Gatlinburg, Tennessee – trip report part 9 – Diamond Resorts Sales Pitch
On Sunday morning we started the day very early. After waking up at sunrise, showering and dressing, we had one final breakfast at our hotel. Then we quickly loaded the car and checked out. It was time to head home, but first we had to make a mandatory stop for our timeshare sales pitch with Diamond Resorts.
As it was explained earlier, the sales pitch was the entire reason for our almost spontaneous trip to eastern Tennessee and the Great Smoky Mountains. Without it we would not have gone at that point in time. But Diamond’s “free” trip offer was interesting, so we gave it a fair shot.

Diamond Resorts – Gatlinburg, Tennessee
Traffic was extremely light and the sun was still rising as we easily drove south through Pigeon Forge and quickly made our way into Gatlinburg. Although our timeshare sales pitch meeting place was classified as being in Gatlinburg, the actual location was over ten miles away from the heart of the town. It was a bit of a drive getting there, but we made it just before our scheduled appointment.
A strange part was that when we made our appointment for this trip, we chose the Pigeon Forge vacation option. Our hotel was in Pigeon Forge, and that part was great. No problems there. But our sales pitch was not only in Gatlinburg, but it was at a place way outside of town. Later during the meeting, the salesman did mention that Diamond did have a newer location in Pigeon Forge. Why we weren’t scheduled to meet there, we’ll never know. Read more…
Bumble & Serene Williams Super Bowl Commercial – It’s Not About Equality
Last night my wife and I were watching the Super Bowl featuring the Patriots versus the Rams.
Yes, for those of you wondering, I’ve eased up on my NFL boycott from last year. While I’m still not anywhere close to ever wearing any team apparel (or selling it on eBay in my online store), I’ve been casually watching games this past season, though mainly as TV background noise while I’ve been working. My TV antenna works great for picking up games on the local broadcast channels for free. Neither the NFL or its main sponsors will still (intentionally) get a single penny from me.
Anyway, early in the Super Bowl there was a TV commercial starring tennis champion Serena Williams. I’m definitely not a fan of hers, but being interested in marketing, I still watched the advertisement to see what product they were pushing on us viewers. And the end result was . . . rather confusing.
Serena Williams: Bumble Commercial
What in the hell is Bumble, and what does that have to do with Serena Williams basically telling girls to go out there and be fiercely aggressive in life? As it turns out, the message in the commercial and the product being sold are at two different ends of the spectrum. Read more…
Categories: marketing Tags: marketing, society, TV commercial
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee – trip report part 3 – Wyndham timeshare sales pitch
As it was mentioned in the previous article, after we arrived in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, and checked into our hotel, we went across the street to check out The Island.

The Island – Margaritaville – 2018
Before we left, we looked online and saw a few places that we wanted to visit. We thought that one of the places was at The Island, but when we got there we couldn’t find it. We then went over to an information stand and inquired about it to one of the workers. The worker was unfamiliar for this particular place were were looking for (it turns out that it was a few miles away — our mistake!), but she did start asking us about our trip in general, and if we already had tickets to attractions.
Okay, no big deal. Obviously she’s able to sell us tickets if we wanted to purchase any. What she asked next took us by surprise.
The worker asked something similar to, “Would you like to go to a dinner show for free?”
What’s the catch? we wondered. She informed us all we had to do was attend a timeshare presentation for Wyndham, and then we’ll be awarded with two tickets to basically any dinner show of our choosing. We don’t particularly care for dinner shows, so we asked if we could instead get free tickets for local attractions instead. She said sure, that wouldn’t be a problem. As long as the total cost was less than $100, then she could make it happen. Read more…
The Dump Furniture Outlet’s Annoying TV Commercials
Has anybody seen the latest commercials for The Dump Furniture Outlet?
“Wise Up, Bigshot: The Once a Year Clearance”
More specifically, has anybody been able to tolerate the rather annoying woman who does all the speaking in a rather insulting manner?

