Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

Facebook, Project LifeLog, Mass Government Spying, and You

Last week we took a look at everybody’s favorite social media website and the fact that absolutely nothing that you do on there is ever truly “private.”

And just now, believe it or not, other articles have come forward informing us that the massive surveillance conducted by Facebook isn’t just contained within Facebook.  It turns out that other apps on your phone and tablet have been transmitting data to Facebook, whether you like it or not.

Now let’s take a look at some of Q’s recent postings and see just how deep that rabbit hole goes concerning the world of Facebook.

Q posting - Facebook & DARPA

Q posting – Facebook & DARPA

Last night Q made a posting comparing DARPA’s Project LifeLog and Facebook.  Like I mentioned in my previous article, the Department of Defense created LifeLog as a way of tracking people’s thoughts, movements and actions, from where they go every day to what books they read, which TV shows they enjoy, etc.  Its purpose was to catalog and monitor EVERYTHING possible relating to average, everyday people.

LifeLog officially ended on February 4, 2004.

Facebook was founded on February 4, 2004.

So why was Project LifeLog cancelled?

Perhaps the question we have to ask ourselves is, was LifeLog really cancelled? Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Dan - March 7, 2019 at 5:01 pm

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Facebook and Privacy and Ways It’s Used Against You

Between the words Facebook, privacy, and yourself, which one does not belong with the other two?

That depends on how you look at the situation.

If you value your privacy, then Facebook is excluded.  But if you value a public lifestyle on Facebook, then remove your privacy.

It seems that once every few months we learn of yet another way that Facebook is either involved with shady business practices (such as tricking minors to rack up ridiculous charges in games), to a more recent story about how some with the company.  It’s also been known about how the company also likes to track your constant location whether or not you actually use the “check in” feature.  But don’t worry, now there’s an easier way to tell the company as obviously as before.

Yeah.  Sure.  Okay.  Whatever you say, Facebook.  Yep.  100% complete faith in your system.

I’m supposed to believe you this time, just like how I’ve checked the “do not notify me of new friends” option yet you still keep notifying my phone of new friend suggestions at least once a day, almost all of those people that I’ve never met.

The end result though is still the same.

Facebook wants to know EVERYTHING about you to the smallest detail, from your location to your health to your spending habits.  And once you’re snagged by one of its tentacles, your fate is sealed.

But why? Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Dan - February 25, 2019 at 9:41 am

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Facebook – Politics, Privacy, And The World’s Greatest Spying Machine

If you’ve been paying at least slight attention to the news lately (yes, I know this is a stretch for many people today), you may have noticed something about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg answering to Congress about the privacy of Facebook’s users.

And just why is this taking place?

Back in 2016, a company called Cambridge Analytica basically used software to access people’s data on Facebook, profile them based on that data, and help send political advertisements their way during the 2016 presidential election.  This is in the news because that data was used to help campaign for President Trump.  That’s all you really need to know as far as why all of a sudden the media cares about privacy and politics on Facebook.

Had that same exact data been used to help Hillary Clinton, then the story would have never made the news.  It’s been widely known that Facebook has been an impromptu arm of the Democratic Party, and frequently conservative voices have been silenced under the blanket label of “hate speech” (i.e. anything that the “rulers” don’t agree with, whether it’s truly “hateful” or not).

Want some proof of Facebook’s loyalty to the Democrats?  Check out this listing of 2015-16 political campaign contributions that somebody on Reddit discovered.  When you have 995 Facebook employees each giving $200 (or more) to Hillary, and only 23 people giving at least that much to Trump, that’s telling you something right there about how the overwhelming majority of the workers at the company think when it comes to politics.  It’s also a major indicator of their agenda and how they censor “hate speech” and “inappropriate” content. Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Dan - April 11, 2018 at 12:43 pm

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