporting for a change.

Yeah, I know.  Wishful thinking.

Gotta love those double-standards and the way they keep pushing a narrative.  That propaganda machine seems to be running rather well these days.