The Dump Furniture Outlet 2019 commercial
When I first noticed this irritating woman last month, I was hoping that it was a quick, one-time gimmick. Normally commercials for The Dump are rather bland with some guy doing a cheesy and rather dopey voiceover, telling us all about whatever sale they’re running that weekend. They were repetitive and mostly predictable, but they seemed to do the job. Read more…
Categories: Uncategorized Tags: marketing, TV commercial
Holiday Light Saver (Tangle-Free Christmas Lights Storage System) – A Marketing Review
For most people, late November and early December means that it’s time to haul the Christmas (errr, holiday) decorations out of the attic, basement, or garage, and to then decorate the house in an appropriate manner.
It’s fun, it’s entertaining, it helps spread the Christmas spirit (HOLIDAY! I really meant to say holiday spirit. Really.), and the larger number of lights that you use means the bigger your manhood. Or something like that. Whatever it really means, we all know that the more decorative lights that you use, then that much more time will be required to keep them all neatly stored and organized.
That’s what brings us here today.

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989) – (c) Warner Bros. – Clark Griswold needs some help untangling his Christmas lights.
For most people, the biggest problem with decorating for Christmas (Dang it. That should really be “. . . decorating for the holidays“) is simply dealing with the Christmas lights (Holiday lights!!! I should really pay more attention to my typing! Somebody has probably become offended at this point.) In January it’s very easy to pull down the lights and simply toss them into a plastic tub with the other strands of lights. They’re then forgotten until late November when it’s time to decorate the house again. That’s when we realize just how much we’ve forgotten that it’s actually frustrating and time consuming to untangle all of those strands of colorful lights.
Bob Rivers – “The Twelve Pains of Christmas” – original music video
It’s no wonder that “Rigging up the lights!” ranks as the second “pain” of Christmas in Bob Rivers‘s classic Christmas comedy song, “The Twelve Pains of Christmas.” Sometimes it’s challenging enough just to hang up the lights *without* trying to untangle them. Good grief!
Anyway, depending on your methods of organization and/or storage, dealing with the Christmas lights (HOLIDAY lights! I’ll get it right at some point.) can be a breeze or a royal pain in the Arsch. It’s just a matter of time before somebody, somewhere, creates a new method of storing those dang lights, a method that will (hopefully) make it so much quicker and easier to deal with the lights.
What’s this?

Holiday Light Saver website —
The Holiday Light Saver?
Can this really be the answer to the problem of figuring out an effective way of storing Christmas lights (Whoops! I really meant to say holiday lights. Honest.)?
an older TV commercial for the Holiday Light Saver
Let’s take a look and review the advertising for the Holiday Light Saver. In this case we’ll be using the TV commercial on display at the product’s website ( Does this look like a useful product, or does it look more like a scam?

Holiday Light Saver TV commercial – Decorating the house Griswold-style.
The advertisement for the Holiday Light Saver begins with an image of a house covered with Christmas lights. At least, I’m assuming that we’re looking at Christmas lights here. Neither the advertisement or the website specifically mentioned *Christmas* lights, but rather “holiday” lights. Since this doesn’t really look like a Hanukkah or Kwanzaa display, I’m going to take a wild guess and say that it’s most likely for Christmas.
Anyway, using lights is a common way to decorate your home for the holidays. It’s festive. It’s fun. And at night they usually look great.
But for many people, there’s a tiny little problem when it comes to Christmas (Yeah, I know, I know. Holiday.) lights . . . Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV, marketing Tags: as-seen-on-TV, Christmas, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
Apple iPhone 5s – Strength – TV Commercial
One of the latest television commercials for Apple’s iPhone 5s shows average people using the phone to help them exercise, both with the exercise and recording one’s progress.
This TV commercial has been aired numerous times during coverage of the 2014 World Cup. For those of you wondering, the song in the catchy commercial is called “Chicken Fat.”
Apple iPhone 5s – Strength – TV commercial
When seeing this commercial, I can’t help but cringe and wonder if people really do exercise that way, keeping track of their progress with what appears to be pinpoint precision and accuracy. I honestly don’t know about just how precise and accurate it is, but this is an Apple product and it’s expensive. Therefore I *assume* (yeah, I know) that it *probably* lives up to the hype in the television commercial.
Don’t get me wrong here. I do like technology and the way that it continually advances at a fast pace. My main concerns are when A) Said technology is used against everyday people, and B) When people are too dependent on said technology, and they live their life around it.
When you exercise at the gym, is it really necessary to have a program on your phone basically count the reps for you or show you how to do exercises?
How about when jogging or swimming laps at a pool? Do you really want your phone (and basically “Big Brother”) keeping track of your every movement? Read more…
Categories: marketing, Uncategorized Tags: marketing, society, TV commercial
Micro Touch One (Double-Edge Safety Razor) – A Marketing Review
Shaving has been a grooming habit since stones were sharpened into knives thousands of years ago.
While the electronic age has introduced conveniences such as electric razors, many people still prefer to use a metal blade as their instrument for shaving. These razors can be in the form of a straight razor, a safety razor, a cartridge razor, and the cheap, disposable razor.
Micro Touch One safety razor website —
Here we have the Micro Touch One, a double-edge safety razor being marketed as the preferable way to groom. Let’s take a look and review the Micro Touch One’s TV commercial and see how it’s being presented as a great way to shave.
To view the TV commercial you’ll have to visit the Micro Touch One’s website. As of this article’s publishing, there isn’t a good version of the commercial on YouTube.
Micro Touch One safety razor TV commercial – Hey, kids! It’s Rick Harrison from TV’s ‘Pawn Stars’!
Promoting the Micro Touch One double-edge safety razor is none other than Rick Harrison from one of TV’s hit reality shows, Pawn Stars. Pawn Stars is a reality show based in a pawn store in Las Vegas, Nevada. Rick is one of the hosts along with his father and Rick’s son. The people are all history buffs, and most of the time the seem to know what they’re talking about when it comes to quality and great values.
Just remember that in Pawn Stars we also see the darker side of them as they try to coax the sellers into as low of a sale price as possible. Knowing that, is Rick going to be completely honest with us viewers in this advertisement?
The Micro Touch One’s commercial begins with Rick Harrison introducing himself and telling us a little bit about his pawn store. This establishes some credibility with him appearing to know what he’s talking about when it comes to cool items and good values. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV, marketing Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
Bright Light Pillow (Bright, Light Up Pillow) – A Marketing Review
Darkness has saturated your home as the hands on the wall clock approach the midnight hour.
Ordinarily, night is one of your most treasured times at home. You stretch out in bed, watch some of the crappiest cartoons on the air waves, and just let your mind wander as you slowly drift closer and closer to sleep. That is, until your six-year-old kid began having nightmares again.
It’s a case of the good, old fashioned bogeyman. Not the phantom stench of unholy terror that hangs around the bathroom after burrito night, but rather a homicidal maniac that speaks only in whispers, wears a clown costume stained with blood, has uncontrollable flatulence, and patiently waits underneath your bed, waiting to snatch your feet and slash you with its rusty machete blade, a blade that is slowly sharpened as the bogeyman waits for his next victim.
Or there’s the case of Leroy the Alligator Snapping Turtle. Leroy quietly waits underneath your bed, keeping its mouth open, and patiently waiting for your feet or toes. As soon as you dangle your foot right outside of his dark home . . . CHOMP! Your ankle is now a mangled stump with broken bones, torn flesh, and blood squirting onto the floor. Good luck getting that image out of your head tonight!
You’re tried night lights, but that doesn’t work as the child still claims to hear “monster sounds.” She’s obviously scared of the dark. If only there was a way for her to have something soft that lights up in a variety of colors.
Bright Light Pillow website —
What’s this? The Bright Light Pillow? Can it really be the answer for making bed time significantly less scary and frightful?
Heading over to the product’s website, you can see the fancy pillows along with the current TV commercial. Let’s take a closer look and review the advertisement. Perhaps we’ll even find a problem or two along the way.
Bright Light Pillow TV commercial – Mommy, it was so scary! It wanted me to clean my room!
The Bright Light Pillow advertisement begins with a scene too familiar with most parents. It’s a little kid who is afraid of the dark. You know there’s nothing scary in the kid’s room, but merely telling the kid that fact means nothing. It’s going to take something far more than just your reassurance to get the kid to sleep tonight.
You may have to do some parenting.
Or, better yet, maybe there’s a toy or something else that you can substitute for parenting. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
Cat’s Meow (Moving Cat Toy) – A Marketing Review
A ferocious meow rips through the living room, sending you shivers and striking unimaginable fear into the depths of your heart.
You nervously look around and then spot your pet cat Missy sitting across the room. The cat’s tail steadily thumps the floor once every three seconds. Her normally bubbly and charming personality has been replaced by pure hatred. Next to the cat are the shredded remains of one your your socks. She must have snatched it from the laundry room when you weren’t looking.
Another sharp cry pierces the silence of the room, chilling you to the bone. As Missy continues to stare at you sharply with her emerald green eyes, only one thing is clear: The cat . . . is . . . pissed!
Is the cat upset because you took two days longer than usual to clean her litter box? Does she want a treat? Does Missy not approve of her toys?
The cat toys! That must be it. In the past month you’ve given the cat four different toys to help keep her amused, and she destroyed each of them. So far nothing has been able to amuse the cat and keep her entertained. Sitting in the cat’s box of toys is another shredded sock, the missing companion to the recently destroyed piece of fabric right next to the cat.
A quick thought flashes into your mind. You recall seeing a TV commercial for just such a cat toy. It advertised something about keeping your cat entertained and happy.
Cat’s Meow website —
There it is. The Cat’s Meow. It’s a motorized cat toy that claims to help keep a cat active and entertained.
Cat’s Meow TV commercial
Let’s take review the Cat’s Meow advertising and see just what it’s trying to sell to us.
Cat’s Meow TV commercial – The first rule of Cat Fight Club is that you do not talk about Cat Fight Club.
The Cat’s Meow TV commercial begins with a clip showing two cats playing and fighting with each other. Remember that cats commonly fight with each other as a form of entertainment as well as sharpening their natural hunting skills. This is a normal event for many multi-cat homes. It’s not a problem until cats become particularly aggressive and begin drawing blood.
According to the Cat’s Meow advertisement, cat fights are a bad thing and they can be prevented by giving the cats a fancy toy. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
Mr. Lid (Plastic Storage Containers) – A Marketing Review
That was another delicious meal!
The freshly roasted Spamburgers tasted great with the stewed Brussels sprouts and side of fresh kale. While everybody finished their Spamburgers, you noticed that both of the kids failed to eat their mandatory number of Brussels sprouts. Both of the kids quickly vanish from the table before you can confront them about their uneaten vegetables.
Well, let’s just see how they enjoy having them for breakfast, you chuckle to yourself. This isn’t the first time that they have skipped important parts of their meal, and you know that it won’t be their last.
You walk over to the cupboard and quickly find a plastic container larger enough for the Brussels sprouts. But there’s no lid! You frantically rummage through the cupboard, checking underneath other bowls and containers. You take the search into the next cupboard, but there’s still no lid.
Grrrrr. Where in the &#$% did that lid go? I know I placed it in the cupboard after it was washed, you tell yourself.
Oh, if only there was a solution to your incredibly disorganized cupboards. The Brussels sprouts are going to have to go to waste as you don’t have any other plastic containers with matching lids. It seems that the kids won the battle against yucky dinner . . . this time.
While preparing to take the Brussels sprouts outside and launching them across the yard with your trusty slingshot, an interesting television commercial catches your eye.
Mr. Lid website —
What’s this? Mr. Lid? Are they freakin’ serious?
Mr. Lid TV commercial
Yes, apparently these people are freakin’ serious. It’s a plastic container with a lid attached to it. The level of genius here cannot be measured.
Let’s take a closer look and review the Mr. Lid plastic container television commercial. Perhaps there’s more to this product than what we’re seeing. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
Perfect Tortilla (taco salad bowl maker) – A Marketing Review
It’s Taco Tuesday and dinnertime is nearing.
The kids keep demanding something different than just soft tacos and quesadillas. You have a stack of flour tortillas ready for action. You’d love to fry the tortillas into bowl shapes, but that requires a ladle, a vat of bubbling hot cooking oil, and some practice.
Oh, if only there was an easier way of making those crunchy taco salad bowls that everybody loves. That is, an easier way than just purchasing them in the store like you do anyway for the tortillas.
What’s this? The Perfect Tortilla baking pan for taco salad bowls?
Perfect Tortilla website —
You mean that I can actually bake those tortillas into bowl shapes right here in my own kitchen? It looks like Taco Tuesday is going to get extra crunchy, extra fast!
Perfect Tortilla TV commercial
Let’s take a closer look at the Perfect Tortilla TV commercial and see how the product is selling itself into our homes. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
Zoomies (Hands-Free Binoculars) – A Marketing Review
We’ve all been in situations where sometimes our own eyes need a little bit of extra help.
Whether you’re out bird watching, in the cheap seats at a sporting event or concert, or just spying on your neighbors and seeing who exactly is dumping their trash inside of your trash cans, it helps to really see what’s happening. That’s where optics such as binoculars or telescopes come into play. Using a set of lenses and prisms, devices like binoculars can help you magnify distant items so you can see it better with your own eyes.
But what if you don’t want to hold a set of binoculars against your eyes? That can be a lot of work, especially if you’re using them at a ball game.
Isn’t there a cheaper or perhaps even a half-assed way of trying to improving your vision without using a pair of binoculars?
Zoomies website —
Believe it or not, but a product called Zoomies (yes, it’s really called Zoomies) tries to solve that exact problem. This is an optical product designed to look and be worn like a pair of glasses, but it functions similar to a set of low-magnification binoculars.
Zoomies TV commercial
Let’s take a closer look at the advertisement for Zoomies and see just how it’s being sold to us, the general public.
Zoomies TV commercial – See that kid waaaaay out there? I think he’s picking his nose!
A day at the park turns to frustration when you spot something in the distance, but it’s just too far away for you to see clearly. That could have been Bigfoot walking past some big rocks, but since you didn’t see jack squat because of your lack of binoculars, you’ll forever wonder just what it was that you saw while out in the forest. Great. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
SeatPets (Stuffed Animal Pillow For Seatbelts) – A Marketing Review
The afternoon sun is bearing down as Junior finally disembarks from the school bus.
Waiting with the other parents at the bus stop, you give him a wave once he’s finally off the bus. The kid lugs his backpack ten steps towards you before you break off your conversation with the woman who lives down the street, and you carry Junior’s backpack for him the rest of the way to the car. The two of you buckle up for the harrowing (more or less) ride from the bus stop to the house itself, roughly five hundred feet away.
Just like taking Junior to and from the school bus stop, the kid complaining about the car ride has also become of your daily routine during the school year. One moment he’s uncomfortable with the seatbelt and the next he’s tired and wants to nap and then he’s bored and wants a toy. It’s a never-ending cycle with the kid.
And this is just a quick trip up and down the neighborhood’s streets. Car trips to further destinations such as the grocery store or soccer field are even worse. You’ve tried cranking the volume on the radio and drowning the kid’s complaining, but he learned to yell right through your music.
Oh, if only there was a way to keep Junior quiet for these car rides, whether it’s for a ride down the street or across town.
SeatPets website —
What’s this? A SeatPet? Is that like a fancy seatbelt or something?
SeatPets TV commercial
Actually, SeatPets are more like seatbelt accessories for kids. It looks like a stuffed animal that also functions as a pillow and supposedly keeps the kiddies amused and entertained during car rides. Let’s take a closer look at the commercial and see how the SeatPet is being advertised to us, the general public. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
Digi-Tech Converter (Video Capture Device) – A Marketing Review
There’s an old box collecting dust upstairs in the attic.
Hoping for some previously lost jewelry, a wad of cash, or anything else valuable, you lift open the lid and peek inside of the box. Inside is a different kind of treasure —- home movies. You pull out VHS tape after VHS tape, examining the titles and fondly remembering the events that were recorded so many years ago.
Downstairs in a closet is an old VCR. You pull it out and manage to connect all the cables to your fancy HDTV. Holding your breath and saying a silent prayer, you gently press the power button on the front of the console. It works! Well, for now at least. You pop in a VHS tape and watch in awe as memories from the past are present once again.
You got lucky with finding the old VHS tapes along with a working VCR. Now it’s time to preserve those previous lost memories for future years. The only question is how to do so.
Once option is to send all your VHS tapes to a third party company and pay for them to convert the VHS tapes to DVDs. It’s easy and out of your hands, but you may have to pay a steep price for that kind of service.
Another option is to buy one of those VHS and DVD burner players. Those are somewhat expensive, but it’s easy to play a VHS tape and directly burn it to a DVD. Keep in mind that you also need a bunch of blank DVDs for this option.
How about using that fancy laptop of yours to digitally convert the VHS tapes? Don’t you need like really fancy software or an expensive video capture card to make it work? Isn’t it also really complicated and technical, practically requiring a Bachelor’s degree from Georgia Tech just to set up the software?
Digi-Tech Converter website —
What’s this? The Digi-Tech Converter? Are you saying that a simpleton like myself can easily transfer old VHS tapes onto my computer for sharing online or burning onto a DVD?
Digi-Tech Converter TV commercial
Let’s take a closer look at the Digi-Tech Converter advertisement and see just how it’s being sold to us, the general public. Hopefully we won’t spot any flaws or inconsistencies along the way. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
Cafe Cup (Reuseable Coffee K-Cup) – A Marketing Review
Another day, another cup of coffee. Yawn.
Stepping out of the hot shower, you cannot wait for that first cup of coffee. Thoughts of the steaming hot, deliciously roasted flavor flow through your mind as you quickly dress for work. Downstairs in the kitchen, your prized morning drink is waiting.
Rather, the drink will be waiting once you prepare it in your fancy Keurig, single-cup coffee machine. Ripping open a K-Cup, you can’t help but wonder if there’s a cheaper way of having a cup of coffee. Those K-Cups may give you a lot of variety, but they do add up in cost over time. You place the K-Cup into the single-serving coffee machine and press the button, watching in awe as the machine starts working its magic.
“I also wonder if there’s a more environmentally friendly way of having my cup of coffee as well,” you mention out loud to nobody in particular. “Every other month I can fill a small trash can with these empty K-Cups. There’s got to be a better way!“
And then it hits you like a ton of bricks. Just last night you saw a TV commercial for just such a product that may save you some money AND be slightly better for the environment.
Cafe Cup website —
It’s the Cafe Cup! Just such a product might be the answer to your K-Cup and single-cup coffee machine woes.
Let’s take a closer look at the Cafe Cup and see how it’s being advertised to us, the general public. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
Tummy Stuffers (stuffed animal storage bag) – A Marketing Review
Little Sally’s bedroom looks atrocious as her toys and clean clothes are scattered across the bed and on the floor.
It’s obvious that she refuses to listen and instead chooses to “decorate” her room as she pleases, despite knowing your objections to the clutter. Perhaps if there was a more creative way for the girl to clean her room and store her stuff, then the child’s bedroom might be closer to what one would refer to as “liveable” or perhaps even orderly.
Should the child stuff everything into a dresser or even the closet? No, that solution would probably work fine if said child was organized, but remember we’re also looking for a solution that’s fun. Most kids will tell you that being organized is not nearly as fun as their parents tell them. It ranks up there with homework and other chores.
How about cramming a bunch of crap into stuffed animals (or rather “unstuffed” animals) and calling that a storage container?
Wait. What?
Tummy Stuffers website —
According to something called the Tummy Stuffer, that’s exactly what kids can do these days. They can literally stuff a bunch of items, preferably soft items, into a plush animal, and use that as a storage device.
As disturbing as it sounds, that’s exactly how the Tummy Stuffers stuffed animals work. The incredibly simple TV commercial explains it all.
Tummy Stuffers TV commercial
Let’s take a closer look at the TV commercial for Tummy Stuffers and see how the product is being advertised to the public.
Tummy Stuffers TV commercial – Watch as the monkey eats the cow!
The Tummy Stuffers commercial begins with a quick animation showing something resembling a monkey eating the product’s logo. After that we see a girl putting several small stuffed animals, and even a plush cow, into her monkey Tummy Stuffer.
That’s right. She’s stuffing animals into the “stomach” of a monkey. Maybe next week she’ll try stuffing a toy into a younger sibling’s stomach and seeing if that works too. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
WaxVac (earwax removal tool) – A Marketing Review
Lately you’ve noticed that your hearing is slightly off, like somebody has been turning down the volume.
Those belches and sounds of flatulence by your mischievous co-workers are now going unnoticed by you. Having a conversation is also a little more difficult as you keep finding yourself asking for people to speak louder or repeat themselves.
One day you discover that your hearing problem is caused from the excessive build up of earwax in your ear canal. It’s nothing serious. The only question is how to safely remove the earwax without causing damage to your eardrum or ear canal. Cotton swabs have been around for ages and many people use them to clean their ears, but when used incorrectly the swabs could push the earwax further into the ear canal, putting pressure on the eardrum and causing pain and misery.
If you remove cotton swabs from the equation, is there an alternate way to safely clean the earwax from one’s ear canals?
What’s this? The WaxVac?
WaxVac website —
That’s right! You remember seeing the TV commercial for the WaxVac just the other night.
WaxVac TV commercial
Let’s take a closer look at the WaxVac TV commercial and see how it’s being sold to us, the general public. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
Rabbit TV (Free Online TV Service) – A Marketing Review
It’s another Thursday night and the programming on television is unbelievably bad.
We’re talking so bad that you and the kids are about to take up hobbies such as star gazing, building model airplanes, or taking up the incredibly uncool art of reading books and magazines. Yeah, things are that lame on TV right now.
While flipping through the TV guide for the fourth time in less than ten minutes, you can’t help but wonder if there’s any way you can make the evening more lively. You already subscribe to a TV channel package with over 200 choices, including some premium movie channels, but there has got to be a better way of entertaining yourself.
And for free, too.
This is the Internet Age for crying out loud! Everything should be free to access, right? Hell yeah!
What’s this?
Rabbit TV website —
The Rabbit TV?
You mean I don’t have to pay to watch the same crappy shows that I’m paying for right now? I can access them for FREE? And it’s legal, too?!? The Internet police aren’t going to throw me in jail? Holy cow!
Rabbit TV – TV commercial
Let’s take a closer look at the Rabbit TV commercial and see how this product is being advertised to the general public. Is this a scam or a useful product? Let’s try to figure out if it’s legitimate. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
InstaBulb (instant light bulb) – A Marketing Review
The other night, my girlfriend and I experienced a power outage from a thunderstorm. There was a loud pop outside when suddenly half the neighborhood went dark. The power wasn’t restored until nearly two hours later.
As we were sitting in the living room, reading books with the help of candle light and watching the impressive display of lightning continue outside, I couldn’t help but think back to a TV commercial that I saw a little while ago. The TV commercial was for the InstaBulb, a battery-operated light bulb that you can mount anywhere you need a little bit of extra light.
InstaBulb website —
Before we continue, check out the TV commercial for InstaBulb.
InstaBulb TV commercial
Did you catch anything suspicious in the TV commercial? Not outrageous or exaggerated (that happens as well), but something suspicious.
Let’s take a closer look at the InstaBulb and see if the marketers are trying to scam the general public. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial
Light Angel (Motion Detector LED Light) – A Marketing Review
Does your home have dark spaces that could use a little bit of extra light?
How about adding a motion detector light for extra security around the front and back door?
Many homes could legitimately use some extra lighting, whether it’s for personal preference or extra safety or better home security. Having a licensed electrician installing a light is the best way to go, but that can also be expensive depending on your circumstances. So if you need extra lighting and cannot afford to have it professionally installed, what are you supposed to do?
Light Angel website —
The battery-operated, motion detecting LED light called the Light Angel claims to be such a solution for people in need of extra lighting around their home. This light is brought to you by the same pitchman, Anthony Sullivan, and the same marketing company as the InstaBulb.
Light Angel TV commercial
Did you catch all of the false and misleading advertising in that commercial? Let’s take a closer look at the Light Angel advertisement and see how this can almost certainly be called a scam. Read more…
Categories: as-seen-on-TV Tags: as-seen-on-TV, marketing, marketing review, TV commercial